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Nigeria Out Of World Cup 2014, Nigerians Accused FIFA Of Racism
June 30, 2014 – Nigeria Out Of World Cup 2014, Nigerians Accused FIFA Of Racism
Our guys really tried today but referee partiality didn’t help them at all.
Without this wururu thing, Nigeria will beat France anyday anytime….
Here is my issue with FIFA, why can’t they have a governing body that monitors referees performance.
You need to check the social media and see how Nigerians are very upset with this referee.. Many of them are accusing FIFA officials of racism.
The only African team remaining in the World Cup is Algeria. Let’s see how far they go.
Did you watch the match, what is your take?

June 30, 2014 at 8:26 PM
June 30, 2014 at 8:29 PM
I don’t know much about sport but it is glaring that the referee was on france side. This is not good.
Nigeria should not bother with this world cup thing again. It is nonsense.
Yes whoever owns FIFA is a bloody racist.
Why are there no black referees? think about that
June 30, 2014 at 8:31 PM
@ author u should consider a career in sport analysis
Racism is real my people wake up
doro smart
June 30, 2014 at 8:32 PM
E be like sey alomo dey worry you, Argentina abi algeria
am really upset to hell with fifa
June 30, 2014 at 8:33 PM
Am still fuming about this obvious racism going on in dis corrupt body called FIFA
Why don’t they hire black referees.
This is not world cup it is racist cup
June 30, 2014 at 8:37 PM
Matuidi was booked for his challenge on Onazi. Get your facts right, did you even watch the Game? Even though I agree that the officiating wasn’t perfect; I wouldn’t say it was partial. We should put to mind that these officials are humans too, they make mistakes. And @Toyosi they are many black referees in this tournament.The referee for the USA Vs Germany game is an Algerian, the linesman for our game was even black. Furthermore, the French team is filled with ***** players; so think about that.
June 30, 2014 at 11:42 PM
i just finished watching algeria match they also loose well for that referee who disallowed our goal against france God will punish him and it shall never be well with him,that man is racist,oga keshi’s boy (yobo) did the worst this evening i hope oga and boy will retire has they said, we need foreign coach that can handle the boys well.
July 1, 2014 at 2:07 AM
The French escaped two red cards; the dude that stepped on Onazi and Girou who elbowed Mikel. Eagles tried their best, but unfortunately it was good enough.
July 1, 2014 at 3:32 AM
The referee may be racism but Nigeria too had so many opportunity to score but they refuse to score.
July 1, 2014 at 6:29 AM
Hahahahah, I know naija must get one excuse or the other whenever they win them, is france not also black! Pls we played useless and that’s why they won us, how on earth can naija win france b/4, abeg make una park well joor
July 1, 2014 at 7:27 AM
Keshi has given us d IittIe he, go to South Africa
Lowo Adigun
July 1, 2014 at 9:39 AM
We, Nigerians are very funny. Nobody can defeat us except the referee is bias. Abeg commot there. We need to grow and accept that we are not good enough otherthan blaming others for our short-comings. The referee in the match against Bosnia was not bias ke. Disallowing their good goal and allow our own goal. FIFA was not racist then. Let’s learn to be objective in our thinking.
July 1, 2014 at 3:04 PM
Let’s forget about refree being bias for now, at least for anybody who watched that game will know that France is going to win that match. Look at the performers of our boys esp during the second half time, it seems they were all looking tire & exhausted. There was one thing that I observed about this game our boys did not have enough stamina even they found it difficult to defend their home. I have foreshadow this game from the beginning even without being partial by the referee there is no way they can defeat those guys. They have good defense with more standard, Although the refree seems leaning towards France but he is not the only umpire, the two lines man were there to bring this up to FIFA.
Sam big boy
July 1, 2014 at 10:15 PM
my people just take a good look at this and you will see that Fifa is nonsense, Ivory Coast midfielder Yaya Toure believes nobody cared about the Elephants being knocked out of the World Cup due to refereeing mistakes because they are African.
Do you agree with him? Or you think he is just being petty?
Eazy E
July 2, 2014 at 4:26 PM
Yeah, not perfect officiating, but YOU people forgot when the referee denied Dzeko (Bosnia) a goal against us? Mistakes do happens in football, but Naijas are too negatively minded in all things, and don’t look at things objectively. You always want things to go your way, forgetting others are not onlookers. Its pretty bad, but we need to get our games right. Kudos to the boys, but lot of things needs to be corrected. Selection methods into super eagles is key, then we can build a strong team. Names doesn’t wear shirts in Brazil…only skill does. So we need to understand when the coach drops some names that are pleasing to you when preparing for tournaments like this. The coach can be punished for not performing if given full control, but or else all the controllers must be punished too