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how to become famous on youtube

NaijaGists Creativity Center

4 SureFire Ways To Become Popular On YouTube

how to become famous on youtube

4 SureFire Ways To Become Popular On YouTube

  1. Get them impressed

Always come up with things that are impressive. Let your videos always get your viewers wowed so they can get inspired to subscribe and always follow up your updates.

  1. Meet with famous you tubers

Meeting with famous you tubers and making a video with them will help attract some of their subscribers to your channel.

  1. Always be consistent

Keep your channel active and try to always meet woth the trend. Popularity does not happen overnight but being consistent will someday get you there.

  1. Let everything about your channel be unique

Have a style of doing things and let your channel always carry it. There should be something that makes your channel different from others. Being unique will help you stand out in the crowd.

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  1. Fifelomo

    November 13, 2019 at 7:22 AM

    Useful tips.

  2. Aramide gbenga

    November 13, 2019 at 8:20 AM

    ok i want to post my video

  3. Mon

    November 15, 2019 at 6:16 AM

    No 5, gossiping or should I say be controversial.

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