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Nigerian Television Authority, NTA History & Official Website

nta nigerian television authority

Nigerian Television Authority popularly known as NTA is the oldest broadcasting station in Africa.

History Of Nigerian Television Authority

Nigerian television authority is a government owned news broadcasting station that is mainly in charge of airing latest news around Nigeria.

NTA was inaugurated in 1977

According to NTA’s claim, they are the largest African stations.
Its formerly called Nigerian Television, NTV.

NTA have branches in the following cities in Nigeria

  • Aba
  • Abeouta
  • Abuja
  • Akure
  • Ado Ekiti
  • Asaba
  • Awka
  • Bauchi
  • Benin
  • Kebbi
  • Calabar
  • Damaturu
  • Dutse
  • Enugu
  • Gombe
  • Gusau
  • Ibadan
  • Ile Ife
  • Ijebu Ode
  • Ilorin
  • Jalingo
  • Jos
  • Kaduna
  • Kano
  • Katsina
  • Lagos
  • Lafia
  • Lokoja
  • Maiduguri
  • Makurdi
  • Minna
  • Ondo
  • Osogbo
  • Owerri
  • Port Harcourt
  • Sokoto
  • Uyo
  • Yenagoa
  • Yola
  • Sapele
  • Nigerian Television Authority International

Nigerian Television Authority Website

As at the time of this report, NTA doesn’t have an official website as a visit to is broken.




    October 27, 2012 at 8:07 PM

    Indeed, a tv network that is not innovative.

  2. olatunde ojo

    November 9, 2012 at 1:08 PM

    please i want to know when we nigerian in diaspora will start having acess to watch nta channels like nta lagos or nta ibadan or nta abeokuta in europe eg london and the others



    • Etim Okon

      December 10, 2013 at 10:17 PM

      When sheep starts developing horns on its forehead.

      • berto

        July 2, 2015 at 5:20 PM

        good one okon

  3. Daniel Okoli

    November 13, 2012 at 10:11 PM

    NTA is really the best but they should try and produce news pepers.

  4. Omole Benson (Evang.)

    December 19, 2012 at 1:47 PM

    I wish to be interviewed on ‘CHRISTMAS’. The Bible has the proof that Christ was not born on Dec. 25th. This date falls into winter period, in Israel, hence Shepherds couldn’t have been on the field with their flock, at night…

    • John

      October 26, 2016 at 7:19 AM

      Can u jst mention d bible verse that states Jesus was born on Dec 25th? Be sure u av right facts before posting anything.

  5. King Jack

    January 4, 2013 at 2:26 PM

    I want to the Names of NTA Staff starting from DG

  6. benzafun

    January 24, 2013 at 6:00 PM

    nta ondo has been under construction since 2002 and is yet to be completed. I wonder why its already listed when we see nothing happening on site. I live opposite the site.

  7. Badsociety

    February 20, 2013 at 4:01 PM

    NTA has no functional website! That, in a way, says it all.

  8. sanusi umar koko

    February 22, 2013 at 3:09 PM

    My comment is a question, why is nigerians can not wacth nta free, unlike ghana,gabon,benin and even niger, we nigerian can wacth them, but nigerian can not wacth nta programmes for 24hrs,unless in some selected part of d country, is a shameful. Sanusi koko

  9. Gbenga Joseph

    March 20, 2013 at 10:49 PM

    Please, kindly refer me to where {& how} I could watch a previously aired programme on NTA…t’was aired on 28th October, 2012. please reply soon. Thanks!


    March 30, 2013 at 11:17 AM

    the Nigerian Television Authority is one of the outstanding Television station in Nigeria. It is the oldest Television station that has its name changed to NTA formally WNBC by Gen Olusegun Obasanjo. it created the chance for the society to get closer to the government. this station posssess all the qualities to be a broadcast station i.e. accuracy, objectivity, fairness, truthfulness e.t.c. also it is the only Television station that has its station in almost all the cities in the country.


    • sini dada

      March 28, 2015 at 1:24 PM

      Thank u for all your “praises & songs” showered on NTA. U seem patriotic, but really a historian. We are living in an IT/SPACE/NUCLEAR/CYBER age today, far from the stone age. NTA “everything” or any type of NTA should be viewable online and on sat tv channels, at any part of the globe in 2015. ANYTHING SHORT OF THIS IS RUBBISH & NONSENSE. Nigerians should follow or meet positive international standards at all times. BOKO HARAM issue for instance would have being “nipped in the bud” if Nigeria had a HI-TECH military(DRONE COMBAT SQUAD). Why should Nigeria(with her enormous resources) trail behind nations like Ghana, Niger, Chad, Benin etc?

  11. mr

    April 1, 2013 at 8:30 PM

    2013 jamb ans is available if you want to have a good grade on your jamb, contact Mr uwa 08153918570

  12. Tony Garba

    April 24, 2013 at 2:05 PM

    Please let there be a kind of nationwide rotation of some good staff to other undeveloped branches because at times when some certain zones are to be compare with other local private media houses available it is far better than nta kind of output show cast. I believe we can improve for the best. Thank

  13. Abimbola John

    May 6, 2013 at 10:15 AM

    NTA should improve on her pictures; is always dark, does it mean there is no light in the market. The beautiful ones are darkened and the dark becomes ugly, why?

  14. Abimbola John

    May 6, 2013 at 10:22 AM

    NTA should improve on her picture quality

  15. Jide Thompson

    May 12, 2013 at 3:54 PM

    Why cant we watch NTA on Intelsat 20 like most xtain channels from Nigeria.Also, try to improve the picture quality. it s too dark–

  16. Uwadiale Collins Akharaiyi

    July 7, 2013 at 8:44 AM

    I think nta needs to improve in all areas including transparency

  17. Akinyemi Joe

    July 18, 2013 at 6:57 AM

    Please who are the members of the Board of Directors of NTA


  18. Ginika A

    October 6, 2013 at 12:09 AM

    NTA Port-Harcourt you have no history. Why can’t you make your history known to the public. In this present age you are still behind. Please wake up from your sleep.

  19. jenmi

    November 19, 2013 at 8:53 AM

    can any one help me with the phone No or Email Add of NTA Osogbo, thanks.

  20. Dylan Thomas

    February 2, 2014 at 5:46 PM

    On the 2nd of Feb 2014 a network programme Nigeria gots talent was abruptly cut for a local programme thrills and glamour on NTAUyo I would like to ask do e local programmes now superceed network programmes or is there something going on within the confines of the NTA Uyo

  21. MFON TOM

    April 1, 2014 at 2:34 PM

    Nigerian Television Authority is really the best but they should try and produce news link an other think like new paper.



    April 13, 2014 at 9:46 PM

    Nigeria Television Authority popularly known as NTA, the African largest station has been able to carry out it vision. The Nigerian Television Authority is one of the outstanding Television station in Nigeria. It is the oldest Television station that has its name changed to NTA formally WNBC by Gen Olusegun Obasanjo, it was also formally known as NTV Nigeria Television . It created the chance for the society to get closer to the government. This station posssess all the qualities to be a broadcast station i.e. accuracy, objectivity, fairness, truthfulness e.t.c. also it is the only Television station that has its station in almost all the cities in the country. According to history, NTA is the first TV station in Nigeria, as well as Iwe Irohin is the first newspaper so is NTA. The Mass Media has many issues facing the industry like corruption, sensationalism, obscenity in the media and so many problems. The current media houses are trying to solve this.


  23. chief ugochinyere

    April 30, 2014 at 11:23 AM

    Please, i want to know, who is the current Director General of NTA?

  24. binta ojone

    May 15, 2014 at 9:40 PM

    pls i need to know the names of NTA presenters and newscasters

  25. Nsikak Idung

    July 21, 2014 at 1:50 PM

    Please I want to know if Silheoute, the NIMC sponsored NTA Show is still on the adverts level, because I have timed to watch but my local station NTA Uyo does not show it.

  26. Paul B. Okon

    October 15, 2014 at 10:35 PM


    Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry & Wildlife Resources Management cordially invite the General Public, staff and students of the University of Calabar to the World Food Day 2014. WFD is an annual event celebrated world-wide on 16th October. It was designated by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to celebrate Agriculture and Food Production in furtherance of Food Security, sufficiency and the well-being of the earth’s people.

    Theme: Family Farming: Feeding the World, Caring for the Earth.

    Date: Thursday, 16th October 2014

    Time: 10.00am

    Venue: The Quadrangle, Faculty of Agriculture Forestry and Wildlife Resources Management (Beside Chinua Achebe Arts Theatre), UNICAL, Calabar

     Agricultural Shows
    o Food Inputs and Outputs, Raw materials, etc.
    o How to Produce or Process Natural Juice
     Drama, Dance
     Hunger Run, Farmers Parade, Symposia
     Public Lectures and Seminars on Family Farming

    Host: Dean of Agriculture Chief Host: Vice Chancellor, University of Calabar
    RSVP: YFPP/ Agric SIWES Coordinator, 08035401822

  27. maxwell vine

    October 17, 2014 at 1:18 PM

    I am here to commend you on your varieties of programs you are dishing out to your numerous viewers around the world but I must say that the picture and audio quality is very poor for those of us watching outside Nigeria please.

  28. lanre akerele

    April 3, 2015 at 9:45 AM

    NEPOTISM, GROSS MISSMANAGEMENT, VINDICTIVENESS, IMPUNITY and LACK OF EFFECTIVE CORPORATE GOVERNANCE remains the current face of NSITF. If Nigerians know how much was allegedly invested in computerization, which have been secretly guided… they will marvel at the rate of embezzlement that have crippled and choked NSITF to death by its Chairman and Board of Directors.
    The Employees Compensation Act which was enacted in 2010 saddles NSITF management board with administering the scheme in such a way that an average employee with injury in the course of work or even at work will enjoy rehabilitation or compensation as the case may be… but this main purpose of NSITF is farthest from being achieved due to its incompetent and corrupt Chairman/MD.
    Mrs. Ngozi Olejeme and her company have run NSITF and TRUST FUND’s entire Management down the drains with gross misconduct of managerial affairs and colossal embezzlement of its fund since she, Mrs. Ngozi Olejeme assumed office. Immediately the Act was signed and ready for implementation, the first move by the board was to engage a consultancy firm for recruitment, which it charged hopeless job seekers N1,000 each across the Federation… this same consultancy firm is owned by Mrs. N. Olejeme. The beneficial allowances for the workers are being denied and deprived of them by the autocratic and dictatorial leadership of same Mrs. Ngozi Olejeme. NSITF and TRUST FUND office buildings in different states of the Federation are owned by the Chairman of NSITF and TRUST FUND.

    What happened to the humongous money that was paid into NSITF and TRUST FUND account late last year? With the alleged connivance of PenCom, the NSITF is also the board of Trust fund pensions and of course every Nigerian know that over N50 billion worth of pension assets is in the custody of Trust fund… Can she account for this money after being audited? She used all of them to campaign for Delta State Gubernatorial seat leaving the NSITF administration in a shambolic state and in a mess.
    While government appointed the MD and three executive directors to run the scheme, the board stripped them of their executive management functions and replaced a serving police officer with the power to ‘fire and hire’ and transfer without allowance. Further investigations proved that her brother-in-law is the Executive Director of Operations. Whilst Mr. Mike Ogbe, a serving Police officer is in charge of NSITF and TRUST FUND and this same Mrs. Ngozi Olejeme runs this Federal Government scheme with him as though it is their own personal/family business, all the consultancy firms affiliated to NSITF and TRUST FUND belong to them. She takes travel allowance while she relaxes at home and when she eventually travels, she gallivants the world in chartered private jets. All embezzled from NSITF Funds. There is high level of corruption in NSITF and TRUST FUND, there are no seats for staff and visitors, the workers most of the time contribute money for enforcement drive, major facilities and fittings in different NSITF and TRUST FUND offices are dilapidated.

    EFCC fights corruption in Nigeria and we the citizens of this country are caught in the web of corrupt leaders, denting the image of this federal government Parastatals and frustrating the efforts of the government in fighting corruption. Mrs. Ngozi Olejeme claims that EFCC has some shares in her illegal business(es) and she has what it takes to get them compromised with her affluence… that, as far as she is concerned, The C.S.O to The President is solidly behind her.

    EFCC should investigate who is Weight Obuah, the Executive Director of Operations, Head Office ABUJA. He is the immediate younger brother of the C.S.O to the President Gordon Obuah. The Area 11 branch Office of NSITF, is headed by EDNA STOW as the Principal Manager, FCT Branch. Weight Obuah’s wife… is this supposed to be a family business?
    EFCC should also investigate who Mr. Mike Ogbe is, a serving Police officer whose wife (Catherin Ogbe) heads the ICT Department in NSITF Head office, Abuja. Mr. Mike interferes and detects the con-current affairs of NSITF and TRUST FUND. Mrs. N. Olejeme runs the affairs of NSITF and TRUST FUND from her house in Maitama, threatening any assertive staff to her with Presidency C.S.O, because she feels above the law and untouchable. We believe in the fact that EFCC fights corruption and they should investigate NSITF and TRUST FUND.

    There should be approval of social security bill to NSITF and TRUST FUND … Can the likes Mrs. Olejeme with her baseless background handle this?

    She is busy lavishing tax payers money, travelling and touring the globe with extravagant life style, flying in and out of the country with executive private charted jet (as she flew in recently from Canada). The most expensive houses in Asaba are owned by her, her compounds in Maitama, Abuja is like car garage with hundreds of latest expensive bullet cars/jeeps same in Asaba… meanwhile NSITF have no pool vehicles for enforcement drive in the branches of NSITF, Nationwide… this is clear misappropriation of funds for NSITF and TRUST FUND, let’s not forget about her record during Obasanjo’s regime, when she was appointed as a board member at ajaokuta steel company, she was caught in money laundering, that was two years ago though, invited by EFCC, …this case we believe is not being swept under the carpets of the scene.

    EFCC should ensure that its long arm of justice catches up with Mrs. Ngozi Olejeme and rid NSITF and TRUST FUND of the cankerworm that has retarded its development and output.

    The chairman and entire management of NSITF and TRUST FUND have looted the account of the investments and properties department. The Chairman, Mrs. N. Olejeme own a property worth billions of naira (tax payers money) at #25 Kamji Crescent Off Lake Chad Crescent, Maitama Abuja, Claiming to live in a rented apartment at 25 Rovuma Street, Off Limpopo Street, Maitama Abuja. Her properties abroad (in the following places) Canada, America, South Africa, etc. after creation of a unit called PROPERTY & INVESTMENT UNIT in Kagini Branch of NSITF, headed by one Mr. chuka (former first bank staff) and accomplice of Mrs. N. Olejeme who had always aided her in all her money laundering activities. The same Chuka, is a signatory to NSITF account- SHOULD THIS BE SO? Both the director and management staff of the investment and properties should be probed thoroughly.

    Staff are denied of their allowances, while the management have created an uncondusive environment for them. The average NSITF and TRUST FUND staff is being held in bondage and live abject state of life… courtesy, Mrs. Ngozi Olejeme Chairman, NSITF and TRUST FUND.

    EFCC should investigate NSITF and TRUST FUND, Fraud persist in NSITF and TRUST FUND. It is imperative for the government to know that Mrs. Ngozi Olejeme is morally and educationally incompetent to remain the chairman of NSITF, as this would undermine the noble efforts of the Government to provide social security for the governed. She should immediately be ousted and made to account for the billions of naira she and her cohorts have carted away from the coffers of the NSITF funds for her gubernatorial race and exotic mansions in Abuja/Asaba. This can be authenticated through her main agent, one Mr. Orlando Njokama fully based in Asaba for acquisition of land and houses in different states of the Federation.
    Together with Mr. Mike the serving Police officer, they have ruined NSITF… Government should therefore investigate Mrs. Ngozi Olejeme and her cohorts and salvage the Fund from these fraudsters.

  29. Aturuocha Victor

    July 5, 2015 at 1:04 PM

    This is to bring to the notice of the DG NTA to closely monitor the kind of messages and preaching by Muslim preachers in the name of Ramadan lectures and broadcast through the network of NTA stations eg Niger state Minna network station channel 10. A situation where a national network like NTA will be used as a platform to beam out a ‘well prepared’ hate and provocative messages against non Muslims by a group of people in the name of Ramadan lecture is not acceptable,more especially in a volatile country like ours now and with radical groups like Boko Haram emerging from all corners, Enough is enough. Victor from Minna Niger state

  30. sidiq yetunde jemilat

    August 5, 2015 at 8:03 PM

    Want to known the anchor of work-it-work programme on NTA ilorin

  31. Nwaigwe Joshua

    September 23, 2015 at 7:55 PM

    NTA has been a platform for Nigerians to close up with the government works. They’ve been transparent and are still transparent about the government polices. The programmes shown on NTA just keeps a lot of viewers glued to their chairs. Their system is getting better day by day. NTA gives opportunity to school students under media be on an Industrial training. The DDP is outstanding. Kudos to her.

  32. Benevolence

    October 5, 2015 at 4:40 PM

    indeed a TV network that is good at inovating

  33. Boniface

    November 16, 2015 at 11:01 AM

    Pls ofcos NTA is the best Tv station..pls i want this issue discussed on Good morning Nigeria.I am from Kogi state and due to the removal of soldiers from the highways..armed robery,kidnapping,burning of houses by fulani herdsmen has been rampant,killing of people and driving people from their farmland has been rampant,pls Let the president bring back the soldiers we are suffering,,He can’t focus on the Bokoharam only..The police on the highway cannot do anything. we need the soldiers.

  34. kola alawode

    January 1, 2016 at 8:46 AM

    Am kola by name am a studio engineer,producer,cameraman.i graduated @ ui,am acomputer litrate.I can handle many aspect am living in ondo state….so I ll be very delighted If u can employ me as nta television staff e mail [email protected] 8030856986

  35. A.D TAKON jr

    January 5, 2016 at 1:28 AM

    Happy new year to the entire staffs of nta for a good media job in 2015.and wishing u the very best in 2016. I wish the government Will give support to good development and Project That Will enhance change,create job opportunities and enpower the youths of our nation Nigeria and work towards ensuring peace and unity takes its cause in Nigeria and all aspect of our economy and human endeavor


    January 5, 2016 at 8:27 PM

    am using this medium to call the attention of those in authorities to come to the aid of the students of college of education zuba for illegal shun down of academic activities due to lack of fund to run the affairs of the school which i believe is unfair and is capable of causing hindrance to the life of the student.base on your track record i believe you will transmit this information to those at the helm of affairs.

  37. Akinola Sodipo

    February 23, 2016 at 12:52 PM

    My name is Akinola Sodipo, I met and watched a documentary when it was almost rounding up. I found the documentary very interesting and educative, even the little of it that I watched. This documentary is about converting human poo into charcoal and the setting was in Cote de voir (ivory Coast) The ultimate lesson was to reduce deforestation, prevent green house effect while using material hitherto thought to be of no value. I will be glad if you can lead me to this documentary or the source of this information. It will be invaluable in this our era of looking inwards. Kind regards.

  38. Suleiman shamaki.

    July 16, 2016 at 6:42 PM

    an inview conducted some in the 80swith late DrIbrahim Tahir Talban Bauchi

  39. Ahmed

    October 16, 2016 at 9:56 PM

    please guys I need ur help. please I need the name of state house correspondents from 1999 to 2016 my gmail is [email protected] please u can also reach me on my WhatsApp number 08149****4

  40. Ahmed

    October 17, 2016 at 7:51 AM

    please can someone help me with the names of state house correspondents from 1999 till date my email is [email protected] and my watsapp number 08149656624 thanks

  41. ola oyedele

    June 2, 2017 at 10:20 AM

    Hello, please how can I view through youtube the just concluded pencon programme around 10:30 am 0n 2/6/2017 on your station.thanks

  42. alfred ubua

    June 23, 2017 at 1:37 PM

    What is the name of the news caster who commuted suicide in london. Its a she.

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