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nigerian dies cardiac arrest UK


Nigerian Dies Of Cardiac Arrest In UK Days After Securing High Paying NHS Job: RIP Damola Ilesanmi

nigerian dies cardiac arrest UK

Breaking News: Nigerian Damola Ilesanmi Dies of Cardiac Arrest Days After Securing Prestigious NHS Job

Nigerian Dies Of Cardiac Arrest In UK Days After Securing High Paying NHS Job: RIP Damola Ilesanmi

Bradford UK based Nigerian International student Damola Ilesanmi, a promising young IT professional, passed away suddenly on June 6, 2024, due to a cardiac arrest. Damola‘s untimely death came just days after he had secured a high-paying and prestigious job with the NHS UK, where he was scheduled to start on June 7, 2024.

Damola had recently graduated from the University of Bradford and had worked tirelessly to build a bright future for himself and his family. He had relocated to the UK from Nigeria in 2020, with hopes of creating a better life. His hard work and dedication paid off when he received the coveted job offer from the NHS, which he proudly announced on his LinkedIn page. The news was met with over 54 congratulatory messages from friends and associates who were excited for his new journey.

damola ilesanmi

Friends describe Damola as a friendly and selfless individual who always put the comfort and well-being of others ahead of his own. His unexpected passing has left a significant void in the lives of those who knew and cherished him. Damola leaves behind a loving wife, two young children, and a community of friends and colleagues who are deeply saddened by his loss.

Damola’s story is one of ambition, hard work, and a tragic end. After years of studying to become a Project Manager, he was finally on the brink of starting a new chapter in his career when he was struck by a sudden cardiac arrest. The news of his passing has shocked and saddened the community, both in the UK and Nigeria.

Friends and colleagues have come together to support Damola’s family during this difficult time. They have opened a GoFundMe page to help cover the costs of his funeral and memorial services. The page, titled “Donate for Burial and Memorial of Damola Ilesanmi,” can be found at GoFundMe. The goal is to raise enough funds to give Damola a proper farewell and to support his family as they navigate this devastating loss.

Damola’s LinkedIn post announcing his new job is now filled with messages of condolences and tributes. Friends, colleagues, and even strangers have expressed their shock and sadness at his sudden passing. One friend wrote, “Damola was one of the kindest and most hardworking individuals I have ever met. His dedication to his work and his love for his family were truly inspiring. He will be greatly missed.”

Another colleague shared, “I had the privilege of working with Damola on several projects. He was always professional, dedicated, and a joy to work with. His passing is a huge loss to all who knew him.”

The University of Bradford, where Damola recently graduated, also issued a statement expressing their condolences. “We are deeply saddened by the news of Damola Ilesanmi’s passing. He was a bright and talented student who had a promising future ahead of him. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family during this difficult time.”

Damola’s family has requested privacy as they grieve their loss. They have expressed their gratitude for the outpouring of support and love from the community. “We are overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity shown to us during this difficult time. Damola was a loving husband and father, and we will miss him dearly,” said his wife.

As the community mourns the loss of Damola Ilesanmi, they are also reminded of the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing every moment with loved ones. His passing has brought people together in a shared sense of grief and support, highlighting the impact he had on those around him.

In the wake of this tragedy, it is important to remember the legacy that Damola leaves behind. His dedication to his family, his hard work, and his selfless nature are qualities that will be remembered by all who knew him. While his life was cut short, his memory will continue to live on in the hearts of those he touched.

The GoFundMe page for Damola’s funeral and memorial services is a testament to the love and respect that the community has for him. The funds raised will help ensure that he is given a proper farewell and that his family is supported during this challenging time.

As we remember Damola, let us also remember to hold our loved ones close and to appreciate the time we have with them. May Damola’s soul rest in peace, and may his family find strength and comfort in the love and support of the community.

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  1. kinky kemi

    June 10, 2024 at 3:48 AM

    I don’t know what all of them are doing in the UK. The people in the UK see you as threat because you are taking over all their jobs due to your competitive nature. I wish every Nigerian can know that their lives is in danger anywhere they are especially those in top IT fields.
    I read the story of the Agbaje man who died 2 weeks ago, I also read that of a lady who died in Calgary Alberta.
    All of them died of Cardiac arrest and all of them are in IT. Can you people connect the dots.

  2. Sonekan Olubunmi

    June 11, 2024 at 8:55 PM

    Poor guy RIP. Another JAPA casualty. I believe you will still be alive if you had stayed back in Nigeria. Let us all stop running to where God did not send us.

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