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Photos: Oluwo Of Iwoland Pregnant Jamaican Wife Gives Birth To Baby Boy In Toronto Canada

oba adewale akanbi baby boy toronto

November 19, 2016 – Pictures: Oluwo Of Iwoland Oba Rasheed Adewale Akanbi’s  Pregnant Jamaican Queen Gives Birth To Baby Boy In Toronto Canada

Chanel Chin, Jamaican Woman Who Became A Nigerian Queen Delivers First Child For Oba Rasheed Adewale

King Rasheed Adewale welcomed a baby boy with his Jamaican wife on Thursday the 16th of November 2016 at an hospital in Toronto Canada.

The highly controversial king who abandoned his children and wife in Canada last year has named his son Oduduwa.

Oba Rasheed Adewale’s other children are still with his estranged wife in Toronto.

The alleged Cassanova King has two other children in Canada.



  1. Bok

    November 19, 2016 at 10:05 AM


  2. sola olaniyi

    November 19, 2016 at 10:51 AM

    Congrats to her

  3. Vanessa

    November 20, 2016 at 5:12 PM

    Congrats, God bless.

  4. Pendy

    November 29, 2016 at 6:14 PM

    Welcome his 9th child, he has Malik and Anjola Akanbi in Nigeria age 16 and 13 that’s he is not taking care of their mothers name is Jumoke. He has triplets for Fadida Williams that he has never seen since they where born in Nova Scotia Canada, ages 10. He also has Kenya Akanbi for Lynn Akanbi in Nova Scotia Canada. Then he has 2 boys for Asabe that he refuses to pay child support for after she fed him to be king. I also have his mug shot of when he was in jail in America with the name Segun Adeonigbagbe

  5. Tolu

    November 30, 2016 at 11:30 AM

    This man’s truths keeps coming out why didn’t Iwo research who they made an Oba. His a 419 his job was to collect money from people in Nigeria promising to buy them cars then he lies to them that the ship taking the car to Nigeria sinked at sea. Like Joke wrote in one of her post he met this chin girl in Nigeria through a mutual friend of theres. She’s also 419, all Nigerians here know her and have slept with her, we all know she and her friends get taken to Nigeria a lot to dupe people, they met in Nigeria and the fool married her. He his still a 419 now his just duping the Nigerian government.

  6. Yanni

    May 3, 2017 at 9:36 AM

    You people sef.
    Give us some evidence to back up all your stories.
    No photos of the “abandoned wife” and the many alleged children.
    No interviews. No links. NOTHING.At least, show us something.

  7. Truth

    May 23, 2017 at 9:35 PM

    Is there anything good this king has ever done??? Cos I heard he is been worshipped in his town


    June 15, 2017 at 12:36 PM


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