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Ndi Ofe Nmanu Igbo Word Meaning

Ndi Ofe Nmanu is not a good word. Igbo people refer to Yoruba people as Ndi Ofe meaning people who are fond of eating oily soup.

They also refer to Yoruba people as Ngbati Ngbati meaning Yoruba people are fond of using Ngbati in the words (Ngbati means then)



  1. Oluchukwu

    October 21, 2016 at 9:55 AM

    Ndi Ofe Nmanu is not a bad word rather it is a pointer to akind of people whose pattern of cooking includes larger portion of oil.
    Haters can twist it to mean anything.
    Igbo’s are comfortable with omo-Ibo (Igbo man) called them by the Yorubas and the Yamiri (Give me water) called them by the Hausa people, so what is bad about ofe-nmanu which is truth about the Yoruba people?
    Let Igbo be.

    • F*** them jor

      April 25, 2020 at 10:44 AM

      I know this post as been a while now… But i detest the igbo because or thier mockery and hypocrisy its jst really annoying.. No other tribe has a mocking name for u people…… When you guys soup are based on palm fruits (red oil itself)

      • Folashade ogunleye

        May 26, 2020 at 5:30 AM

        They are set of fools…they call all yoruba food ofemanu oil or no oil to condemn all other food.And their food is watery

  2. Your Nemesis

    September 14, 2017 at 4:15 PM

    Your names says it all. Out of your tribalism you failed to realize that Yorubas consist of different sub-ethnic(if I can used that word) groups, hence have different soups and type of cooking. U also failed to say the truth that it’s a stereotype…just like you guys believe amala and gbegiri and ewedu is everywhere in Yoruba land. Continue to wallow in ur ignorance.

  3. Uto

    February 5, 2019 at 6:43 PM

    Ngbati means “When…” not ‘then’

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