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How To Start A Catering Services Business In Nigeria (Complete Guide)

how to start catering services business nigeria

How To Start A Catering Services Business In Lagos Nigeria (Complete Guide)

Catering is the act of providing food services where there is an event such as marriage ceremony, funeral service, birthday party, and others. This is where the event food is prepared and served in plates to the people.

Catering is currently one of the most lucrative businesses in Nigeria. A caterer should be proud of himself for providing such quality services to the society using the various equipment and facilities. Caterers do offer both indoor and outdoor services to the people on all occasions including seminars, workers get-together party, convocation, and many more.

It’s such a highly-promising business as an average Nigerian caterer can make up to N1,000,000 a month providing high-quality catering services. Are you curious about how you can actualize this dream in your own catering business?

There are caterers out there who don’t charge less than N450,000 to supply the cooking equipment, serving plates, cups, spoons, stock pots, big metal pots, waiters’ wages, waitresses’ wages, and other running expenses which they’ve already acquired. The charge does not include buying anything needed for the cooking such as food ingredients, food items, and all of that. How you’re going to make money will depend on the location of your business.

How To Make It In The Catering Business In Nigeria

Catering service is in various types. In the marriage ceremony, for example, catering service is divided into:

  • Cooking
  • Setting tables
  • Waiters and waitresses


The cooking aspect is the most delicate one as it takes an experienced cook to prepare high-quality cooking services. As the caterer who owns the business, you should get a number of cooks properly recruited and good enough to cook well at occasions. In providing your catering services to your clients home and abroad, your target should always be at providing:

  • Experienced and expert cooks
  • Cooks who are clean enough and are efficient in delivering
  • The best of catering services among competitors.

Setting Tables

The setting of tables is very crucial as part of what makes your catering service have a professional look to the clients. To keep up with your goodwill in the minds of the people who trust your catering brand, you need a team of experts who understand the table settings and know how to go about it to fit in any type of event.

Table settings must be so appealing to the guests. Table covers should be used to decorate the tables. Cups with tissue papers packed in them, table water, wine, and cutleries should be properly arranged and placed on tables. With these things properly done, guests will feel at home and will be so comfortable to stay for a long time.

Waiters and Waitresses

Waiters and waitresses form a large part of what makes an event appealing and remarkable. Your catering business must have a team of well-trained and highly-skilled waiters who have the expertise for giving a high level of hospitality to the guests who are on party seats.

You must sort out from your trained waiters, the best and most skillful ones who will make your clients’ event a remarkable one. When you’re able to do this, you’ll be contacted for another event over and over again and will be recommended to other people by your clients.

The food items must be prepared to taste, make the event highly comfortable, and bring about great refreshment for all guests and the event hosts.

Starting A Successful Catering Service Business In Nigeria

Basic Steps for Successfully Launching a Catering Business in Nigeria

Here are the steps for achieving maximum success in starting a catering business in Nigeria:

  1. Start-up Capital

In starting a catering business in Nigeria, you’ll need a working capital of N500,000 to purchase the needed equipment. These include:

  • Catering trays and plastic trays
  • Big cooking pots
  • Disposable food boxes and catering trays
  • Toothpicks
  • Chafer accessories, chafers, and chafing dishes
  • Rolls, knife bags, and cases
  • Serving utensils
  • Food storage covers and boxes
  • Rental and catering glass racks
  • Plate racks
  • Uniforms for cooks and waitresses
  • Table-top accessories
  • Bowls, plates, and trays
  • Disposable bags
  • Paper napkins
  • Cutting boards
  • Lids, drain, plastic food pans, and trays
  • Stainless steel steam table food pans and accessories
  • Salad bar item
  • Rental and catering plate racks
  • Serving Carts
  • Large gas ranges
  • Table decorations
  • Table covering
  1. Promote Your Business

As part of the effort to make a lot of people know about what you do, you need all forms of adverts to promote your catering business such as printing banners, flyers, pasting posters, advertising on air, and lots more. You may also want to distribute complementary cards at any event you happen to be the caterer in charge.

Another strategy to implement is treating your clients very fairly and being nice to them. Having seamless interactions with them will also captivate them a lot and make them introduce your catering services to their relatives and friends home and abroad.

Implementing the working strategies will make you earn big in this business.

  1. Get a Location for Your Business

When it comes to earning big in an entrepreneurial business, the location matters a lot. It’s one of the most crucial steps to take while planning to start a catering business. You can do some market research to really find out where your catering business should be situated. With the business taking off in the right place, a lot of people will surely start patronizing your business.

  1. Register Your Business with the Chamber of Commerce

To ensure your business is duly registered with the government and for you to have a practicing license, you must endeavor to get the business registered with either the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) or the Nigerian Chamber of Commerce.

Upon registration, a certificate of incorporation will be issued to you and this will make the corporate bodies patronize and trust in you. If you have questions regarding the catering business set-up in Nigeria, or perhaps, have any serious challenge in trying to start up, don’t hesitate to leave a comment and we’ll be more than happy to reply in earnest.


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