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Where To Invest Your Money In Nigeria 2018 – 2019: Best Investment Opportunities In Nigeria

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Where To Invest Your Money In Nigeria 2018 – 2019: Best Investment Opportunities In Nigeria

Have you been saving some money in the bank thinking you’re investing? Do you think saving your money in bank accounts is the right way to invest your money? Not at all! All you need now is to get sensitized on where to invest money in Nigeria.

Money is such an instrument that makes you live the kind of life you want to live. But if you’re not conscious of how you spend it, you may be spending extravagantly which may lead to losing a lot of money in no time.

Because money is like a visitor which must be well-kept, you need to learn how to invest it in order for you to prepare greatly for the future.

There are diverse ways in which you can invest your money and reap great dividends in the future. Some of these ways include investing with the insurance companies, investing in crypto currencies, as well as others.

The wisest people are the ones who invest their money in the right places while the unenlightened ones save money in bank accounts for the banks to run investment businesses with their hard-earned money.

The money you save in accounts is what the banks use to do their own businesses. They invest with the insurance companies, buy shares from giant companies like Dangote, as well as trade digital currencies.

To start investing your money profitably now, the following sources may help:

  • Insurance companies
  • Digital currency platforms
  • Buying shares from giant companies

Investing In Insurance Companies In Nigeria

When it comes to finding a great place to invest your money, insurance company is one of the most promising sources.

For instance, the investment opportunities at an insurance company, which is located in my hometown, were outlined for me some years ago. I was made to realize that if I invested with this particular insurance company, I will receive a 9% compound interest, meaning that interest will be compounded for me monthly and yearly, whereas, no bank will ever give a compound interest no matter how much you’re saving.

When interest is compounded, it simply means the interest and principal in any accounting year will be added together and forwarded as principal at the beginning of the subsequent year. That is what compound interest is all about.

Aside from getting a compound interest on the amount invested, if I want to be receiving the interest monthly or yearly, it’s feasible. If I don’t ever default in sending in the exact amount I promised to be remitting as additional principal to what I have in account at stipulated periods, I’ll be paid back, in full, both the total interest earned as computed for the periods of investment and the total principals invested so far.

In case the investor deceases long before the expiration of his investment plan with the company, the total interest he should have earned if he had been alive for the whole of the investment period will be paid to his family together with the total principals he would sent in for the whole of the investment periods provided he didn’t default through the periods in which he was with the company before his death.

Looking at these dividends, it’s far better saving or investing with an insurance company than keeping money in bank accounts only for the banks to get something to use for business.

To start investing with an insurance company, just walk into any of the insurance companies located near you. Disclose your intention of investing money with them and ask for details about the dividends accrued to you.

If you’re okay with the dividends outlined before you, then don’t hesitate to start an investment plan with them and begin to earn in earnest. But if you’re not, try other companies. You might get greater dividends.

Investing In Digital Currency Platforms In Nigeria

Have you heard about digital currency platforms like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, TheBillionCoin (TBC), and so many others? Have you visited the coin market cap to study market trends about the rising and falling of coins?

One thing is certain about investing with the digital currency platforms, which is the fact, that you can easily find out when a digital currency is falling and when it’s rising through the Coin Market Cap. The cap tells you where you should invest your money at a particular time and when you shouldn’t.

And aside from that, you can easily convert one crypto currency to another through platforms like CoinPot. You just need to sign up a coinpot account with an active email address and link all your crypto currency accounts into one.

What are the legitimate ways to earn coins?

You can simply earn coins in two major ways:

  1. By answering recaptcha or solving media problems: You earn this way simply by completing tasks. Once you’ve completed the given tasks, an amount of satoshis will be credited to your account. To earn big from this approach, you’ll need to join as many related sites as possible. Most of these sites pay via Bitcoin address.
  2. By mining coins: There are coin miners that come in form of a machine and there are others that are basically installed as software. As you start mining, you’ll start getting coins into your account and there is no extent to the amount you can earn per day.

To learn more on how you can make the most out of investing in digital currencies, simply join a number of crypto currency discussion forums online and ask questions periodically. You’ll get a lot of information from these forums and you’ll successfully make the most out of your crypto investment.

Buying Shares from Big Companies In Nigeria

Buying shares from giant companies is another great source through which you should your money in Nigeria. We have a good number of such giant companies in Nigeria whereby you can invest simply by buying shares.

Some of these companies include Nestle Milo, Cadbury, Dangote Cement, Golden Penny, International Breweries Plc, The Nigerian Brewery Plc, and many others.

Whenever you want to buy shares, keep yourself up to date by regularly reading newspapers like Tribune, Guardian, Dailies, the Sun, The Nations, and others. This is where you can get the right updates about the companies that are currently selling shares to the public, how much they are selling per share, and every other detailed information about buying shares.


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