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Nigerian Witches Endorse GEJ Again: President Jonathan In Secret Cult Membership Scandal

president jonathan secret society

Sept 23, 2014 – Nigerian Witches Say Jonathan Will Win Reelection Because He Has Supernatural Powers

Nigerian Witches Endorse GEJ Again: President Jonathan In Secret Society Membership Scandal

Again the Nigeria’s chapter of the Witches Association of the world has endorsed Jonathan for 2015 reelection.

The group tagged “The Inner Coven Society Worldwide” says Jonathan’s supernatural powers has earned him their favour.

Hear what the group told Daily Sun about Jonathan:

“The Inner Coven Society World-wide, as the minds that have travelled into the unseen and the unknown, is using this opportunity to say that the 2015 presidential election in Nigeria is a foregone issue. The election has been won and lost in the spirit realm. The candidate who by destiny has the overwhelming support of our society as well as other supernatural principalities in the high places is President Jonathan and he has won the election.”

“The Inner Coven Society worldwide is not a political organisation; neither are we affiliated to any political party or association. Our society is the general assembly of all the witches across the various continents of the earth.

Please tell these dumb group to keep quiet. Who are they before God Almighty the creator of heaven and earth. Witches are ants before our Lord Jesus so they should keep quiet.

If Jonathan wins the election in the absence of rigging, then God has permitted him to rule Nigeria again and not by the permission of some ants in the underworld.

President Jonathan has made history as the first Nigerian president to be endorsed twice by Witches within a year.

Recall that the association of Witches Wizards of Nigeria endorsed him few months ago.

This will further fuel the rumour going round that President Jonathan is an occultic man.

The rumour started in 2011 when the witches association first endorsed him and since then, he has been gaining support despite non-stop bloodshed and unrest under his administration.

Jonathan has never come open to dissociate himself from this group.

Na God go help us… lips sealed #baba God pass all evil doers, their days are numbered.

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  1. Gerald Liz

    September 23, 2014 at 8:05 PM

    There is no doubt Mr President is part of them that is why he is winning on every side. If Nigeria is a country of justice, they supposed to have removed him from office.
    The darkworld is behind him success

  2. bezo

    September 23, 2014 at 8:07 PM

    Why wont they love him, he is the #1 President in the world to give witches more meat than they need.
    Can you imagine how many blood of the boko haram victims witches have drank,
    their belly is fully so they can bless their servant

    Nigeria is in trouble I say let everyone run to OUR SAVIOUR TB Joshua for deliverance or else we are doomed forever

    • funkeyB

      September 23, 2014 at 8:51 PM

      Bezo has come again, run to TBJ your saviour and u shall die like the 86 victims dat died in his premises, Oh! Sorry 100+

  3. Akuwax in Mongu, Zambia.

    September 23, 2014 at 8:20 PM

    A does not count issues of evil spirits. Show he that by not voting for him.

  4. zozorito

    September 23, 2014 at 8:40 PM

    They are just playing chess with the christians and the general jus a decoy .so dat we will now say since the witches have said so we will kick against it. Play nigerians don’t mind what GEJ enemies are sayin let all of us support him for dis 2nd term. God bless Nigeria God bless us

  5. Akuwax in Mongu, Zambia.

    September 23, 2014 at 8:45 PM

    A vote does not count issues of evil spirits, show the riffraff that by not voting for him

  6. fave de guy

    September 23, 2014 at 9:33 PM

    May God help us from d hands of this evil govt of the day…..

  7. Alisia

    September 23, 2014 at 10:10 PM

    Get behind me satan, bezo Jesus is my saviour and not tb joshua

  8. Eze911

    September 24, 2014 at 2:00 AM

    Endorsement bestowed by virtue of Patience’s (mama peace) standing.

  9. Deola

    September 24, 2014 at 3:33 AM

    @Bezo, u can run to TB Joshua “your savior” as for me and my household we are for “Christ Jesus”. Pls use ur brain when giving comments. Thanks.

  10. Okoro JC

    September 24, 2014 at 3:56 AM

    Point of correction; admin, witches acknowledge God n worship him. So dnt put it as dey r equating dmselves wit d Almighty God. That’s their religion & just like anyother religion their “bad n good eggs in their midst. Ok.
    Talking GEJ being a member of secret cult, wch govnors/president in d world does nt belong somewhere for protection? Abi u want him to keep his throat bare so dt anybody may slash it?
    There z freedom of religion n association in Nig so anybody can join anyreligion n or associate wit any group they feel like. I hav never seen any controversial man like ds Bezo… I think his sense z in his anus..that’s wy his views come in capsized position always

  11. Adeniyi

    September 24, 2014 at 4:16 AM

    God pass them

  12. Natal yerima

    September 24, 2014 at 7:34 AM

    In deed it is d fear of what tomorrow will bring that makes d tortise 2 carry his house along with him where ever he goes,what die our Bible & d Quaran say about blaspheming God Deuteronomy-18=10. 4 Example Never sacrifice ur son or daughter as a burnt offering & do not let ur people practice fortune telling,or use sorcery,or interpret omens,or engage in witch craft.So pls witches & wizards are not before Jesus Christ as stated by ur association cos there is no contrast between light & darkness,Jesus ministries & devilish,diabolic activities u promote via sorcery.Pls 4 ur information stop that blasphemy right away by saying ur before him as ants God did not created u in d first place 2 feast on his creatures & blood u come 2 existance after lucifer rebled againts God & been cast 4 doom @ hell.PLS Jesus is d name that is above all names by his name every knee must bow on heavens & on earth & also beneath d earth crust..So pls mind u that our Christ is with d key 2 every solution confronting our live.I may conclude that GEJ has missed his grip on our dear country…What about d likes of Chris Ngigi.Alas Nigerians shine ur eyes well wooo cos this d straw that breaks d carmels back,i done talk that one before lai lai SOJA GO SOJA COME.BEWARNED WO

  13. Natal yerima

    September 24, 2014 at 7:54 AM


  14. Chic

    September 24, 2014 at 10:03 AM

    Well, Nigerians, should not trouble their-selves on this because the word of God said , they should say a thing and it shall not stand and they also will make a degree and it will come to nothing, why, because the Lord God has not spoken, so let the witches and wizard degree heaven and earth for Jonathan’s presidential ambition if the God has not spoken it will not stand neither shall it come to pass because they are not God rather only human being.


    September 24, 2014 at 11:38 AM

    no one in life is as confused and controversial as this bezo

  16. white

    September 24, 2014 at 3:18 PM

    I do not no why witches has to endorsed GEJ for the second time but my observation is that our dear president really belong because his own regime really claims so many innocent lives. I pray our own and family blood will not be use for sacrifice of ds nation

  17. elvis

    September 25, 2014 at 2:27 PM

    Nonsensical, People should move forward than scandal. Nigeria is greater than this childs’ play.

  18. dang

    September 25, 2014 at 4:35 PM

    Note this, witches and witchcraft are powerless compare to other cult,personally i do not believe what the say.

  19. Melly

    September 27, 2014 at 12:27 AM

    Na wa o, i never trust this man, but he still beta pass BOko pple. Hahahahaha

  20. Natal yerima

    October 14, 2014 at 11:11 AM

    D taste of d pudding is in d eating,in addmisable assumption & conclusion,we really had a lot 2 deal with na war woh 4 d new sorcerers apprentise we dont need another explaination,do we?

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