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I Have Boko Haram Phone Numbers – Sambo Dasuki

boko haram contact numbersSambo Dasuki

July 4, 2012 – I Have Boko Haram Phone Numbers – National Security Adviser

The new National Security Adviser of Nigeria, Col. Sambo Dasuki (retd) has come out with a new claim that he has Boko Haram phone numbers.

Sambo Dasuki made this claim during a tour today in Jos.

Read his statement below

“I was in Yobe and Borno States last week and I have got the telephone numbers and contacts of key Boko Haram members and I will meet with them”, said Dasuki who described the situation in the two states when he visited as pathetic.

But I have the mandate to put heads together with religious and traditional leaders as well as the state governments to ensure an immediate ceasefire,”

Ok carry go now give us the phone number. Let investigation begin.

I think he is just playing politics.

What do you think?



  1. Fale joshua

    July 7, 2012 at 5:29 AM

    Wo is foolimg wo?best of luck.

  2. Pastor Adebayo

    July 7, 2012 at 3:11 PM

    Adviser’ confesion must be taken seriously, he must be compel to give those numbers to nigerians and the NCC must be cmpel too to track them down since those line must have been register else of no value is registration of SIMS. We hold no talk or apology to BOKO HARM sect.

  3. Anate Ibrahim

    July 8, 2012 at 7:45 AM

    This is nothing but putting a round peg in a square hole. Why can’t we face the truth, true federalism is the only bullet that needs to be fired, the only negotiation we need. Mr president have courage nd do the right thing else we loose Nigeria come 2015.

  4. sureman

    August 25, 2015 at 2:06 PM

    Am saying my mind now ! Let him provide their number . Since he said he have BH number so he should give it to the DSS chief, so that investigation can begin. I rest my pen now , francis akinbo.

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