Updated Jan 10, 2013 – Linda Ikeji Biography: Blog, Life History, Latest News & Gist For 2013
Linda Ikeji Blog is one of the top most visited Nigerian entertainment news blog of all times. She is so popular now that she has become a household name.
When it comes to blogging, Linda Ikeji has climax the best even though she started out modeling. Unfortunately, as the saying goes that nothing good comes easy, so did Linda Ikeji have it rough as she was growing up. There were all sorts of challenges coming the way of the highest paid Nigerian blogger. But she would not give up and continue to persevere.
Linda Ikeji blog owner had been saddled with the task of taking care of herself and fending for her family at a tender age of 17.
The talented Linda Ikeji blogspot blogger grew up from a very poor family with no silver spoon in her mouth and of course nobody to turn to for help. Instead, men would want to take advantage of her alluring beauty to make advances at her. Linda would not give in, she had vowed that she preferred to die than become the object of a “dump site” in the hands of any man. So, she resorted to doing all sorts of menial jobs to make a living, from ushering to being a waitress at a bar, to modeling all in her bid to survive the hard economic hardship. She pressed on with the struggle.
At a time when the Linda Ikeji was in her second year at the University of Lagos in year 2000, she had taken to occasionally modeling to support her education. Growing up was even more difficult then. Sometimes, she would miss lectures, go to the bar between 1pm to 10pm to sell beer. In spite of her pitiable condition, she had that burning desire to excel. She would want to succeed through sheer hardwork and on her own terms, rather than lose her dignity to any man.
Linda Ikeji is a millionaire who has made it big now particularly through her blogging business where she discusses so many areas of life. She talks about naija entertainment gist, celebrity gossips, fashion, news, pictures and events and so on.
She has thousands of followers on twitter and a jot more likes on Facebook.
Her naija entertainment gist fans just stick with her blog because it is one of the best ways to stay current on infos happening both home and abroad.
Linda Ikeji’s fame is not limited to just Nigeria, she is well known overseas too. Recently, she was featured on the prestigious Forbes magazine in the section that deals with Beauty and Brains, citing her as an epitome of the African woman who has taken the bull by the horn to prove that it’s not just a man’s world. Her zeal and passion for excellence are saluted.
Just as not everybody will get to like you no matter how outstanding you are, Linda Ikeji is not without her criticisms. One of the hazards of her naija entertainment gist profession which stems from blogging into top Nigerian celebrity’s personal life is that she has been the victim of many criticisms these days. Notable artists like Richard Mofe Damijo, popularly called RMD,JIM Iyke and a couple of other Nigerian artists have exchanged insulting remarks with the beautiful blogger for prying into their private affairs. But the truth must be told that artists usually make news and so have to be careful not to display their private affairs in public, else they will make headline on Linda Ikeji’s blog.
Linda Ikeji is a wonderful lady blogger who often source news from NaijaGists.com. She is excellent at what she does. Linda Ikeji blog started rough but has aimed for the skies as she is getting the desired attention both home and abroad. She’s loved by most people that get to meet her and is a role model to many young ones who would want to be like her.
Like the saying goes “Rejoice with those that rejoice”, we rejoice with her and because she is dedicated, the sky is the limit of her achievement.
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prisca N.O
April 22, 2013 at 7:59 AM
Nice one nothing in this life comes so easy. Even if it dose, it will not last.Ride on Gal nothing do U.
December 18, 2013 at 11:40 AM
francis obiorah
January 31, 2016 at 5:19 PM
nice one