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Only A Selfish Goodluck Jonathan Will Run For 2015 Reelection, He Has Failed Nigerians By Kenny

president jonathan 2015 campaign office

June 12, 2014 – Only A Selfish Goodluck Jonathan Will Run For 2015 Reelection, He Has Failed Nigerians By Omokehinde

My main concern about Nigerian situations is not our criminal politicians but Nigerian people (electorate) who doesn’t know their rights in a democratic setting. Some of our good people believe that elected officials are the bosses of the people who elect them to their various offices. In a true democracy, the people’s voices through their votes is the most powerful weapon to bring any politician on his or her knees and forced them to do what they are elected to do in the first place. But in our false democracy, our criminal politicians know that people’s voices or votes does not matter. This is why a great failure like president Goodluck Jonathan is campaigning for his third term in office come 2015.

Someone argued that Goodluck Jonathan should not be held accountable for the 243 missing school children for the past two months. What a shame! The president is the commander in Chief of Nigerian armed forces and his main duty is to protect lives and properties of all Nigerian people in respective of their tribes, geographic region – north or south, language, religion or culture. Any president who can not guarantee adequate security for his or her citizens doesn’t fit for the highest position in the nation. For that reason alone, president Goodluck Jonathan does not qualify for reelection. Do you think this stupid, most incompetent president ever will be campaigning and dancing if any of his abducted children is kidnapped by Boko Haram terrorists? Jonathan is a disappointment to himself and Nigerian people from north to south of the country. Nigeria will become a mess if he is allowed to rig the 2015 general election.

Another important reason why this do-nothing president should never have run again for reelection next year is his failure to elevates people poverty and improve Nigerian economy. Late Sanni Abacha ruled Nigeria for almost six without adding kobo to the prices of petrol and kerosene during his years in office. If anybody is in doubt, do your research. President Goodluck did not tell Nigerian people before the 2011 general election that when reelected he will hiked the prices of petroleum products. Just two months after he was reelected in 2011, he increased the prices of petrol and kerosene by 75 % in a single day and send out the military to humiliate angry protesters in many cities of the country. People do we have short memories that we have forgotten about so many of our fellow citizens that died protesting the fuel hike in 2011? As a result of that increase, the prices of food products have sky rocketed in our various markets, transportation costs become unavoidable to poor and suffering masses, unemployment rate among our able youths is at alarming state, and accommodations cost is nothing to talk about. Who knows what is next if this criminal president rig the general election results to favor himself next year. I’m afraid of what become of Nigeria if this low mentality president force his will on Nigerians through election manipulations in 2015. Jonathan himself know that it is impossible for him to win the 2015 election in a free and fair manner.

In addition to Goodluck economy failure, on his watch as our unable president, more than 50,000 innocent Nigerian people have been murdered by Boko Haram terrorists. The most craziest of it all is that he is clueless on how to dismantle and destroy this terror group. How many more blood would this president sacrifice to the devil for him to remain in power? May be one million precious Nigerian lives in his third term in office. Remember this idiot was dancing and campaigning in Kano state that same day Boko Haram terrorists killed about 70 Nigerian people in Abuja few months ago.

Moreover, president Goodluck Ebele Jonathan records of corruption, mismanagement, and abuse of power automatically disqualify him as a candidate for the 2015 election. Why? Recently in New York City, former U.S secretary of state – Hillary Clinton confirmed that this president had embezzled so much of our oil money and he is directly or indirectly aiding corruption in Nigeria. This is a serious statement from an honorable woman who may become American president one day. Hillary Clinton is no PDP or APC, neither is she Hausa, Igbo or Yoruba. She and the U.S government have classified information about criminal Jonathan and his corrupt practices ever since he became our unable president. This is a corrupt president who said that looting of our national treasury by politicians should not be called corruption but common stealing. If anybody in doubt, please go and watch his last interview on Utube.

The most crucial argument against this criminal president is that his administration only benefits criminal politicians, the rich and the mighty in the society. But his policies have added more hardship to the lives of already suffering masses regardless of their tribes, faith, language and culture. This president has nothing to show for been the president of Nigeria for five years except for inflation, insecurity, corruption, mass murder of innocent Nigerians, and economy failure. It baffled me that a shameless president like him is even thinking of running for office again next year. These Nigerian politicians are shameless, heartless, wicked, and selfish people who are the best in the world at looting their national treasury. Jonathan’s Administration is the worse in Nigerian history, and it will never stands the test of time because his government is not benefiting the electorate.

Finally, some people will cast their precious votes based on religion, tribe, or language. But those patriotic Nigerian people will surely cast their precious votes based on the candidates competency, on their records, based on their experience, based on their characters and base on their integrity. Nigeria our beloved nation is in critical moment and we need to choose the next president wisely for our good and that of many generations to come. President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan had failed all Nigerian people from north to south of the country, and we can’t allow his madness to continue. Let us vote for a president who takes citizen’s safety his first priority; a man who is fearless that will destroy all activities of the evil Boko Haram, and a man of integrity that will not fail us like this president. A word is more than enough for the wise.

[Article Authored By OmoKehinde]

The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of



  1. Timilehin Oniru

    June 12, 2014 at 4:46 AM

    Badluck jonathan can only win if the election is rigged and I think they will do something like that.
    I urge Nigerians to vote him out.

  2. Rethink

    June 12, 2014 at 5:47 AM

    The author is a progress lover. May GOD reward you abundantly for this admonition and wake-up-open-your-eyes clarion call. May GOD deliver us from the hands of badluck.

  3. Shakur

    June 12, 2014 at 6:08 AM

    My follow nigerian pls. Don’t let pdp party remain rulin us in nigeria any more.because they are a failure

  4. olamide

    June 12, 2014 at 6:30 AM

    Oga writer do u wnt to contest, come out fully ok!!! goodluck for life.
    I personally wil vote for him………..

  5. olamide

    June 12, 2014 at 6:35 AM

    goodluck Is working……… Oga writer do u wnt to contest? can u do more than him?abeg free thé story jare!!!!!!!!!
    i personally will vote for him.

  6. olamide

    June 12, 2014 at 6:44 AM

    goodluck Is working……Oga writer do u wnt to contest? can You do better than him? abeg free thé story jare………

    • MKO

      June 12, 2014 at 8:38 AM

      Why the rhetoric? You don’t have to keep repeating to make a point, if you actually have one. Learn from other people comments

  7. Bisi jimmy

    June 12, 2014 at 6:44 AM

    Thumps up for the writer u have said it all those that have ears let them hear.Jonathan must be voted out.

  8. bezo

    June 12, 2014 at 6:58 AM

    jonathan is the best president in the history of Nigeria take it or leave it

  9. Adeniyi

    June 12, 2014 at 7:05 AM

    Jonathan has failed Nigerian, PDP has ruined Nigerian..Subsidy saga is enof to pursue dis inhuman presido..We Nigerian should shine our eyes dis coming election cos he s ready to win by all cost but God pass him

  10. Adeniyi

    June 12, 2014 at 7:16 AM

    Olamid,.Ur Uncle Jonathan is really workng by impossing subsidy on poor masses, encouraging corruption, wasted students time during strike, Campaigning when more than 70 innocent people died in his territory and now chibok girl..Shame on both of you

  11. Cuterose

    June 12, 2014 at 7:49 AM

    Wow! Wat sweet saying i like dis pls my fellow Nigerian lets join hands n vote BadLuck out of d seat n vote in d right person or a capable hand dat wil put a fool-stop to all dis happening to Nigeria mostly issue of d hopeless bokoharam waisting lives n useing our girls d way dey are doing.

  12. Victor

    June 12, 2014 at 7:59 AM

    Oga writer, what do u know about leadership. To be frank, if they put u in that Presidential seat, u will be worse. Go and sit down and stop seeking unnecessary attention. Goodluck is the right man for Nigeria. Take it or leave it.

  13. ms.s.

    June 12, 2014 at 8:35 AM

    selfsented and incompetent president in Nigerian history, if Nigerian’s elect him againt the will suffer,cry and they will experience more inscurity.

  14. Golden princess.

    June 12, 2014 at 9:17 AM


  15. OBY

    June 12, 2014 at 9:53 AM

    Our wonderful president Jonathan is the best Nigeria has ever seen, and it does not matter if u see it or not. those our innocent brothers and sisters that died because of boko haram died because some ppl do not want our president to remain as president and they are doing every thing possible to distract him but they are not God and you are busy using the work of the evil does against our president. I pity u . if u feel that this evil should win and become your next president U ARE ON YOUR OWN. If I where u I will pray for Nigeria and the president of this Great Nation.

  16. Princess uk.

    June 12, 2014 at 10:07 AM

    Timilehin,Adeniyin,shakur and co, u hv ur mouth just use it as u like o! It’s a free world. But rember 4 wit dsame measure dat ye mete withal it shall be measured 2 u luke 6:38, whom God bless No man can curse. Take it or leave it President Jonathan is d best president nigerians hv ever gotten. What is happening now has bn written even b4 Jonathan, u and i were born. Go and read d book of Mattew 24:1-end, vrse 7 of it says nation wil rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom……8 says all dis are the beginning of d terrors 2 come, mind u dat more of boko haram is coming bcos God’s words stands firm dat notin can shake it Mattew 24:35. So dnt tink that what is happening is Jonathan’s fault, NO it’s not. All this is happining bcos men turned back on God and follow false doctrins. Not even u or me can stop d terrors only God can. So stop calling Jonathan names and wastinh ur time gossiping against ur president, just pray to God 4 forgivness, mercy, grace and restoration of His peace in Nigerian. As 4 d the writer, he is noting but a compound confused man dat needs enlitment in leadership. If he is opprtune to b in dat seat he will do notin, bcos he has no power stop terror but only God has. I remain my humble self Princess uk Okoro (De engr.). May d good GOD hv mercy unpon us.

  17. Emma

    June 12, 2014 at 10:19 AM

    Kenny or writer…Since u know all dis about Jonathan,,why not come out so dat we vote u in,,bkos i know u will give us a dividence of democracy…..what u do wit ur precious time is to keep bad record and leave d gud ones behind,,why didnt u talk about ur Big Uncle Obasanjo or dont u have his record….If u dont know what to say u better keep ur mouth shut…..Take it or leave it Jonathan will rule Nigeria com 2015 or Nigeria will divide….either of d two will happen

  18. Princess uk.

    June 12, 2014 at 10:19 AM

    Timilehin,Adeniyin,shakur and co, u hv ur mouth just use it as u like o! It’s a free world. But rember 4 wit dsame measure dat ye mete withal it shall be measured 2 u luke 6:38, whom God bless No man can curse. Take it or leave it President Jonathan is d best president nigerians hv ever gotten. What is happening now has bn written even b4 Jonathan, u and i were born. Go and read d book of Mattew 24:1-end, vrse 7 of it says nation wil rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom……8 says all dis are the beginning of d terrors 2 come, mind u dat more of boko haram is coming bcos God’s words stands firm dat notin can shake it Mattew 24:35. So dnt tink that what is happening is Jonathan’s fault, NO it’s not. All this is happining bcos men turned back on God and follow false doctrins. Not even u or me can stop d terrors only God can. So stop calling Jonathan names and wastinh ur time gossiping against ur president, just pray to God 4 forgivness, mercy, grace and restoration of His peace in Nigerian. About d chibok girls every one is blame d president; hw about d d governor of d state who refuse 2 do as d president instructed 2 move those writing waec 2 anoda state. Instead he asured d students if adqat security wch he never provide?i tink u hv 2 read in between two walls, by askin ur wise self dis simple qustn ” why did d govrnor refused 2 move those writing Waec 2 anoda state as d President instructed in dis case of chibok gisrl? As 4 d the writer, he is noting but a compound confused man dat needs enlitment in leadership. If he is opprtune to b in dat seat he will do notin, bcos he has no power stop terror but only God has. I remain my humble self Princess uk Okoro (De engr.). May d good GOD hv mercy unpon us.

  19. Myles

    June 12, 2014 at 11:13 AM

    Gej will win……the more u criticize d more he is becoming popular…. I personally will vote 4 him..

  20. Desaia is Back

    June 12, 2014 at 11:27 AM

    Honestly am really confused for hrt really beat each I
    see those ruling Her right now, also wen I see that these pple parading themselves as apc that that are all the same, I tremble with fear.
    All my Hope was that apc wil front
    fresh ppl like Rochas okoro ocha, Amechi of river state or Fashola that has good hrt for their citizens as their presidential candidate.
    Only for me to wake up and realise that it is one wicked buhari
    to be their candidate.
    I know jonathan is WEAK, but instead of me voting any Northerner back to power again, let jonathan continue

  21. henihade

    June 12, 2014 at 11:28 AM

    Olamide or wat is ur name called.I see that badluck jonathan has given u some money if u dont now wat to say then shut up u stinking mouth.mtcheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew and hissssssssssssssssssssssss.ABOKI

  22. Peculiar

    June 12, 2014 at 12:15 PM

    Do u tink it s easy 2 rule human beings; i always tell people it’s easier & beta 2 rule animals n d zoo dan 2 rule humans. If any of u tink u can do beta dan him, y not contest come 2015. Afterall, it was d same people dat said dey will make dis country ungovernable 4 jonathan that s still suffering it 2day. Dia s power n spoken words. Even if he wants 2 rule 20 times, only God decides who rules okay.

  23. chinyere

    June 12, 2014 at 12:16 PM

    Well done writer,u can go n collect ur money but listen all these things happening is to frustrate Goodluck, see stands and remain the best president we ve ever had.u only speak of the bad things that was planed to happen in other to bring him down,what about the things he did right,we don’t only need the president to make the country good u mr writer tell what impact u ve made for the betterment of this beloved country. Come 2015 HE WILL HAVE MY VOTE. Simple!

  24. pretti

    June 12, 2014 at 1:19 PM

    You dnt ave a choice,because Goodluck Ebele Jonathan must go, whether u vote him or not. Niger Delta is fully behind Him. k

  25. Nk Gwarzo

    June 12, 2014 at 1:40 PM

    Jonathan must go!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its time for a new Nigeria lets come together and vote him out great Nigerians.

  26. faihi

    June 12, 2014 at 1:41 PM

    Adeniyi,ur claims r baseless,every1 seems to have issues wit every president dat has ever ruled this country,we seem 2 av a very clear idea on how Nigeria shud be ruled nd hw d chibok girls shud be found,nd we 4get d main things.i for one don’t support GEJ comin out for pre,but dat doesn’t mean we shud start exagerrating things,nd let’s not 4get dats GEJ hasn’t known peace oin dat office frm d very dat,was it not after d swearin in dat bh started their wahala???,so pls wen we r castigating him let’s still do it wit small sense!!!

  27. mirrambetu

    June 12, 2014 at 1:49 PM

    Jonathan is our president take it or leave it.

  28. Lou

    June 12, 2014 at 6:10 PM

    Gej or no Gej, all we have to do is work our way out of our pains if possible. Not every thing is laid upon a president,we also got our parts to play such as abstain from violence,Pray for our country,work hand in hand towards unity n peace. U all talk of north alone,if u live in lagos state basically,akoka,otto,mushin n so on,I swear u’d wish u were never born with regards d occultic or tout war what so ever. May God almighty spare Nigeria n every place where trouble exists. Good God deliver us all.

  29. Lou

    June 12, 2014 at 8:00 PM

    Abeg remember Nigeria in prayer

  30. wiseone

    June 12, 2014 at 11:51 PM

    Olamide or whatever acronym you choose (cos I can bet that is not your real name, you must be a very wicked and insensitive creature like your president. Maybe if what happened to the chibok girls happens to you (if you are a woman) or your wife (if you are a man) or your sister or better still your daughter, then you will understand that the first and most important duty of the president of any country is to protect the citizens.

  31. madam s

    June 13, 2014 at 2:34 AM

    I think people are being very unfair. Let’s be honest Gej is a very corrupt president, I say this because I see the houses the soo called leaders own in the U.k. These people are living the good life and you waste your “data” writing on their behalf. Pls vote the right person 2015. Christian or Muslim president shouldn’t matter in politics. We want a better Nigeria. For how long do you want to be referred too as the corrupt nation. Wake up and smell the fresh coffee. The green passport is treated with disregard because of how corrupt Nigeria is.

  32. Ayiwule

    June 13, 2014 at 4:26 PM

    Naija which way? Dear author, pls run for presidency bcos I tink dat’s wat u want… GEJ all d way!!!!

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