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Chuku Dalo Onejeku’s Confession: Ex-Santeria Secret Society Cult Member In Nigeria

santeria secret society members confession nigeria

Nov 14, 2012 – Chuku Dalo Onejeku’s Confession: Santeria Secret Society Cult Member In Nigeria

Here is the part 2 of Chuku Dalo Confession, If you missed Part one, click here to read it


My leaving the secret cult was a miracle.

I’m very happy for my life today because at the appointed time I will succeed.

I was delivered by a pastor named Emmanuel at a church (name withheld to avoid self-promotion criticism) in Delta State.

One day, I was summoned by our chief priest who gave me a sudden date to die.

My cult members demanded for my head.

Our chief priest who speaks for the grandmaster, the Lucifer himself has the finally authority on us.

Whatever he says is final.

I was told to start making preparations to put things in order before dying.

I couldn’t imagine myself dying just like that because life was so sweet.

The money I had, properties, connections and influence, how could I leave them like that.

When I got home that night, I resolved within myself to do anything so as to escape death.

It’s either they kill you or make you mad so that you don’t expose them.

The next day I set out for river state in Ogoni for solution to avoid death.

A very powerful native doctor in Ogoni promised to offer me a solution with a huge amount of money for preparation of charms and to offer a sacrifice to the spirit.

The native doctor told me to come back the next day to collect the charms

I went back the following day to collect the charms and to my surprise I met the native doctor stoned dead inside his shrine.

I was shocked then I went back home still determined to escape death.

The next day, I went to another powerful native doctor in Calabar who also promised to offer solution after I told him my story.

I paid a huge amount of money and the next day he told me to come back.

I went back the next day and met another shocker the man was stoned dead right inside the shrine.

I ran with shock out of the place and drove back to Onitsha still determined to survive.

I went and lie to a friend of mine who is from Delta that some enemies of progress are after my life.

He took me to a native doctor in Delta state who according to him was very powerful.

I refused to tell him what happened to other native doctors.

The moment we stepped into there, the very old native doctor told us what brought us that my cult wants me dead.

My friend was shocked because I lied to him some people where after my life then I had about three days left to die.

The old witch doctor said I needed a human head for sacrifice to do exchange for my head.

I paid another huge amount of money for the human head and another amount of money for the charm I was to use which will be put inside my body with a razor blade.

The mention of human head meant nothing to me then because I have killed a lot of people already.

So the old man told us to go and come back the next day.

The next day I went alone because my friend refused to accompany me since I lied to him first and more so because I belong to a secret society.

When I got there, I met another shocker of my life the old man again was stoned dead inside his shrine.

There was silence everywhere nobody was in sight.

It was as if everybody ran away including his servants.

I got afraid and got goosebumps all over me.

As I meant to run away, our chief priest appeared from nowhere and started laughing at me and told me I had only 2 days to die he then disappeared into thin air.

I was filled with fear then it dawned on me that it was our chief priest that was responsible for the death of all the native doctors.

I knew then that the secret cults have more powers than ordinary native doctors. I also knew that our chief priest was trailing my every move.

I got confused I didn’t know what to do, I looked around nobody was around me except the corpse of the native doctor and the human head which he was to use for my charms on the ground.

At that moment I started hearing hysterical laughter in form of a group out of both adult and little children.

Before I could run out of the place, the spirit of those I killed began to appear one after the other to torment me.

First it was my mother then my little nieces and nephews 11 of them that I killed for money ritual and that of my friend, Uchenna whom I killed in the motor accident and others I didn’t even know how I killed them.

The spirits were many and everything was happening like what we see in a film. As I ran out of the compound, they ran after me laughing hysterically at my back it was just like a horror film.

I ran very fast to where I could see people. As I was running and shouting for help people gathered unfortunately nobody could see them even as I pointed at them.

I then continued running I was shouting for help as I ran people were confused and as I was running I started hearing people clapping and singing. I ran towards the direction of the singing and I saw a church building like a pentecostal church.

I ran inside the church and knelt infront of their pastor shouting and begging him to pray for me then those spirits stopped at the entrance of the church and disappeared.

Immediately our chief priest appeared then I knew he was the one who invoked the spirits of those I killed to torment me.

He came directly inside the church and the pastor shouted at him to stop where he was that he was in the temple of God.

Our chief priest was fully dressed in our cult attire.

The chief priest shouted at the man of God to release me that I belong to them. I started begging the man of God not to relent I told him they want to kill me the next day and I don’t want to die.

The man of God has understood what I was saying then turned to the chief priest to leave me alone since I have ran into God’s hand.

The chief priest then got angry and tried to challenge the man of God with his demonic powers.

Power tussle began as the man of God encouraged the congregation to take out every atom of fear in them and pray but our chief priest was not moved by the prayers rather he laughed widely.

The pastor then started singing a worship song that has the blood of Jesus Christ precisely a song that states “There is power might in the blood (3x) in the blood of Jesus Christ there is power might in the blood”

As the song was going on, the chief priest disappeared and the man of God asked me to confess my sins.

I confessed and he prayed for me though he was shocked that I have to join a secret cult all in the name of money.

He prayed for my deliverance after my confession. Even after the prayers, I was still afraid of the chief priest threat that I was going to die the next day.

The man of God reassured me that nothing was going to happen to me that God was in control of everything that no power of darkness can overcome the power of God.

I couldn’t go back to Onitsha because of fear instead, I slept at the ministry.

The man of God and some of his prayer warriors slept with me all through the night till the next day and nothing happened.

As fate will have it, my appointed death date came and nothing happened and that was how God delivered me from the Secret society.

I then sold everything I had and handed the money over to motherless babies home at the advice of the Pastor that delivered me.

It is true that I have lost everything but am very happy that am alive today and I thank God for everything.

After my ordeal the shame became too much for me in Onitsha and I decided to come to Aba to start a new life in Christ.

My sisters have all forgiven me despite everything but some of them are not yet out of the shock including my father who developed stroke.

Hear ends the story of my life!

Everyone to listen to this story must know that secret cult is bad.

Don’t be deceived by anybody be careful and wait for God’s time to come.



  1. Steve

    November 14, 2012 at 8:28 AM


  2. Victoria

    November 14, 2012 at 8:58 AM

    we don hear but i no still believe u n GOd will not 4 give u . U ve sent innocent ppl to early grave n now ur enjoying ur life. Why nt mention d church name n post ur pics if ur saying d truth?

    • Temitope

      November 14, 2012 at 9:29 PM

      how can you tell someone that God has not forgivn him..r u God..lets not remember that in Gods eyes no sin is greater or lesser than the other but our sins are all equal…apostle Paul was a killed Christians and God used him..abeg

    • minkoff

      November 27, 2014 at 9:54 PM

      victoria, you are right. A mimic of typical nigeria movie. I watched one times back n they mentioned order of the love of money. Charles okafor, enebeli enebeluwa n kanayo o kanayo stared in it

    • thomas

      December 1, 2015 at 9:59 PM

      i agree with you guy,that man is an imposter there is know truth in him.

  3. Eric keven

    November 14, 2012 at 10:19 AM

    †нªηк Ǧ̩̥O̶̲̥̅̊D̶̲̥̅̊ U̶̲̥̅̊ ƌ̲̣̣̣̥я̩̥̊e̶̲̥̅̊ alive,U̶̲̥̅̊ now ​A̶̲̥̅̊ new creature corin.5:17 glory!!!!!!

  4. kulisky

    November 14, 2012 at 11:03 AM

    oh boi na wa 4 u woh, mak we dey careful wit our greed 4 monie in Nigeria & d world as a whole

  5. Goladi Wunshak Goyang

    November 14, 2012 at 11:04 AM

    Money where are u taking us to?

  6. Etisco Umanah

    November 14, 2012 at 11:18 AM

    thank God the man of God has save is life, friends, this is to tell you that you should becarefull of yours friends you walked with, don't be deceive by anybody and don't trust anybody even your blood sister or your brother wait, for God's time is the best, beleive in he word God read your bible everyday, he holds the key to your life. Be bless……my name is EMMANUEL OKON, am a naval man.

  7. Jovy Chinedu Ewelike

    November 14, 2012 at 12:07 PM

    May the souls of those he wasted rest in peace, amen.
    What has the love of money fetched for him now?

  8. Sofia Ogbini

    November 14, 2012 at 7:14 PM

    Jesus is d key

  9. Lucky Agbaze

    November 15, 2012 at 8:14 AM

    There is a mighty power in the blood of jesue christ, The problem with Man is that we don't put our trust in God who is the author and finisher of our faith.There is nothing God cannot do but, Live a life that pleases Him.
    My word all the time for individuals are :
    Live a simple Life, trust in God, aid others no matter what may be the situation at hand, always be thankful to God no matter the situation, serve Him with all Humility, diligence, fearfulness etc, listen to His words, try at most to avoid sin and even if it comes, pray to Him to aid you overcome.
    There is nothing God cannot Do.

  10. Oluchy

    November 15, 2012 at 10:27 AM

    Tank God for your testimony,bt my prayer is dat,other pple in cult should learn their lesson nd come out of dat,bc there is no gain,nd beside,they might nt hav grace as u do.

  11. Natacha Jonh

    November 15, 2012 at 10:44 AM

    hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, thank GOD for your life, devil never give anthing for free, it's enchange for your soul.


      February 3, 2014 at 8:34 AM


  12. arinze

    November 15, 2012 at 7:55 PM

    thank you Jesus.. God i thank you for giving him a second chance.. You are a perfect GOd indeed. My broda, now that God has made Jesus Christ the foundation of ur life of which no man can, 1st corinthians 3:11.. Go and sin no more.. neva let the ”precious blood of Jesus cover me” depart ur mouth.

  13. Callistex

    November 22, 2012 at 9:42 AM

    Yea its tru bcuz i hve heard it in audio cd too,may de name of God dat‘s above every oda names be praised 4eva AMEN,u ar blessed.

  14. Jayson

    September 17, 2013 at 3:56 PM

    This is a FAKE confession.
    1. The so-called cult claimed to be ‘most devilish’ and have branches in mahy states in Nigeria is unknown to many people -including those in the know about these things.
    2. Unlike many genuine testimonies that gives relevant names and places that are easily verifiable and confirm the truth of their testimonies, this man says he is witholding them for ‘security reasons or purposes’ This is the hallmark of many fake testimonies and confessions. Genuine testifiers have nothing to fear and nothing to protect.
    3. he claimed to have been delivered by ‘a pastor called Emmanuel’ but failed to give further details and failed to give the name of the church according to him ‘to avoid self promotion and criticism’ – again another hallmark of fake confessions.
    4. Most of what he ‘confess’ are widely known occurencies easily available to the public.
    5. A confession is made to reveal what is hidden but this man has not revealed a single thing about the s0-called ‘Santeria cult’ but only telling stories of his so-called ‘deeds’ while a member of the cult.
    6. If he is genuine and wants to give a testimony, he should listen to the genuine confession of people who have been in occult groups before and then follow the example of their testimony.
    7. This seems more of a rehash of Nollywood film plots than a real confession.

  15. Iykmax Blinko

    January 23, 2014 at 10:26 PM

    Thnx Jayson for your brilliant obversation & remark. Chukwu Dalo Onejeku, you are dumb. Thank you for the cock & bull story. Watch more Nollywood clips. Idiot!

  16. Iykmax Blinko

    January 23, 2014 at 10:42 PM

    Santería is a system of beliefs that merges the Yorùbá religion (which was brought to the New World by West Africans) with Roman Catholicism, and may include Amerindian traditions.[2] These Africans carried with them various religious customs, including a trance for communicating with their ancestors and deities, animal sacrifice and sacred drumming and dance.[3][4] According to various patakís regarding the origin of the Yorùbá, the beliefs were passed down from generation to generation by their ancestors who were, at the time, a nomadic people (perhaps referring to the Beja, Bedouin, or Tuareg, all of which are of Hamitic or Semitic stock and speak or originally once spoke Hamito-Semitic languages). The nomadic proto-Yorùbá retained their traditional religious beliefs but lost their native language, either due to isolation or intermixing with surrounding languages, in an effort to build and expand their kingdoms and empires. In another patakí, it is stated that the original ancestors of the Yorùbá were from an area much further away from contemporary Yorùbáland, being originally from the Northeast, perhaps signifying Egypt, Ethiopia, Arabia or even Assyria. One patakí states that the ancestors of the Yorùbá differentiated themselves from Bantu peoples when they reached West Africa by way of the present-day Sudan. It has also been noted that there are numerous similarities between the Yorùbá religion and the ancient Mesopotamian religion, Egyptian religion, Berber religion, Arabian religion, Semitic religion, Indo-Iranian religion, Greek religion, and Roman religion, due to their shared Afro-Asiatic and Indo-European roots. Some scholars have suggested that the ruling Yoruba dynasties are descendants of the aristocracy of ancient Assyria

  17. Iykmax Blinko

    January 23, 2014 at 10:45 PM

    Santería is a system of beliefs that merges the Yorùbá religion (which was brought to the New World by West Africans) with Roman Catholicism, and may include Amerindian traditions.[2] These Africans carried with them various religious customs, including a trance for communicating with their ancestors and deities, animal sacrifice and sacred drumming and dance.[3][4] According to various patakís regarding the origin of the Yorùbá, the beliefs were passed down from generation to generation by their ancestors who were, at the time, a nomadic people (perhaps referring to the Beja, Bedouin, or Tuareg, all of which are of Hamitic or Semitic stock and speak or originally once spoke Hamito-Semitic languages).

  18. Iykmax Blinko

    January 23, 2014 at 10:47 PM

    Santería, also known as La Religión, Regla de Ocha, La Regla Lucumí or Lukumi,[1][2] is a syncretic religion of West African and Caribbean origin influenced by and syncretized with Roman Catholicism. Its liturgical language, a dialect of Yorùbá, is also known as Lucumí.


    February 3, 2014 at 8:40 AM



    February 3, 2014 at 8:42 AM



    February 3, 2014 at 8:44 AM


  22. donald ufaa

    March 30, 2014 at 8:48 PM

    my nam is donald ufaa am frm benu state but now i live in abuja am sofferin for ten good year in abuja but notin dat i am getin pls am intrested in joinin dis cult pls show me d way to enter my 09094730341 tnk u my lord am waittin

  23. donald ufaa

    March 30, 2014 at 9:09 PM

    my name is sunday donald and am from benue state but now am livin in apo abuja pls i want to join dis secret cult to become rich and famous pls any one dat is in the cult dat make piple to become rich pls contact me on 08136444808 and am 37 year old i came to abuja since 2007 but i dont hve any business to do am also a driver uptil 2014 nw i stel hve notin pls i need to join the secret cult to become a millioneir pls my lord

  24. james mathew

    March 30, 2014 at 10:03 PM dear people in nigeria am from algeria but now i come in nigeria to invite people to join the great power ful man named kamakasa temple join us today and become a millioneir think wel befor you call our member because if you are ready to sale ur soul to the devil no that no more coming back we have free house in any where u choose to be entrin and a free car is ur choice to choose the one u like this is our contact on 07052482117 dis is our lord membership number to call dont miss it now!!

  25. ms ohio ERANKO

    June 30, 2014 at 5:28 PM

    This man was a great liar, i wish him dead , this is a fake story teller.

  26. Carlos

    December 10, 2014 at 1:02 PM

    I so much thank GOD for your life now that you are safed you have to worship God with all your heart and never backslide

  27. Wise man

    July 18, 2015 at 5:05 PM

    Guys please rethink about this testimonies. I dont think this guy would be tarnishing and disgracing his personality just like that. This satanic occult things are on a boom and it is ongoing. It is up to us all to give our lives to jesus christ. This story is true so just accept it and becareful. Jesus is coming soon so repent now. We thank God for the life of chukwu.

  28. cjb

    September 2, 2015 at 6:41 PM

    I wanna join but I don’t have membership fee email [email protected]

  29. thomas

    December 1, 2015 at 10:06 PM

    i agree with you guy,that man is an imposter there is know truth in him if it is real why can’t you show us your image and also tell us the name of the church that delivered you from the hand of devil who you chose as your father. i don’t believe that satan can make someone rich that is a great lie.

    • Nwankwo

      March 16, 2019 at 8:55 AM

      Without the experience do you think that they will have the knowledge to act the movie..browse about shankara is just live a church # but evil church

  30. DONNISHA 1.

    December 19, 2015 at 2:54 PM

    If u lyk believe or if u lyk dont believe. If u also lyk cal him al sort(s) of names. D image of d man dosen’t mata nor neither d name of d church. D most tin dat matas z dat d story & msg has alredi bin passed acrosd evry reader. To those dat do not believe, plz dnt let xperince teach u a lesson of ur life b4 u believe. Coz u may not ave an opportunity 2 b lyk him. Remeber! it wz a day left b4 he had pple prayin in a church; he neva planned it. God has alredi 4givn him, dat’s y God arranged evrytin 2 b in accordance & 4 our lesson.
    For those dat stil insist 2 go 4 d Blood Money (B.M), my advice 4 u z dat u shud not 4get dat God alwayz ave MERCY & GRACE! on whom he wil. U DONT’! & CAN’T! FORCE HIM!. I REPEAT!! U DON’T! & CANT’! FORCE HIM!. ”( Dem nor dey force person make he get big teeth but make him nor 4get 2 get BIG LIP 2 take cover am)”. A WORD z enough 4 d WISE!.
    Dear God, may I & all my readers, not b a PREY to our enemies & VICTIMs of circumstances to life. XO HELP US O, GOD!. (AMEN)!

  31. DONNISHA 1.

    December 19, 2015 at 2:59 PM

    If u lyk believe or if u lyk dont believe. If u also lyk cal him al sort(s) of names. D image of d man dosen’t mata nor neither d name of d church. D most tin dat matas z dat d story & msg has alredi bin passed acrosd evry reader. To those dat do not believe, plz dnt let xperince teach u a lesson of ur life b4 u believe. Coz u may not ave an opportunity 2 b lyk him. Remeber! it wz a day left b4 he had pple prayin in a church; he neva planned it. God has alredi 4givn him, dat’s y God arranged evrytin 2 b in accordance & 4 our lesson.
    For those dat stil insist 2 go 4 d Blood Money (B.M), my advice 4 u z dat u shud not 4get dat God alwayz ave MERCY & GRACE! on whom he wil. U DONT’! & CAN’T! FORCE HIM!. I REPEAT!! U DON’T! & CANT’! FORCE HIM!. ”( Dem nor dey force person make he get big teeth but make him nor 4get 2 get BIG LIP 2 take cover am)”. A WORD z enough 4 d WISE!.
    Dear God, may I & all my readers, not b a PREY to our enemies & VICTIMs of circumstances to life. XO HELP US O, GOD!. (AMEN)! Plz contact us for counselling & prayers on: 08147420111 OR 08138091209.

  32. Emmanuel chika

    January 22, 2016 at 7:10 PM

    By the grace of God today we see alot of pastors joining the group cause they want firm I saw one boy died here in zambia after a terrible accident cause those evil forces dis want him to keep his wife with a one week old baby abeg guide pastors more.

  33. Ocy Michael

    February 27, 2016 at 11:20 PM

    I love to join bros contact me on 0***** thanks

  34. Anonymous

    November 3, 2016 at 4:50 PM

    Thomas u are a fool the spirit of doubting bible Thomas is still working in u if u no what is good for u go n deliver ur miserable self n if possible change ur miserable name is affecting ur destiny Thomas what do u tink this man has benefited by tarnishing his image if u say it’s possible that’s mean u will soon go public telling the world u are thief

  35. fifelomo

    November 3, 2016 at 5:56 PM

    I can’t but laugh after reading the above. Another story for Bollywood casts.

  36. Victor

    June 22, 2019 at 7:39 PM

    Super Story, this is fake

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