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I’m An African Woman Who is Well Endowed – Anita Joseph
Anita Joseph
Oct 31, 2011 – I’m An African Woman Who is Well Endowed – Anita Joseph
Nollywood Actress Anita Joseph aka as Nita J, (her stage name as a musician) strikes a figure that curls more than ’8′. One thing that comes to mind on gazing at her tempting figure is nothing but a wishful thinking of being ‘more than a friend’. From her boobs to her waist line, she hones all the attributes to be a real entertainer. Unfortunately, her sex appeal which is typical of a real African woman has been what could have accounted for her numerous scandals in recent times. She’s been consistently linked with sizzling romances with Kcee, the ex boyfriend of Ebube Nwagbo, Kelly Handsome, Timaya and also one time Governor of a state in Nigeria.
There were even reports that she embarked on war of words with Ebube and Empress who were girlfriends to both KC and Timaya respectively. In this explosive and exclusive interview at Governor’s Hotel inside the sprawling Omole Phase 1 Estate, her abode; shapely Anita took Opeyemi Ajayi through her romantic journey, her recent project which is the new releases of her hot singles and her most anticipated debut album.
Who exactly is Anita Joseph?
Anita Joseph is the ninth child in the family of ten. I’m talking about seven girls and three boys. She’s a graduate of Linguistics from theUniversityofCalabar. She’s a calm person and very jovial. She doesn’t take shit from anybody. She’s kind and nice. That’s it about Anita.
At what point did your romance with movie start?
It started early 2006.
What actually led you into picking up a career in acting?
Initially, I never wanted to act but I just wanted to be in the industry. One day, I saw my friend, Linda on TV and asked her how she got on the screen. She was the one who introduced me to Emeka Rolas and that was how I started. I got registered and started working also.
Tell me about your debut movie and the number of movies you’ve featured in?
My debut movie was The Good Samaritan and I’ve featured in about fifteen movies now.
Lately, I heard you’re now doing music. Why music?
I’ve been doing music for a long time and it’s just that I started with movies. My mum and dad used to sing and so for me, music is something inborn. At a time the marketers were on strike, movies were slow; so, I went to Ojez and met with KOK. He told me that I should try my hand on something else since the industry was kind of slow. I now said, ‘Uncle I do music oh’. And he said I should try the art again. So, I went back to doing music after our conversation.
Talking about music; is it only music and acting that you’re talented in? Couldn’t you have digressed into another thing?
In my closet, I hear things a lot. I could remember that in my bathroom one day, I was taking my shower and singing. Suddenly, a voice said to me that, ‘You would want to be a DJ right?’ I answered yes. Because I love music and I love dancing. So, I brought out my BB and wrote on my wall, ‘DJ Nita J’. People started commenting that, ‘Anita, are you now a DJ?’ I had to tell them that in fact, I would even like to make my own clothes and shoes. But I’ve not heard the voice to give me the go ahead. Sincerely, I still want to have my own fashion line and be a DJ in future.
So, what style of music do you play?
I play Afro-pop and a bit of R n B.
With your voice, are you really good with vocals?
By His grace, I am.
How did you discover that you have a voice that can actually sing and get applauded?
I used to sing in the choir and even at home. My mum and dad did music. I can tell you that everybody in the house sings. So, it’s something that has been there.
Tell me the kind of audience your song appeals to?
My song appeals to fathers, mothers, young ones and the adults.
Let’s put it straight, what is the message you’re trying to pass across?
My message is about love; the beauty in giving and receiving. It’s all about preaching love generally and doing the right things at the right time.
As a young girl like you who’s physically endowed, tell me about the challenges you faced while seeking roles in the industry?
Yes, initially the jobs were not coming because if you don’t have somebody somewhere, then you can’t get any job. It was really tight. I actually took it slow and was praying about it. It was very difficult to break in but here I am today.
Talking about breaking in eventually, how did you actually break in because you have a very tempting body that could easily appeal to any man on a very good day; weren’t you sexually harassed?
I wasn’t sexually harassed even with my shape. And nothing like that happened. I went for auditions and got picked. Sometimes, they knew that some roles were going to fit me and they would call me and give me the script and nothing more.
Tell me your experience on your first day in front of the camera?
That was on the set of Good Samaritan. The director was an elderly man and was like a father. He really encouraged me and calmed me down. Nevertheless, I’m not a quiet person because I’ve always enjoyed stuffs like that. So, it wasn’t that difficult to adjust.
How about your parents, were they supportive at the point you wanted to go into the industry?
Funny enough, my dad is this kind of person that loves to use his daughter to brag. He will be like, ‘Can’t you see my daughter? Do you know her? Oh, that’s my star’. So, he really liked what I was doing. But at the same time, he told me to do what is right. My mum was equally supportive before she died; whenever I was rehearsing, she would come around to rehearse with me. So, both of them didn’t have any problem with my acting career, but just told me to do the right films.
Let’s go back to your recent project which is your music; what songs are you working?
My debut album is almost complete. I just have one or two more songs to go but right now, I’m already promoting a new song titled, Money /Ogalanya. In the song, I was talking about the rich people and telling the ‘have-nots’ that money is going to come. So, I started calling on the rich people to come out and dance. It’s just a playful song. There is another song where I featured Flavour, the song is titled, Nyem Something. I also featured General Pype in Turn me on. I’m still going to work with some other artistes too which I’m seriously working on.
Lately, as an actress, you were at Mercy johnson’s wedding; with the whole controversies that surrounded the marriage, what’s your take on it?
Controversies are always the portion of the artistes because f the nature of our job. People are always forgetting that we are human beings too. Whenever it’s time for us to settle down like any other person in this world, so many things will start happening and the media will switch gear in order to frustrate us. But as for Mercy Johnson, I knew the wedding was going to hold because I knew they were in love and were true to each other. I went for the wedding even when people were saying negative stuffs but I’m very happy that they got married and are in love.
Tell me about your relationship with Mercy Johnson?
Our relationship is very much private. We attend the same church. I respect her a lot just as she respects me too. You don’t expect me to be discussing how we laugh and gist on the pages of the paper.
Now, so many things have been written on your relationship; your romance with the music star, Kcee in particular. Did you actually date him?
I’m moving on now and we’re moving ahead. There are some things I wouldn’t like to talk about now because I’m more matured now and grown up.
But you confirmed in an interview that you dated?
I’ve been talking about that a lot. I don’t want to talk about it again, can we move on please? Thank you.
Okay, let’s put the record straight; you’ve been heavily linked romantically with Kelly handsome, KC, a Governor and a host of others. What’s really going on here?
Nothing is happening dear. They are all stories and are fiction.
You know the press makes stories just to keep talking and put words in people’s mouth.
Why is it that with you, it’s always on the negative side, sincerely, one might be tempted to believe these things at times because in every rumour, there is always an iota of truth?
I don’t know, maybe that’s what people like most to read about.
Are you really scandalous?
I used to be.
Do you intentionally associate yourself with scandals and how have been able to come out of it since you just said you used to be involved in scandals?
No, I don’t associate myself with scandals. I think it’s down to being at the right place at the wrong time. When the scandals come, I get very pissed and I cried most times but at appoint I just had to get used to it. I didn’t really do those things. When some people look at me from afar, they think I’m this and that. Anita is not like that and so many of those stories weren’t true. Kelly Handsome is my friend and there’s nothing more. In this industry, when you’re hanging out with a guy and are close, it means you guys are dating. It’s very wrong!
So, why do you think all these things are happening?
I don’t know.
Anita, you’ve got a very sexy body, a nice ass and a curvaceous one at that; in fact, you could be referred to as voluptuous because you’re an original African woman. Don’t you think asset like this makes you thick as an actress?
Yes, they are. But just as the physical endowment is important, you must not forget in a hurry that my talent is the most important thing that is carrying the physical attributes.
Now, what do you think is your selling point just like any other artiste out there?
God has been there for me and He’s the one that has been and still securing all things for me.
Are you cocky?
I’m not cocky. Take away the tabloid and the silver screen, Anita is the everyday girl. She’s a sister you would want to have around you. She’s your fantastic next door neighbor. She’s the chic you wish you had as your baby girl. She’s equally the sister-in-law u wish you had. There are lots of originality attached to Anita’s person. She doesn’t brag or adds anything to herself. She’s just the way she is. She’s just Anita and nothing more. Overall, she’s very loving.
What is so unique about you that you think stands you out as one of the finest actresses in the industry?
Everybody has got a unique talent inbuilt in him or her. In my case, I so much believe in originality. While I’m not trying to create a kind of competition between myself and anybody because I believe in myself, I’m going to play my character till the end.
Who is your ideal man?
He mustn’t be that flashy. He must respect me, caring, intelligent, dress well and be very neat. Above all, he must have the fear of God and a good sense of humour. He must also be the type that I could learn from because as human beings, we learn everyday.
Could you share the most memorable kiss you had on the set of a movie?
I can’t remember because I’m always lost in my element whenever I’m acting. Acting is an art and it must be presented the way it is. I don’t even remember or think about what I’ve done when I’m through on set.
Do you think those love scenes and romantic scenes are well portrayed enough in Nollywood?
You know what, we’re Africans and we have one of the most unique cultures in the world. There are some things that we easily frown out and mustn’t be taken beyond a certain level. So, we can’t present those scenes you’ve mentioned like it’s done in the Western world, but in all, we’re trying.
As an African woman who is so endowed, what’s that one thing that you can’t wait to happen to you?
Hmmm…having my own husband and my own kids. I want to marry my ‘own’ husband and have beautiful kids. I want to have three girls and two boys by His grace.
What could easily break your heart?
When someone disrespects me, I could easily loose it. Maybe there’s something you should have told me at the backdoor and you now started shouting on me in the public; I hate it. I don’t like insult.
Tell us about your low moment?
That would be when I lost my mother in 2006 August. It was really sad for me. If your mother is alive, you won’t understand what I’m saying.
What about the acme of your career?
I’ve not really gotten to the zenith of my career but I’m happy with my position right now because things are happening and I’m seeing results.
What are your aspirations as an actress and as a singer?
I want to be known all over the world. I want to impact on my generation. I want to be able to help kids, especially the abandoned ones. I want to help people and do stuffs that I’ll be remembered for. I also want to have a very big studio that people can come and work. In the next five years, I want to settle down and have my own kids. I really want to have a happy home. I might equally not be doing movies anymore.
Between acting and singing, which is your most preferred?
I place them equally and for now, I’m not dropping anyone.
Which one do you think you’re more adroit in?
I love both and I give my utmost best in them.
Are you in a relationship?
Yes, I have a relationship. That’s why sometimes, when they write stuffs about me, it really hurts.
So, when do you intend to walk down the aisle with your ‘Mr. Right’?
Not now but I will get married at the right time.
What really attracted you to your prince charming?
He makes me laugh a lot and he’s full of respect for me.
Could you recount those words he used to clear you off your feet?
Oh my Gosh, you’re so endowed! You look cute too. Above all, he respects me and has the fear of God.
What part of your body do you treasure most; is it your bum, boobs, eyeball or legs?
Every part of my body. I’m a full African woman who is well endowed.
Let me say you’re bum-bastic because your waist line is ‘wicked’?
Yeah, something like that. You can see that everywhere is intact just like a real African woman. I inherited all from my mum; from my boobs to my ass.
Lastly, there have been talks about you that you got into series of fight with Empress Njamah and Ebube Nwagbo over Timaya and KC respectively, what actually went wrong?
I never had any issue either Empress or Ebube over anybody. It’s just the press. Nothing really happened. I don’t have anything to do with Timaya but I like his songs. Thank you (global news)

chsiom cassidy
October 31, 2011 at 5:35 PM
yea i think dats true she is endowned n she is sexy n intelligent and performing well in de movie industry.
clementina osakwua
November 8, 2011 at 6:47 AM
if u are an african then u behave as one. Are u a monkey dat jumps from one tree 2 another? See d way u expose ur breast wat are u selling.