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Investing In Cassava Farming Is Profitable In Nigeria

cassava farming profitable

8 Reasons You Should Invest In Cassava Planting

Are you a retiree looking for something you could invest in after your retirement? Or a student thinking about how you can make money while waiting for admission? Maybe you are an applicant and you’re tired of looking for a job that does not exist. Or you are an employee just trying to source for a passive income to support your income. I have good news for you. There is something you can invest in. This will cost you little capital and with no technicality. I will show you 8 reasons you should invest in cassava planting.

Cassava is both a subsistence and a cash crop in many countries especially Nigeria. As perennial crop cassava, it has many by-products that make it a money-spinning business. In this period of the economic downturn, one way you can increase your income is to tap into this neglected golden opportunity by investing in cassava planting. Today in most homes in Nigeria, you cannot but find one form or the other food made from cassava. This may be in form of either the tuber or the leave. Without much ado, I will open your eyes to eight reasons for investing in cassava planting can be one solution to your food and financial needs. Surprisingly, cassava cultivation requires little investment in term of space, raw material, labor, and processing.

The following points will be enough to convince you investing in cassava planting makes not only sense but, also profitable.

  1. You need little investment: Cassava planting is a common business anyone can do because it requires little or no capital. The reason is some of what you’ll need for the business is available for the asking. For instance, some people are looking for persons that will make of their fallow land before they have the money to develop it. So, they will be glad to see the land cultivated. At least this will secure it from the land grabbers. And not only this, it will disallow the miscreant from using the bushy place as their hideout. And with that, the community will thank you for it.
  2. It meets your food need and conserves your money. Most people spend their earnings majorly on food and it does not exempt Nigerians. You will reduce your expenses on food because you could produce food on your own. Some foods you can get from cassava are garri, fufu, cassava flour, etc. You can now use that money for other thing and increase your savings. This one reason I say you invest cassava planting.
  3. You can harvest the produce around the year: One good thing about investing in cassava planting is you can harvest the produce around the year without minding the season. Unlike yam that gets rotten in the soil after the due harvest cassava is not. This becomes easier if you are harvesting according to your immediate food needs. It means the remaining tubers you’re yet to harvest will mature more in the soil until there is a need for you to uproot it. With that you have some of your food need available throughout the year.
  4. Availability of the needed material: One factor of production is the raw materials. And so cassava planting is an easy to do business or second income generation due to the availability of the raw material. All you need is the stem of the harvested cassava that other farmers are looking for a means to dispose of. In a way to help them and help yourself, you need to approach those farmers and they’ll give you. And when you need to buy, it will be at a giveaway price.
  5. The usefulness of the by-product: Another reason cassava planting is a business anyone could do is the usefulness of some assumed waste by-product. For instance, you can use the cassava peels as animal feed for goats and sheep. So if you have some of these animals you already have food for them. Then through that, you conserve money.
  6. There is a ready market: The beauty of any product is its marketability. Since cassava and its by-product are consumed as a staple food in the most part of Nigeria and Africa therefore, it is a profitable venture. Therefore, sales are no problem. The good news is you can sell it or export the produce. So it serves the immediate environment and beyond.
  7. It can help fulfilled your religious and social responsibility: Human is a social being. Thus, relating together and offering assistance to one another fulfilled both the social and religious responsibilities. Experience proves once you settle food need of people you’ve solved their major problem. Therefore, where you don’t have money to assist people financially but you can give them food, then you’ve solved their major need. So, some cassava products you could give to people include but not limited to garri, yam floor, and fufu.
  8. There is no technicality involved: Unlike some other businesses, investing in cassava planting does not require special training. The only part that requires energy is the cultivation and weeding. And this you do majorly twice after planting.

In all, anyone can invest in cassava planting whether on a small scale or as a major business. This is because it is beneficial to the individual needs both on a short or long time basis. Apart from that, the community will also benefit as a social responsibility of the planter.


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