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Cheating Husband: Woman Narrates Painful Experience With An Unfaithful Spouse

cheating husband nigeria

Feb 23, 2013 – Cheating Husband: Woman Narrates Painful Experience With A An Unfaithful Spouse

Hmmm my brothers and sisters
Living with a cheating spouse is one of the most heartbreaking experience onw can ever go through. I am in a 5 yr marriage with a man who sleeps with anyone or anything in skirts. In fact I suspect him with my neighbour’s wife and another of my neighbour’s wild daughter.He is also an alcoholic. I have contemplated leaving him so many times, but I keep praying for him to change. He doesn’t touch me for months in fact he moved to another room. He sleeps with prostitutes and strangers….I sometimes wonder if it were me who was irresponsible, of course he would have long divorced me and labeled me with the most un printable namenames. We have two children.

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  1. Egbe marvelous osas

    March 1, 2013 at 8:08 AM

    My dear sister, keep praying for him i believe he will change.All you need do is to be patience with him and have faith in God.God is faithful to bring to pass that which is commited to him. You should also check youself if you’re living up to his expectation, show him more love.

  2. Grace gathoni

    March 10, 2013 at 1:00 PM

    My dear continue trustg in da lord en praying i wil also assist you


    March 19, 2013 at 10:26 AM

    If u realy loves him u wil nt let him wat i mean iz dat u shud let god take it control atend service coz it a controlin spirit of whole and it has to b pray over ma sster

  4. seun

    March 19, 2013 at 6:26 PM

    I will advice u to quit the marriage b4 he gives u HIV/AIDS Or hypertension,not all men are irresponsible,if he fails to turn a new leaf,pls find a good alternative.

  5. gloria

    April 2, 2013 at 12:57 PM

    I would advise that u quit the marriage,so as to be safe from STD diseases or even HIV itself. Thank God u have kids, at least with this kids by your side, u are fulfilled to an extent. Think about your kids and how u can train them to be better children in the society. May God 4giv your husband, and help him come back to his senses and to u b4 it will be too late 4 him.

  6. Stephnie

    April 7, 2013 at 2:19 PM

    My dearest sister please keep praying for him i believe one day God will arrest him ok.

  7. temitope favour adebisi

    April 20, 2013 at 8:54 PM

    Dear sis all u need is God intervention in ur marriage n u should also be patience if no for anything atleast 4 d sake of ur child

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