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Nigerian Muslim Lady, Law Student Banned From Call To Bar Ceremony For Wearing Hijab Under Wig

muslim lady wears hijab under wig at call to bar ceremony banned

December 14, 2017 – Nigerian Muslim Lady, Law Student Not Called To Bar For Wearing Hijab To Ceremony

Brilliant Muslim Law Student Banned From Call To Bar Ceremony For Wearing Hijab Under Wig

Meet Zainab Amasa Firdaus, a young law student who was supposed to be called to bar in Abuja yesterday the 13th of December 2017, sadly, she was sent away from the ceremony because she wore an unacceptable outfit.

Though it was clearly stated in the letter sent to all her mates that religious outfits are not allowed but due to her religious belief, she moved against the set rule.

Her friend, Ruqayah Atinuke RAHMON took to Instagram yesterday to express her dissatisfaction by the way Sister Zainab was treated at the Call to bar ceremony.

See her IG post and comments it generated below.

She will have to follow the permitted dress code if she wishes to practise law in Nigeria.

As a matter of fact, lawyers are not permitted to wear Hijab to court room.

May be Zainab is in a wrong profession.



  1. Hammed

    December 15, 2017 at 7:36 AM

    I don’t see why people are talking about this a big issue because as far as I’m concern your religion should not be mixed with ur profession. U know the rules yet you go against It all in the name of religion ? Pls!!!!!

  2. Dos

    December 15, 2017 at 2:55 PM

    they banned her not because of the religious dressing. but because the dressing don’t correlate with the laid down rule of law as for as nigeria is concerned. abi can someone put on a native attire to a job interview!!

  3. DB

    December 15, 2017 at 3:56 PM

    It seems she omitted the dressing part from her course of study. If she was barred then why did the Osun judge allow d use of hijab among pupils in Osun afterall schools also have a dress code? Once there is a dress code and you choose to be a part of such, it should never be flouted under any guise. Isnt ds contradictory? Nigeria is a very confused state

  4. Tamedo

    December 15, 2017 at 8:03 PM

    They are missing the point here, don’t you all think allowing everyone called to bar in Nigeria to wear a piece of item that identifies with their religious believe will make the ceremony look like a gathering of circus clowns? where is the sense of uniformity?
    Besides, Islam is not the only religion in Nigeria, and if there is currently no provision or recognition for any form of religious outfit in the constitution of the Nigerian Law School an independent institution, then the argument holds no water.
    Being called to bar is not a right, but a privilege. You either abide by the dress code set by Law School or where your religious outfit at home.

  5. Davidson opsay

    December 15, 2017 at 10:29 PM

    The major problem of this country is religion, we are too religious and at the same time we are the number one in committing crimes. For God sake this is an act of disobedience which is a sin and she deserved more than that.

    • uzoma

      December 16, 2017 at 6:31 PM

      Thank you Davidson. Let the truth be told.

  6. Mon

    December 16, 2017 at 4:40 AM

    Despite the fact that Nigeria is already a lawless Nation, but this is all about following simple instruction,just for few hours and you can continue with your religious or cultural attire….now it seems she is claiming to be a victim of religious bias or what?….what is actually wrong with black race?

  7. Daniel

    December 16, 2017 at 5:27 AM

    please tell her to wear Agbada for the call to bar programme since you are the only one who knows about freedom of worship and mixes it up with clear instructions.

  8. Prime

    December 16, 2017 at 7:37 AM

    She and her supporters are all fools that while Nigeria can never be better because of this kind of stupids broke the law and still claiming to be a victim IMBECILE.

  9. fifelomo

    December 16, 2017 at 10:26 AM

    Is she above the law? For the mere facts that it was stated clearly in the letter given to everyone that religious outfits aren’t accepted why would she play dumb?

  10. Yusuf

    December 16, 2017 at 10:30 AM

    she follows God’ instruction and abandoned man order but yet people accusing her of doing so. of course they adore world package over God. being call to bar is not important than following God command. She will be successful in hereafter and unsuccessful in this world. And you people be successful here because u didn’t belief in hereafter. Muslims doesn’t favor world over God but u did bcs ur religion is full of dance, sing and other devils’ acts. As u didn’t follows ur bible and follows ur pastors and their orthodox, surely they are driving u to hellfire. We are being drives to God’s path by right people

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