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Married Nigerian Man Rejects Girlfriend’s Proposal At Ikeja City Mall Lagos After 10 Years Of Dating

married man rejects girlfriend proposal ikeja city mall

January 15, 2018 – Married Nigerian Man Rejects Side-chick, Secret Girlfriends Proposal At Ikeja City Mall Lagos After 10 Years Of Dating

The internet went agog this morning with the story of a bold lady who got the shock of her life when her boyfriend of 10 years rejected her proposal at ICM (Ikeja City Mall) in Lagos.

The lady who staged the proposal with help of friends and family members broke down in tears when who refused to collect her proposal ring whispered into her ears that he is married with kids.

The twist of fate is the most talked about topic on the social media today as many called out the lady in black for being too cheap with her desperate approach.

Watch the viral video below

The talk on the streets is that this lady should be blamed…

Come to think of it, how can you date a man for complete 10 years without commitment.

In that period of 10 years she must have wasted her time, energy and others things that can’t be mentioned here.

It is high time sisters shine their eyes very well. Not all that glitters is gold.

This abroad inspired proposal by ladies is unAfrican. It should be condemned because African men are wired to pop the question first.

Single ladies, please take note…. May you never be disgraced like this lady.



  1. Akanni

    January 15, 2018 at 9:57 PM

    Is she out of her mind. Who inspired her. she should just go and commit suicide… I wish to see clearly and give her a dirty slap what sort of thing is dis.
    She is a disgrace.

    • Noname

      January 16, 2018 at 4:02 AM

      She should commit suicide because she made a mistake and a man rejected her???? Is it God that rejected her? U must be sick yourself. Good!!!

    • Opeyemi Akeke

      January 16, 2018 at 5:34 PM

      Who says things like this “she should commit suicide” never judge an issue if you’ve never been in the situation, she loved the guy, the guy was just meant to have said yes, and tell her no in discreet.

  2. iron bar

    January 15, 2018 at 10:40 PM

    Must be attracted to his looks and probably his can u hang out with a man for over a decade without finding he’s married with kids.i wont stereotype that most women have fish brain.what a shame

  3. fifelomo

    January 15, 2018 at 11:42 PM

    Amen…….very sad. It was a black Monday for her. Some Men can be deceitful. Just wondering how she actually spent 10 years of her life dating/loving that shithole not to be aware he’s married. Quite painful!!! Come to think of it that lady get heart ooo ha! Proposing to that mango head openly chai!!! E pain me gan Haa! The most annoying part was when she started crying…..Haa I say this thing dy pain me gaan ni.????????

    • Larape Samson

      January 15, 2018 at 11:44 PM

      I wonder

  4. ogoo uduba

    January 16, 2018 at 4:36 AM

    nawaoo, wonder shall never cease, she get heart ooo, well, she deserved what she saw their. Lol!!!

    • Trevor

      January 16, 2018 at 11:45 AM

      She was in love with money which makes her not to have realized on time that the guy is married. Nothing wrong with loving a rich guy. But don’t get blind by His wealth

  5. Ola

    January 16, 2018 at 6:35 AM

    Thank God she proposed to him….. She would not have know he was married with kids until 20years later. Since she was blindly in love with a married man for TEN years without knowing… That’s bound to happen when you focus on his money….

  6. Paul

    January 16, 2018 at 7:13 AM

    I will not put the whole blame on her. Dating a single guy for ten years 8s no small work. She should be appreciated for that and don’t for the saying; if the mountain refuse to go to the Mohammed,then Mohammed should be humble enough to go to the mountain.the guy should be blamed for all this. Africans and their sentimental judgement.

  7. J. B. Hunter

    January 16, 2018 at 7:14 AM

    CHAI… THIS Is probably the mother of all heartbreaks in history.
    I just pray she should not consider suicide just like Akanni foolishly adviced.

    May God Himself comfort her with someone who will truely love her from the sincerity and bottom of his heart not by his DICK only.

    I take a stroll…

    • oj

      January 16, 2018 at 3:36 PM

      The stupid thing is that these type of girls don’t pay attention to those who love them truly. They will rather be busy wasting their lives with a fake guy who will use his village grinding stone to pieces their heart at the end of the day. it serve her right.But the guy wicked shaaa…

  8. Rebecca

    January 16, 2018 at 7:20 AM

    Pls don’t blem her he might have been telling her very soon when things get better. If u don’t suffer with a man at time the call you gold digger if u do only God can console her

  9. DB

    January 16, 2018 at 7:38 AM

    I cant believe she was with a man for 10years and never knew he had a family. All the signs would have been there but she probably chose to ignore, thinking she will win the man. But seriously, that man should be punished for 10years of mischief both to the wife and girlfriend. The heart on MAN is desperately wicked. Side chick, you sef sabi ‘jump’! What were you thinking proposing to a man in a SHOPPING MALL? Were you trying to make headlines? Well, you made the Wrong Headline. Ultimately headline na headline. What a waste of a Decade!

  10. sanctity

    January 16, 2018 at 7:52 AM

    what a disgrace

  11. Shubusola

    January 16, 2018 at 8:02 AM

    why is everyone blaming d girl.the man she be blamed. whatever she did is not shameful. she wanted to make d first step but d foolish man is a married family man. why didn’t he tell her.the man shd be taken to court for being fraudulent. he shd be disgraced. in our society its easy to blame d woman like she asked herself out in d first place. the man is d bad one.

  12. Ada

    January 16, 2018 at 10:47 AM

    This Lady is a big fool…how can u you date a man for good ten years without knowing he is married with kids.. you were blinded by love ..are saying you have not met with any members of his family or friends …Haba…abeg just go relax your self biko..but come to think of it…some men eeh can lie for Africa, they are deceitful..but one thing i know Karma will sure visit that man…..

  13. oby

    January 16, 2018 at 12:33 PM

    Am so disappointed in this lady, how can you bring yourself so low and cheap to propose to a man, not even single but married with kids?. it is really a shame, and may be she did that in order to draw attention to herself, because now everybody is talking about her. in deed she disgraced herself and her family. those who supported her to do this must be out of their minds. a lady going to a shop mall to propose to a guy….it is very unfortunate. my advise to her is to turn her life to Jesus who is the Author and finisher of her faith and wait upon Him and He will definitely bring the best man for her. May God encourage her.

  14. Dele Simon Aiyenabo

    January 16, 2018 at 1:59 PM

    Probably the man must taken advantage of her. Deceived her all these years. You never can tell. Some men are perfect fakes or deceitful

  15. Nero

    January 16, 2018 at 3:15 PM

    Watching this video look like a prank to me but if it happens to be real I don’t just know what to say about this two persons

  16. Kay

    January 16, 2018 at 8:35 PM

    The man should be gunned down. He’s a wicked animal. Whatever his marital or financial status,both of them were in public. It was absolutely wrong to treat her that way,a lady he lied to and took advantage of for 10 years.He could have simply accepted it to avoid the shame on the woman and later tell her in private he was married. He’s an irresponsible animal.This is also a lesson for ladies out there that not all that glitters is gold. It’s very sad

    • Ginger

      January 18, 2018 at 1:40 PM

      Some people said the guy should have pretended and collected the ring just to look good abi? Please have you forgotten that someone was recording the video, waiting to share it on social media. Then his original wife ( the proposer is the fake 10years idiotic wife) would have seen it and then what? You want him to please the proposer and you watching and destroy his home?
      The girl simply got served and am so happy this happened. Let this serve as a deterrent to all Nigerian girls harbouring such degrading thoughts. This is Africa, Nigeria. Here, a man proposes not a woman. You go and propose to a man, tomorrow he starts dealing with you in the marriage. Women that were married the normal way sef still dey hear am, not to talk of the one wey no get single self respect. She knelt there for like 1 minute and the guy was just looking at her. He almost walked away in embarrassment. Then she screamed out to him to say yes naaaa. Jisos!!! Am embarrassed on her behalf biko. I will disown her for 1 year if she were my child. Iranu.

  17. kelvin

    January 16, 2018 at 9:51 PM

    na wah oooo dis one weak me oooo

    girls better behave ur self in dis 2018 ooo

  18. Jilo

    January 17, 2018 at 7:04 PM

    Going through all comments made by the commenters, I realized only few people were sincere about their comments. That girl get carried away by lust to the extent that she doesn’t know what she’s doing no more. Entering the second year of any relationship, a responsible girl should throw a question to would be their future husband how readiness and how soon he is planning on settling down. From his response you should be able to determine if you are staying in that relationship or quiting. Folks, for good 10 solid years, this girl kept fooling himself without letting guy’s parents know what is going on between them. I don’t think any member of their family knew they were into courtship otherwise a good mother in law would have advised her not to waste her time. Please, for those of you who are apportioning blame on that guy, you are wrong.

    If that girl is my sister, I would have given her a memorable slap on her face before I sit her down for an advise because her situation aggravates me for displaying stupidity all these while. Truly, a man can deceive a woman only is she’s allowed to be deceived. It does not take a decade for any woman to find her soul mate.

    Notwithstanding, here are some useful advise for any young girl looking for a perfect soulmate.

    Advise number 1: Do not allow love to blind in order to make a split-second decision. Although sometime it may be painful especially when you are in love but you have to learn how to let go and move on. There is someone, somewhere for everybody out there but our problem is we don’t know when we going to meet that person. That is why you see some women getting love advances from men even after two/three children. Relax! your man will come.

    Rule #2: Do not present yourself so cheaply to men just because you are desperate to get married. If a man never told you for once that he loves you, I don’t think you need any soothsayer to tell you that is not the right man for you. You must let that proposal comes from your man’s mouth first. If you think he is taking his time to decide on the next level of your relationship, you may indirectly throw that question at him for example, my dream is to settle down in 2 years and have my own family what about you? then from his response, you will know whether to move forward or agree to 10 years proposal as this girl. I bet you if you let him go, if he is yours, he will finds you and come back to you, if not, just take your minds off.

    If the problem if finance, if you can help that is fine. Most of the problem every young man is having in our Country today is money to sustain their relationship that is just because of our poor economic situation. Do not think because you have had sex with him and you don’t want to be a loser, trust me, you are going to loose more if you continue to be forceful. An ideal lady must learn how to let go in order to open the door for eligible single.

    Rule #3: To all girls out there, if you proposed man never introduced you to any member of his family as a fiancée please try to think twice before you plunge yourself deep in lust. Those are the signs you need to observe very well while dating. When his mother or father says O’ young man, we don’t want you to bring another girl to us as your fiancée, that is an assurance from his parents and being witness to your courtship. That is why I said that’s that girl has a lot of flaws in her. Again, she might not have male adviser in her family or among her siblings potherwise a man in her family should have offered her a better advise.

    Finally, I would like to stop here temporarily because most of us may not like my long essay. This is an open discussion. We talk more on this next time.

  19. Carter

    January 18, 2018 at 5:31 PM

    I know this girl , her name is ifunanya we went to the same uni and i was dating her bestfriend, i know her to be desperate when it comes to men. its a disgrace that happened in this video, women shouldnt be proposing

  20. Big Aunty Koks

    January 18, 2018 at 7:40 PM

    Oh! I don’t. Know what is more painful…..the embarrassment of being played for a fool for ten solid years or having to cringe for having made a public spectacle of yourself? Thank God she had her own support team handy to catch her should she faint in shock at the “discovery”.
    Sorry sha o; but you invested ten years in buying wisdom. Next time you will definitely look before you leap and of course you won’t allow him ten years to study and get a Ph.D. In you before you ask hard q uestions about where you stand.

  21. Abi

    January 19, 2018 at 8:58 AM

    Some ladies are aware that the man is married and will still continue, the man may tell them that the wife is just living with him and that they are not married,or about to be divorced. And they will continue with the relationship, waiting for the man to send the wife away. Ladies, don’t fool yourselves. That man is keeping you as permanent girlfriend not as wife to -be.

  22. Best dating sites

    March 5, 2018 at 8:25 PM

    When a girl proposes you it does not mean that you have to accept that proposal. Maybe you are having the other relationship.

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