Daily Inspirational Thoughts
How To Forgive Yourself For Hurting Someone Unintentionally
How To Forgive Yourself For Hurting Someone Unintentionally
Most times we hurt others when we feel hurt too. It could be through our words or actions, so we have to be careful of how we act around people. You can try the following if you want to move on from hurting someone;
- Admit your faults: Acceptance is hard but it helps us heal. You might be afraid to say why you did it but carrying the guilt for long will only destroy your confidence and mental health.
- Ask for forgiveness: As much as you can’t control if a person forgives you, it is still better to ask for forgiveness when you do wrong. If the person accepts it then there’s no need to hold yourself back from moving on.
- Don’t live with guilt: There’s nothing easy about hurting someone because it makes you regret and hold on to guilt. Try to look past the horrible thing you did by channeling your guilt to something productive.
- Seek advice from your closest friends or a counsellor if you feel the guilt is too much for you to bear alone.
- Don’t repeat the mistake: You can’t continue to hurt someone when you know you are wrong. Just avoid anything that might make you repeat the action.
- Look out for negative thoughts that could lead to depression, addictions, and so on.
- Accept your flaws: Most times the guilt that comes with an action makes us feel less than we are. You can’t automatically transform to a bad person just because you hurt someone. Focus on things that can build your self-love. You also need to surround yourself with people who will help you see how valuable you are despite your misgivings. Just remember that what defines you is not the wrong you did but where you go from there.
- Be grateful for the experience: Hurting someone may not be a pleasant experience because of how your actions affected the person. That doesn’t mean you should dwell on it and miss out on what the future has to offer you. Just acknowledge the fact that it has happened and you’ve learnt a lesson because no amount of guilt can change the past.