NYSC Rules And Regulations: How To Defer NYSC Service & Request Service Extension
The National Youth Service Corps also referred to as the NYSC, is a compulsory one year service scheme. This program is mandatory for every Nigerian youth who has successfully graduated from universities and polytechnics. However, graduates who are over the age of thirty at the point graduation are exempted from this service program by law of the NYSC. They are however issued a Certificate of Exemption, which is also recognized by the country. After the period of one year, a National Youth Service Corps certificate is issued to every successful participant, while those over thirty years of age are issued a Certificate of Exemption.
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The NYSC was created under the administration of General Yakubu Gowon on the 22nd of May, 1973. Nigeria, still dealing with the devastating effects of the Nigerian civil war put certain structures in place for the rebuilding of the nation. The NYSC scheme was one of such structures. To maintain a stronger nation, the need arose to bring together under a solid institution the diverse peoples of Nigerian. The youths are the major force of economic growth and development, hence, the creation of the NYSC. The various stages of the program include: Mobilization/Orientation, Primary Assignment, Community Development Service and Winding-up/Passing out Ceremony. The orientation course, takes place during the first three weeks of the NYSC program. At the end of this three weeks training, Corps members are released from their various orientation camps to proceed to their places of primary assignment. As well as the NYSC Zonal officer and Corps liaison officer in charge of that local government area, to officially register themselves.
Every corps member is bound by the rules and regulations of his/her place of primary assignment as well as all the rules and regulations of the NYSC. These rules are clearly stated in the NYSC bye-laws.
NYSC Rules And Regulations
Within and out of the orientation camps, there are rules and regulations firmly put in place to ensure the smooth running of activities.
These are:
- Every Corps member is expected to participate in field exercises and always be present at lectures at all times.
- Possession of firearms and harmful weapons is prohibited.
- The Corps members are to remain in the orientation camp for a period of 3 weeks. Should the need arise to leave the camp for any reason, written permission should be gotten from the state coordinator.
- There should be no form of gambling, smoking or over indulging in alcohol within the camp premises.
- The NYSC uniform should be worn in the proper manner always.
- Rioting, insubordination and stealing are also punishable offences.
- Pets are also not allowed within the camp.
- Visitors are not to be received on camp on unapproved days.
- Inciting others to violence within the camp is frown upon.
- No Corps member should be in possession of any form of hard drugs.
- You are not allowed to leave your place of primary assignment without official permission from your employer. In the same way, you should not travel out of your state of service without an official letter of consent issued by your state coordinator. Should permission be granted, do not stay longer than the number of days which was requested for.
- There should be no falsification of any document what so ever to deceive or mislead for the purpose of the NYSC program.
- On or before the 10th day of every month, clearance should be issued by your employer confirming that you have carried out your required duties at your place of primary assignment and therefore are eligible for your allowance. It is compulsory for all Corps members to submit their monthly clearance through the Zonal inspector.
- It is mandatory for all Corps members to be present at the general Community Development Service (CDS) which holds weekly. A day of the week is set aside for this and employers are obligated to release Corps members on the set aside day.
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NYSC Query
The NYSC query is an official letter issued to Corps member asking them to give a valid explanation for flouting the laid down rules. Usually, this letter is issued when at the point of inspection, a Corps member is found to be absent from his/her place of primary assignment or from the State in general without official permission. Most often than not, the first query usually just serves as a warning. However, getting more than one query puts you at a risk for an extension of your service year.
NYSC Extension: How To Extend NYSC Service Time
It is important to adhere to the rules and regulations of the NYSC, as failure to do so could lead to an extension of the service year as punishment. The extension of your service year could last for days weeks or even months depending on the gravity of the offense in question. The maximum extension period however is said to be three months (90 days). Below are some of the reasons why a Corps member may receive an extension in accordance to the NYSC Bye-laws.
- Frequent absence from your place of primary assignment or state of service without official permission.
- Attempting to influence place of primary assignment posting through dubious means and refusal to resume at the place you have been posted to.
- Gross display of moral misconduct at place of primary assignment
- The unauthorized disclosure of official information of the NYSC to the press.
- Engaging in private practice.
- Trying to influence a rejection letter from the place you have been posted to.
- Traveling out of the country without a written consent from the NYSC Director-General.
- Physically assaulting a fellow Corps member or anyone in your place of employment.
If charged and found guilty of any of these offenses you just might find yourself staying longer than expected in the NYSC program.
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How To Defer, Postpone NYSC Service
To defer your NYSC is postponing your service to a later date. This provision has been made by NYSC for those who for one reason or the other are not available to serve at the time. Prior to this time, to defer mostly, people just don’t collect their call-up letters. If you do not collect your call-up letter from your school, you get to be mobilized with the next batch. Things have however been made easier. If you would like to defer or for one reason or the other were unable to report to your NYSC camp as expected, all you need is to have previously registered on the NYSC official portal. When you are ready for the program, go to the website, select revalidation and log in with the registration details you used on the portal in the previous batch. Revalidation will be automatically done for you if you have been deployed but are yet to serve.
NYSC And Pregnancy
NYSC camp for nursing mothers
NYSC takes into consideration pregnant women and nursing mothers. A few days after reporting to camp for registration, they are permitted to leave. As the facilities to properly look after them should any emergency arise, are not available in these camps. They are therefore permitted to exempt themselves from the first three weeks of training and orientation of the NYSC. But not from the service year as eventually, they are also to be assigned a place of primary assignment.
NYSC maternity leave format
how many months is nysc maternity leave?
nysc requirements for married
Married pregnant Corps members are qualified for full maternity leave. Which is six weeks before and six weeks after putting to bed during which they shall still be paid their monthly allowance. However, once maternity leave has been taken, the three weeks terminal leave which all Corps members are entitled to at the end of the service year is automatically forfeited.
NYSC 21 Days Terminal Leave
Every Corps member is entitled to three weeks terminal leave which takes effect from the last twenty-one days of the service year. Every Corps member is entitled to it except Corps members who have previously gone on twelve weeks maternity leave.
How To Calculate NYSC Age Limit
At the inception of the NYSC program, there was no age limit for this scheme. As time progressed and probably due to the rise in the number of graduates, an age restriction was place on those called upon to serve. Anyone who is over the age of thirty (30) at the time of graduation is not allowed to serve. Rather he/she is issued a Certificate of Exemption. Therefore, anyone above the age of thirty (30) is not permitted to serve.
NYSC Portal Website Address
For information and general updates of the NYSC, you should check out either one of these websites:
The NYSC program is dreaded by some and looked forward to by others. It is a period where graduates get to leave their familiar surroundings for a foreign environment. It is therefore natural to look upon this scheme with mixed feelings. However most individuals, who have participated in this program in the past, consider it a time well spent in service to the country.