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Nigerians Are Luxury Addicts – Polo Avenue Boss Jennifer Obayuwana Tells CNN

nigerians are luxury addicts

Nov 27, 2017 – Nigerians Are Luxury Addicts – Polo Avenue Boss Jennifer Obayuwana Tells CNN

On this month’s episode of ‘Traders’, CNNMoney meets Jennifer Obayuwana, Executive Director of Polo Luxury Group to explore the future of premium fashion in Nigeria.

The Obayuwana family brought the first luxury boutiques to Nigeria in the 1980s; and the business continues to evolve as it remains successful.

Online exchanges currently make up 30 percent of sales, which is something Obayuwana wants to change. Africa is leading in global population growth and in less than a decade more millionaires will emerge from Africa, with wealth concentrated in urban centres. These factors combined make Africa a promising location for future luxury consumers.

Speaking on why Polo Luxury Group has been successful, Obayuwana says:

“Nigerians have an insatiable need for luxury and they consume it. We’re very flamboyant and you see that in our weddings. So it fits in perfectly with our business because Nigerians are huge consumers of luxury.”

“When I came in to the business, I felt that it would be important to serve the emerging middle class that we saw rising very fast. In order to do that, I thought it was important for us to open up new stores, expand the business [and] bring in some new brands.” She added.

When asked about the future of luxury fashion, Jennifer says: “E-commerce is the biggest drive right now. It’s a very important aspect of our business now and it’s going to give us that competitive advantage on our side… It does allow us to dream big, watch this space, we will be the biggest luxury provider in Africa.”

The Obayuwana family brought the first luxury boutiques to Nigeria but now with a focus on e-commerce, it plans to make Polo Limited the biggest luxury provider in Africa.

[Interview By CNN Money]



  1. Suzzi

    November 27, 2017 at 8:07 PM

    I no blame you. I blamed d dumb Nigerian patronizing your father. U carry d most expensive brands in West Africa yet Nigerians can’t save their money by travelling oversea to buy the same for less. So ashamed to be called a Nigerian.

    • Sam Aihekhu

      November 27, 2017 at 10:39 PM

      Don’t take it personal I don’t think she want to disgrace u people .
      she is just promoting the brand

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