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Boko Haram Terrorists Plan To Destroy Nigeria But They Can’t Subdue Our Inner Strength

boko haram destroying nigeria

March 21st, 2013 – Boko Haram Terrorists Plan To Destroy Nigeria But They Can’t Subdue Our Inner Strength

Sometimes I wonder, but these days, I have been wondering per second.

Can Nigeria be happy with herself again? If Nigeria is not happy with herself, then can anybody or country be happy with her?

Why is this cycle of insecurity? Yet, the government keeps on selling to us through jingles and newspapers that there is no country in the world that is free from crisis. Claptrap! Does the government know that Boko Haram is destroying Nigeria like the v*ina of a female destroyed by bunch of r***sts?

Does our country now belong to the Organisation of Insecure Countries (OIC)? These perpetual killings of Nigerians in the north by Boko Haram, but most especially, the slow-destruction of Ndigbo in the country economical and otherwise, is largely irrelevant to the great struggle of our forebears.

It can be construed that this Boko Haram’s insensate struggle is a struggle against humanity. If not, how could a group that said it was against western education turned-out to be haters of humanity.

Is their hate for western education our fault? Why are they falling our people apart? Did we destroy their illusions? Conversely, Boko Haram should not see its potency in killing as capable of subduing our strength.

Boko Haram can only rage, but cannot bridle the rage of love in us.

Boko Haram has only succeeded in losing its members liberty, and makes them meet calamity the general way they have been introducing it to others. Boko Haram and its members and affiliates should know that they are travelling fast to destruction.

They think that their actions are fatal to our country, but I am too sure that they are cultivating their self-destruct.

About the author: Odimegwu Onwumere, Poet/Author, Rivers State, Mobile: +2348032552855. Email: [email protected]



  1. Charity Edigbine

    March 21, 2013 at 5:50 AM

    Nigerians ar peace lovin people n no grp of ppl cn destry us instead dey wil cotinu 2 destry dmselvs. Tnks 2 Mr Odimegwu Onwumere 4 wat he wrot.

  2. ifeanyi iyida

    March 21, 2013 at 6:05 AM

    This is d oppotunity 2 seperate 4rm dem umu-igbo

  3. mulikatcardoso

    March 21, 2013 at 6:57 AM

    We love western education,if other part dont want western education, let them rule theirself with boko harm sharia with thier own country with we and our oil money.but they forget the AK47 booms e.t.c they use to kill innocent people without western education and western world they cant made that not to say even telephone they use, animal in human sick.they are distorying the name of Islam, everybody are afried of anybody that is muslims,they now call islam is terro religion.

  4. Nkv

    March 21, 2013 at 7:37 AM

    This boko haram group say they are fighting in name of muslims . It is time muslims in this country denounce them .let their voice be heard,let them say ‘we have nothing to do with this,we don’t want this’ so we will know where we stand.

  5. Ckenzi

    March 21, 2013 at 9:21 AM

    Up there, they slaughter d Igbos. Down here, they r assured of no reprisal. How long shal dis insufferable plague be suffered? D truth is nigeria would disintegr8 somday soon. Neva mind wat som comformist loyalists say. North n south r not d same;neva been d same since dat greed-inspired amalgamation.

  6. Love

    March 21, 2013 at 11:00 AM

    The thing is hat

    1. All the sponsors of boko harams politically and religiously are in hiding

    2. Their children are safe in oversea countries enjoying themselves

    3. They are not losing any members of their own family at all because they plan and program the attacks together so, they in advance well inform their relatives and friends how to move safe daily

    4. The Boko harams are fast killing themselves inclusive of their purported enemies – the Christians and excluding their sponsors and mentors

    Therefore the question is this?

    Do the boko harams reason at all that their mentors are very wise yet foolish and they the boko harams are the most ignorant and foolish beings ever in existence

    How can someone gives me money to destroy myself, and he himself the sponsor has not done so for me to see as example

    The sponsors if truely they live God and hate humanity should as well die together with their slaves and staff- the boko harams . They should not hide. Let them come out openly and display their strength.

    The people they use in destroying and throw bombs are even better than this so called untouchable and unjudgable mentor senators that the Government of Jonathan has been protecting and shielding

    One thing is sure anyway. And that is, that the judgement of God is inescapable by all. Both mentors, Givernement that is hopelessly confused and the killers

    Nobody has right to take another man’s life. For all creations are of God and from Fod and unto God

    The hiding killers will die some day no matter how safe they play

    Let the North separate from Nigeria and let them serve and do whatever we will. It is not by force please

    We are fed up with all these shenanigans and the guns in Government

  7. Ckenzi

    March 21, 2013 at 11:47 AM

    Up there, they slaughter d Igbos. Down here, they r assured of no reprisal. How long shal dis insufferable plague be suffered? D truth is nigeria would disintegr8 somday soon. Neva mind wat som comformist loyalists say. North n south r not d same;neva been d same since dat greed-inspired amalgamation..

  8. Alanso

    March 21, 2013 at 7:14 PM

    let dem be careful bcoz if there try it again i will start my own

  9. Tony max

    March 21, 2013 at 8:59 PM

    What did the boko haram want

  10. Emma

    March 22, 2013 at 3:39 AM

    If i may say,judgement is of the Lord. To me,separating frm those beast shud be de best,since we(CHRISTIANS) and de muslims have a diverse thought,were some set of religion lyk the islam hv been so brain washed dat dey see noting good in development frm APE’s stage. We shud separate and let de muslims be to dem sef,and let the christians also be, so dat we can all live in peace.

  11. only man

    March 22, 2013 at 9:06 AM

    Judge bush forsaw dat come 2015,nigeria wil split. I belev dat. Bt our govt must do sum tin abt boko haram and their kilings,is geting 2u much.

  12. only man

    March 22, 2013 at 9:09 AM

    Seperation is the answer to this problems. Our govt must stand up and look into dis. Besides,judge bush forsaw dat nigeria will split before 2015. I knw it must surely come to pass. D muslin and their killing is getting to much. Be worned boko haram.

  13. Stanley ifeanyi

    March 22, 2013 at 9:17 AM

    There is no smoke without fire..The top government official in the north knw whos doing all this nd they should put a stop to it before there will be another civi war.PERIOD

  14. Jeo

    March 22, 2013 at 11:05 AM

    Nigerian we have stayed together as one for a very long time and I know after 30 years of independent country can seperate peacefully so why can’t we do just that hence this miss treatment and killing of our people. For me Nigeria is not save for nigerian so break up is the best option left can’t you see? God help we do it fast.

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