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How To Start Profitable Blog in Nigeria And Join List Of Millionaire Nigerian Bloggers

how to start a profitable blog in nigeria

Do you want to start a blog in Nigeria and want to be a successful blogger working at the comfort of your home? Then you’re on the right page. In this article, you’ll learn more about blogging and how to start a successful and profitable blog in Nigeria.

How to Start A Profitable Blog in Nigeria

A personal blog represents your personal online identity, store, or shop whereby you’ll display all you have to sell to others from your own pool of resources. Blogging enables you to show a lot of useful things and share with others what can benefit them in any area of knowledge in life.

Starting a blog is one thing; becoming successful is another. Don’t ever want to fail in blogging? Be patient and ready to learn all it will entail you to be a successful blogger in few months of starting out with your personal blog.

Even if everything about blogging is totally strange to you, know that you’re going to learn details about it and be ready to take actions immediately since it’s known that action takers are money makers. You’ll be given a step-by-step guide on what to do now to start a successful blog of your own.

Here are the basic steps to follow while planning to start a blog:

  1. Choose the right blogging platform (Preferably, or
  2. Create a free WordPress blog
  3. Choose the right niche to blog about (What you know or can speak a lot about)
  4. Build traffic
  5. Add a custom domain name
  6. Grow your blog audience
  7. Earn cool and consistent revenue

Choose the Right Blogging Platform (Preferably, or

While preparing to start a blog, the first emphasis should be on choosing the right blogging platform that will help in applying the right search engine optimization techniques as well as implementing the right blogging strategies.

When it comes to deciding on which of the blogging platforms is most suitable for SEO, WordPress is, in no doubt, the best among others. Thousands of SEO plugins are uploaded and available for downloads.

You can integrate your own WordPress site with any of these plugins, though you mustn’t over utilize in order not to lower down your site speed. Google loves these features and wouldn’t take much time ranking your site once you can follow all the blogging fundamentals.

If you would learn more about the power of WordPress for building an ideal website that will rank fast in search engines, visit the authority blogs and click through the links that lead to WordPress related posts and pages.

Create a Free WordPress Blog

Creating a free WordPress blog is the pioneer step in starting an online entrepreneurial business as this is simply where people will be directed to check out one thing or the other. Though millions of blogs have been created in the online world today in almost all niches, you can always stand out among the crowd and become an authority within a few months of blogging if and if only you can build your blog on the solid fundamentals.

While trying to create a blog, note that the keywords in your domain name does not matter as it may not necessarily be the same keywords with the title of your blog, but should be relevant. The relevance is all that matters for getting better and higher search results in Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other major search engines.

As you continue building out your blog, you’ll improve more and more on the important search engine optimization updates that your blog would ever need to skyrocket to the first-page in Google.

Choose the Right Niche to Blog about (What you know or can speak a lot about)

In setting up a personal blog, choosing the right niche is as crucial as becoming successful soonest. Most of these veterans that quit did because they chose the wrong niche at the onset. They chose another person’s niche and they couldn’t proceed in the blogging journey.

Your niche should be what you can talk deeply, speak a lot, and know much about. It should be an idea that would continue flowing within you forever without stopping at any time. It should be your personal interest and passion; something you are passionate about in life.

In as much as blogging involves a lot of writing to build an online empire, it follows that you must choose a niche that will not let you experience writer’s block at all times.

Build Traffic To Your Blog 

Traffic is the antidote of success for any blog to be successful. If you really want to become a successful and rocking blogger in a lifetime, then consider building traffic on your blog simply by:

  • Writing guest posts for those who have higher traffic than you do
  • Building strong bonds with authority bloggers
  • Connecting to online influencers
  • Publishing high-quality and informative content frequently on your personal blog
  • Building engagement with your audience to grow your blog on time.

Add a Custom Domain Name

Your blog needs to be customized to become the rightful owner. While leveraging a free blogging tool, you’re not yet the owner and may be frustrated anytime for offences not known to you.

For example, someone logged in his account after he had published over 500 blog posts of 1000+ words long and found out that his free blog of several months has been deleted with the click of a mouse. He got upset immediately and didn’t first know what to do. This blog was deleted exactly when traffic was about flowing.

You can be frustrated the same way if you don’t consider customizing the blog you’ve been working on so far. You need to own it permanently and the only way to do that is to add a custom domain name.

Grow your Blog Audience

Do you have some blog audience to grow in order to boost your search engine rankings? Then start building engagement in a better way than ever. In most blogs, when you leave a comment, no matter how valuable and attention-grabbing, it may not be read for weeks and months let alone having it approved or responded to.

You must make a huge difference on your own blog if you want to grow your audience on time. Make sure you respond to all comments left on your blog within 24 hours or less.

Earn Cool and Consistent Revenue

Once you have successfully launched your blog and have started getting a decent flow of traffic on it, earning cool revenue is guaranteed. You will continue generating traffic hits on your blog daily and will earn consistent revenue in a lifetime. Ranking leads to traffic and the latter leads to revenue.


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