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How To Make Money From Blogging In Nigeria 2018-2019 & Monetize Your Blog (Complete Guide)

How To Make Money From Blogging In Nigeria

How to Make Money from Blogging in Nigeria: Guide To Monetizing Your Blog in Nigeria

Blogging involves all the activities in building your personal site which include publishing topically-related articles, reading posts on niche-related blogs, commenting on posts, outreaching to bloggers in your  niche, replying other people’s comments on your blog, guest posting, posting on forums, as well as getting links back to your blog.

You can make money from blogging so far the right tools and resources are available at your own disposal and proper training is given on how to go about it to become successful.

A lot of people finally gave up after months of publishing articles, yet, without earning a penny from their blogs. For example, a veteran blogger quit finally after he had published more than 1000 articles on his personal blog, giving up because he continued getting zero traffic despite all efforts put in place.

This veteran failed because he didn’t build his blog on solid and proven blogging fundamentals. He thought publishing articles was all that is required to become a successful blogger, whereas, it goes beyond that.

How To Become A Successful Blogger In Nigeria

To become a successful blogger, the following steps must be taken:

  • Launch a personal blog
  • Choose the WordPress blogging platform
  • Integrate your blog with the top WordPress SEO plugins such as the All-in-One SEO plugin, and others
  • Get high quality back links to your blog
  • Publish high quality guest posts on niche-related authority blogs
  • Build friendship with the top/pro bloggers in your niche
  • Leave valuable, attention-grabbing, and authentic comments on niche-related blogs
  • Connect to online influencers
  • Build engagement with your readers
  • Reply all the comments on your blog in less than 24 hours to build stronger relationships and grow your audience
  • Always craft attention-grabbing headlines for all of your content
  • Publish frequently while engaging visitors
  • Grow your social media network by helping people solve their problems
  • Promote and help pro bloggers by giving them free mentions in your blog posts and in comments
  • Get noticed by pros and build your search engine ranking fast
  • Earn cool and consistent revenue in a lifetime.

While starting out with a personal blog, you must prepare for the right mindset lest you quit after a few months. You must receive the right online entrepreneur certification training before you start working on your personal blog lest you shift your focus on something else in a short period of time.

You must emulate pros who fought the blogging battle for weeks, months, and years, and eventually won. You must learn from the authority bloggers who made it known that blogging is nothing but a battle, and for you to win this battle, you must be persistent, consistent, hardworking, and must build your blog on the blogging pillars.

We have among the winning pros today who earn hundreds of thousands daily from their personal blogs. Some of these pro bloggers had been into blogging, rocking their online empires for more than 10 years now. Most veteran struggling bloggers keep writing, yet without getting the traffic. And as a result of this, many have quit finally today without being a success.

Ways To Make Money From Blogging In Nigeria

Here are the fundamental ways to make money from blogging:

  1. Promote top affiliate companies
  2. Earn from Google Adsense
  3. Sell advertising space on your blog
  4. Offer tutoring services on your blog
  5. Offer freelancing services on your blog

Promote Top Affiliate Companies In Nigeria

Once you’ve begun to generate tons of traffic (Social media and organic traffic inclusive) on your blog, it’s time to monetize that blog by adding affiliate links to Amazon, eBay, BestBuy, and other independent affiliate marketing companies.

There are hundreds of affiliate marketing networks in the online world that you can promote once you’ve got the search engine ranking and traffic on your blog. If you’re passionate about blogging, you can really turn your little known blog into a multi-million dollar brand in no time and earn consistent revenue in the lifetime promoting self products and other people’s products.

The revenue potential of any search engine optimized blog is unlimited and yours can turn into this after a few months of building it consistently and persistently.

To get more affiliate networks to promote, search on Google using a related keyword for your search and promote products that are related to your niche in order to get better ranking in search engines.

How To Earn from Google Adsense In Nigeria

To most bloggers out there, Google Adsense revenue is a piece of cake as they only make extra $2000-$3000 a month from the Ads displayed on their blogs while they consistently earn hundreds of thousands from affiliate programs monthly.

However, for the veteran struggling bloggers who haven’t got much traffic to boost affiliate earnings on their blogs, Google Adsense would be a good source of revenue.

To get approved for Google Adsense, make sure you have created at least 10-14 articles of lengths 1500+ each with lots of comments. Once you’ve done this, submit your application and earnestly wait for your approval to start earning from the Ads on your site.

Sell Advertising Space on Your Blog In Nigeria

With the tons of traffic being generated on your blog daily, you could create another source of revenue by selling advertising spaces on your personal blog.

There are hundreds among the top bloggers who earn thousands from the advertising spaces sold on their personal blogs. To activate this on your blog, reserve spaces on the sidebar of your blog.

Offer Tutoring Services on Your Blog In Nigeria

Are you an expert in something? Then try and figure out from your pool of potentials, what you can teach others and earn a lot from.

Create a menu for online tutoring services on your main side bar or on the header menu to start earning from tutoring/coaching services on your blog.

Offer Freelancing Services on Your Blog In Nigeria

For your information, freelancing is what most newbie bloggers sort out for as a supplementary way to earn extra income while building out their blogs. Unfortunately, most freelancing platforms do not provide enough jobs for the writers and many people have become so frustrated.

If you can create an ideal freelancing job opportunity for the newbie and veteran struggling bloggers on your blog, a lot of people will step up quickly with their blogs and become rocking bloggers soonest.


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