Updated Jan 31st, 2013 – Illuminati Assassination List: How Many People Did The Illuminati Killed?
So far, a good number of people have been murdered in cold blood by the Illuminati. The list of people killed by Illuminati shows that there have been many people killed in the past—both for blood sacrifices, and for the attainment of power, wealth, status and other forms of worldly benefits.
The list of Illuminati murders is heart-breaking indeed!
I remember with tears in my eyes Michael Jackson’s comments in a video, where he expressed his feelings about Illuminati and their negative influence in the musical industry he lamented their impact and the extent to which they could go in their plan to reduce the world’s population.
Perhaps, his planned London tour “This is It!” was aimed at illuminating the dark side of Illuminati, which has been hidden from the public since time immemorial.
Illuminati assassination list wouldn’t be complete without mentioning the deaths of great individuals like Michael Jackson, Bob Marley, and others. Nobody seems to care about Michael’s accusations of this bad set of people who want to get the world under Satan’s feet at all cost or at least investigate any further—except the wrong set of people, the Illuminati themselves. Surely, the Illuminati would not want Michael alive for his tour because it was his opportunity to spill the beans. And they succeeded in getting rid of him just as they have done for people of similar minds.
The Illuminati killed celebrities. Fortunately for them, as there seems to be no plan to arrest them, they continue to unleash their reign of terror on any of their perceived enemy. They keep sending countless souls to a journey of no return. Yes, they can maim, kill, and sniff out the lives of innocent people just like that without being called to account for their actions. Why not? No one dares bell the cat when it seems untouchable. Illuminati are now a sacred cow which the CIA or other security agents dare not touch.
The Illuminati assassination list for Bob Marley, the situation was almost similar to that of Michael’s. He received a gift that is most likely the cause of the cancer he was reported to have died of. When his band was getting ready for a musical concert, he received a pair of boots, which he tried putting his foot in. “OUCH”, he cried … a length of copper wire had been embedded In the boots. Who knows, the copper wire could have been treated with a carcinogenic toxin and implanted in the boot to predispose him to having a malignant cancer.
Five months after the boot incident, Marley was again injured in a football tackle which created a serious wound that would not heal. Soon after, the toe was so eaten away that the doctors advised that the leg be amputated. Marley wouldn’t hear amputation—he claimed his Rasta religion forbade it. The skin graft he opted for didn’t provide the needed cure and Marley tried very hard to carry on with life. He also suffered severe forms of “torturing treatments” from his Nazi doctor, who had been trained to hate Jamaican Freedom fighters. Death came at last on May11, 1981.
The Illuminati killed celebrities in the musical industry. Many have been murdered by the Illuminati of late. The Illuminati must have killed Bob Marley, Amy Winehouse, killed tupac , Whitney Houston, Aaliyah, Princess Diana, Marilyn Monroe, John F Kennedy and Heath ledger. Many other innocent people have been have also been penciled for a journey of no return as well.
April 12, 2013 at 4:24 PM
Actually illuminati acts are in improper way.
July 2, 2015 at 12:48 PM
yeah i would just advise others not to enter.You will suffering to your life
David Bates. Houseofdavid/Firstfruits
December 12, 2016 at 2:48 AM
It should be. no surprise that 4 Knight of Malta – CIA assassin murdered JFK one who fired the Russian 308 was and is an Tx oil billionaire what is important now is the coming one worldf fuel soured of Methane hydrate in the South China Sea which the Shadow Governmet intends to control just as they did to the Islamist states of Iraan Irac Pakistan and Turkey which produces half the worlds supply of Opium. This is nothing compared to the 1,500 year one world fuel source which China India and North Korea will not give up to Obama and the UN! North Korea just successfully put a sattilite in space just last week which can and will deploy a new high tech gamma ray EMP over American space sending us permantly back to the stone age for years to come. What a sad picture Americans will paint when they finally realize the UN is really the head of the Communist “Snake”. – all too late…..