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Nigeria Has Been Unhappy Since 1960 – Veteran Actor Dejumo Lewis

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Oct 1st, 2016 – Nigeria Has Been Unhappy Since 1960 – Veteran Actor Dejumo Lewis

My view of Nigeria as she turns 56 – Dejumo Lewis

I can tell you that we’re having the best government since Independence. It is the first government that I know that is holding the bull by the horns. What is unfortunate is that the people who have contributed to bringing the country down are the ones sabotaging and opposing the war against corruption.

For me, the greatest challenge of Nigeria and Africa is corruption. If we can win the war against corruption, every other thing will fall in place, I can assure you. Previous governments have successively mismanaged things and have not been very honest.

They were stealing the commonwealth of the people and they claimed all was well. We’ve been unhappy from 1960. The founding fathers tried to put Nigeria on a good pedestal but they were fighting themselves too. And they didn’t allow the most competent man, late Chief Obafemi Awolowo, to take control of this country and replicate what he did before Independence in the Western region.




    October 1, 2016 at 5:56 AM

    the present government is not fighting against corruption rather fighting against the opposition, why can’t Buhari start by going after Amechi, Tinubu and Obasanjo etc, everyone knows how Buhari got to the office, it was through the same corruption(election rigging) . there’s too much hatred among Nigerians , tribalism etc. left for me , there’s nothing like Nigeria. Nigeria is like United Kingdom ( wales, England, northern Ireland and Scotland) the same with Nigeria (Ibo, Hausa and Yoruba). In united kingdom, Scotland wants to be free and in Nigeria Biafra wants to be free. At 56 years, it’s only God that will restore Nigeria.

  2. fifelomo

    October 1, 2016 at 6:59 AM

    @truth is painful, you said my mind. Present Government is busy fighting against the opposition party, main while a lot needs to be done. The impact is bn felt by the poor masses.

  3. Endure

    October 1, 2016 at 10:19 PM

    It is so shameful that Nigeria continue to maintain there disgusting name as the second most corrupt country in the world. It is so incredible and shocking that since the past 56 years of money laundry acts and mismanagement by our former presidents and head of state till date,the fight against corruption and the bringing of suspected corrupt criminals to stand trial has not been worn in nigeria. What a shame and setback for our generation! Babangida and Abacha looted and dried up our national treasury with impunity. Obasanjo who recovered some of the looted Abacha funds still cannot give account of those money recovered. Before obasanjo was sworn in as a first democratically elected president of Nigeria in 1999,about N30 to N50 billion of Abacha looted funds was there waiting in Nigerian accounts to be seized by Obasanjo’s government apart from the one that was repatriated from foreign banks. In 2004 Swiss government return $500 million about N65 billion at that time to nigeria account. In 2005 okonjo Iweala announced to nigerians that we have recovered $458 dollars Abacha Looted fund about N59.5 billion of exchange rate at that time,all this in Obasanjo’s administration. It is so shocking and disgraceful that till this minutes our former president Olusegun Obasanjo has not being able to account for a single penny of those mind bugling amount of cash! When asked early this year where he kept those recovered looted funds of Sani Abacha,Obasanjo angrily replied that if any Nigerians need information regarding that money,they should visit the NIGERIAN CETRAL BANK. What an irresponsible and shameful way to reply nigerians.

    And Is that not also crazy of this country to remain powerless to bring this wicked people like this man to justice? He shamelessly cowered in fear and quickly returned $200 dollars more than N300 billion to the EFCC. Again, the good question is,why has this man not being questioned and be brought to stand trial by the EFCC for those heavy sum of money in his accounts? That tells us how powerless our government can be in their fight against corruption and that further convinced me that corruption is here to stay and will remain part of our existence as a nation for a very long time.

    The latest criminal that further testify to the inability of nigerian government to arrest and jail money launderer is the case of madam patience. Despite a glaring evidence of corrupt practice in the case of madam patience, EFCC have not been able to come up with charges and subsequent arrest of this woman. The same also goes to Dansuki in detention without trial and many more. All this bad records shows that at age 56 years of our independent,Nigeria is still very much like a slave to it colonial master.

    Wicked men and impostors will never allow good things to take root in our country. And that was why a good man like Obafemi Awolowo was not given the opportunity to
    become our leader before his death. That evil act is what persist to this moment of 56 years of failure and corruption. Shame on our leaders!

  4. sola olaniyi

    October 4, 2016 at 8:40 AM

    you’ve said the truth@TRUTH

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