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“Nigerians, Stop Coming To Ghana, They Don’t Like You Here” – Nigerian Living In Ghana Cries Out
June 5, 2015 – “Nigerians, Stop Coming To Ghana, They Don’t Like You Here, They Will Jail You For 150 Years” – Nigerian Living In Ghana Cries Out
Nigerian Resident In Ghana Exposed How Police Are Secretly Arresting & Jailing Innocent Nigerians
Here is a message received from a Nigerian resident in Ghana
Please this letter is for you, can you help me spread this truth to all Nigerians
Please I am living in Ghana working and Schooling. Ghana Government and Ghanaians don’t want Nigerians in Ghana but because they are considerate about the diplomatic relationship between Nigerian and Ghana’s Government, they don’t want to publish this fact but Nigerians are being sentenced to prisons quietly and every day the government and the police are quietly doing this.
Even, there are many Nigerians living in Ghana that are not even aware of this fact even some Ghanaians are not also aware.
The ambassador of Nigeria to Ghana is not even aware of this.
Look, in Ghana they speak there local language if you don’t understand that language then, you are doomed.
I have been living in Ghana for years I speak there local language (twi) so it’s easy for me to mingle with them and get every information from them.
The Nigerians here are drinking bear making noise thinking that they are in Nigeria while their enemies are quietly watching them.
Until they pick them up and give them 150 years in prison (quietly without the media) they don’t realize that they are not in Nigeria.
I feel bad to see my brothers coming to end up in Prisons in A POOR country like Ghana.
Please those coming to school, should come and school and go back with the knowledge that this people does not like them.
(many Igbos are in prisons here in Ghana and they would never return home, some have been given (70years, 50years, 30years) even last two weeks two IBOS boys where also given 20years each. They said they stole money.
Look, Ghaneans can also frame lies on them.
Take Note of This.
The crimes a Nigerian would commit in Nigeria and the Nigerian police would just put the person behind bars for few hours and let the person go, for the same crime in Ghana the judge can on his own without looking at the constitution give you 70 years just because you are a Nigerian. please help me tell Nigerians that if they think Ghana is a free country they would end up in prison for the rest of there life.
Remember During GHANA MUST GO era, the Ghanaian youths that where chased out of Nigeria have now grown to become Ministers, Lawyers, DPOs, Regional Minsters, Judges and Top Securities in Ghana.
The embarrassment Nigeria made them to pass through is still on there mind. Any case that has to do with Nigerians is being treated like dealing with ANIMALS.

prince of ijeshaland
June 5, 2015 at 2:18 PM
The ghana must go attack is still in their minds
June 5, 2015 at 2:24 PM
You are a ****. Why are you telling Nigerians not to come when you are still comfortable living there
June 5, 2015 at 2:37 PM
Bezo People like you are the once that would end up in prison in Ghana you can go there read the article very well he said he speaks the language so it easy to miggle with them. they might not even know that he is a Nigeria. IDIOT7 FOOLISH9 BEZO.
Moses Inyang
June 5, 2015 at 2:32 PM
That is why evil is befalling them
June 5, 2015 at 3:01 PM
why going to Ghana ? one of the poorest country in the world…..+2348057323826
June 5, 2015 at 3:03 PM
You have said truth. But the fact is that he who has ear let hear.and whosoever that is adamont 2 ur instruction let him come,when he will surely face the wrath.
June 5, 2015 at 3:05 PM
You have said truth. But the fact is that he who has ear let him hear.and whosoever that is adamont 2 ur instruction let him come,when the problem come,then he will surely face the wrath.
June 5, 2015 at 3:11 PM
The “Ghana must go era” is still on their minds. So this is pay back time and they are doing it differently. A prison term of 100 years, 150 years? what are the offenses they committed? We need the whole truth.
D Hunter
June 5, 2015 at 4:34 PM
Smtymz I 1da wats rily special abt dat black con3 dats attractin Nigerians.
If nt some shallow tinkn Nigerians, Afta chasin ppl awy bk 2 dia con3, wat makes u tink u‘ll eva b wlcm in dia plc?
Wat do u xpect 4rm ppl who hv almost evrytin abt dem black includin dia HEARTS.
They also went ahead 2 declear 2 d astonishin World dat even d Stars ova dia con3 is
BLACK. Kingdom of darkness.
December 21, 2016 at 11:31 PM
Lawd save my. I’ve read bullshit from some Nigerians today lmao. These***** Igbo people talking shit. This is not ur land. If corruption on ur land won’t allow a murderer to be jailed for a long term doesn’t mean Ghana should do the same
Lmao. Ur ass will rot in jail if we get u criminals n yahoo yahoo people’s. My best friend is Nigerian I invited here from Lekky legon . . It’s been 6years n we still good friends cos he won’t try to take advantage of me,he is yoruba. Something Gino’s can’t do. Cheats and criminals . Oya rot in jail joor without stupid ass cries. Who gives a fuck? U dirty pigs run here for a better life n still talk shit. There is a reason u spread all across the world. Where u from ain’t shit. N u wanna have a better life that’s why u travel. So sit ur as down. Take many seats ****
Lola O
June 5, 2015 at 5:00 PM
People are weary of Nigerians, not just in Ghana, but all over the world. These are due mainly to our mostly fraudulent character and loudness. The crime rate in Ghana (particularly armed robbery) significantly rose after Nigerians started relocating there. In the USA where I reside, Nigerians were notorious for credit card fraud in the 80s, 90s and the until recently when the white man got wiser, imposing harsher penalties by imprisonment and deportation of convicted felons. We better learn how to respect other peoples’ culture, live modestly and honestly if we want to earn respect in a foreign land. How do you explain two Nigerian women in their 40s trying to smuggle cocaine into China last week, despite the killings of some Nigerians there recently for the same offense? I am a proud Nigerian with no criminal record, having lived in the U.K and USA cumulatively for 25 years, thank God.
June 5, 2015 at 5:22 PM
***** Nigerians of South Western descents have lived and settled in Ghana (then Gold Coast) as far back year 1814, in what has become today’s port city of Sekondi-Takoradi. These set of Nigerians lived and successfully integrated with the indegines and are even regarded today as one of the non-indeginous Ghanaian tribe alongside other migrated tribes from French Togoland. These same Nigerian South Western tribes settled about the same period in Nothern Togoland township of Atakwame and, have become literally one of Togolese tribes just as the Kokombas, Basares, Kotokolis, Nanumbas of Togolese origins and Yorubas of Nigerian origins have become accepted and indeginised in Ghana, some of which have become Head of parrastatals and even members of Ghanaian parliament. It is easier to read into the minds of the writer why he singled out a particular tribe (Igbos) in his letter as a target tribe for Ghanaian police vilifications and, why will Ghanaian authorities choose to focus on a particular Nigerian tribe for willful arrest and arbiterary prison sentences???. Conclusively, many questions need be asked and a critical self assessment of how those Nigerians relate to their host indeginous Ghanaian tribes. Other Nigerian tribes, migrant Togolese, Malians, Ivorians, Burkinabes, Benenoires, Senegalese etc. who are in millions in Ghana don’t seem to have the problems of arbiterary arrest and sentensing as the writer’s claim of the Igbos in Ghana. Why, Uh! Why must it be the Igbos only.???
June 6, 2015 at 11:48 AM
Is the writer of this piece of letter not rekindling the same complaints of the Igbos in Nigeria claims that every other tribes in Nigeria hate them.? Is it just a coincident that Igbos in Ghana are facing the same hatred they acuse Nigerians of.? Does this not send a message to the Igbos to take a second look at their behaviour whether it is desimilar to the same characteristics Nigerians complains about.? If other Nigerian tribes Igbos, how does that extent to the Ghanaian society. Igbos must look critically inward and recaliberate their orientations of getting rich at any cost. That is exactly what pushes the Igbos breaking all rules and laws wherever they reside and subsequent clampdown targeted at them. You do not constitute a nuisance to the society and turn round to acuse everyone of hating you. Igbos must change their behaviour. PERIOD.
June 7, 2015 at 10:00 AM
“If other Nigerian tribes hate Igbos, how does that extend to the Ghanaian society” was intended in the typographic error in the write-up.
June 5, 2015 at 5:42 PM
Ghana is peaceful n free country !pls come n behave,abide by our rules n regulations,n here will be like yr father’s house,the police or judges are never partial, pls don’t let anyone scare u from coming to GH,DAT person is living comfortable here,but remember u ve a skill n stays out of trouble PEACE!!!
Amega 1
June 5, 2015 at 5:45 PM
My brother, stop misleading your people. If the situation is that bad, why are you still here??? I have friends who are Nigerians and others who’ve also duped me but i haven’t said you are all bad. 1 bad nut doesn’t spoil the soup. If you flout the laws of any country, you definitely will get jailed [word]. Please stop causing fear and panic amongst your people. Thank you.
White Kay
February 20, 2019 at 12:16 PM
Listen this country called Ghana I will expose all of the rest of the nation listen everyone Ghana is a demons country when then cash Nigeria people then poison there drinks and be lacking stones on there head give the toilet and urine by open there mouth pure toilet and urine put ring ring and buries in there throat and use blade to tear there mouth and said there have sold there soul to devil this happen for real I run away in my area many of Nigeria people have be affected by this here in Ghana so pls believe if anyone tell you what this silly people can do to you with the hope there good to you not knowing there having there plans for you I confirm them to be demons because there also having demons church there going you see them to look like you should help them with there situation pls don’t help them don’t let them enter your house I can tell you my name if you want to be confirm of what I’m saying I will send doctor report too you and seen what this people can do to you name there self Ghana I will just said open your eyes my brother and sister living here in Ghana.
June 6, 2015 at 12:08 AM
I think people should stop going there, I believe this story, Ghana u people should stop this evil u guys are doing to Nigerias.
June 6, 2015 at 8:41 AM
What that guy said,is true. I stayed in ghana 4 5yrs,their life is always boring. Even 2 buy things,if they know that you are not a ghanian,they high the price x3. They always believe & say that Nigerians have spoil their country in everything. I don’t wanna talk about them much,all I can say is ghanians don’t like Nigerians.
June 6, 2015 at 11:50 AM
Is the writer of this piece of letter not rekindling the same complaints of the Igbos in Nigeria claims that every other tribes in Nigeria hate them.? Is it just a coincident that Igbos in Ghana are facing the same hatred they acuse Nigerians of.? Does this not send a message to the Igbos to take a second look at their behaviour whether it is desimilar to the same characteristics Nigerians complains about.? If other Nigerian tribes Igbos, how does that extent to the Ghanaian society. Igbos must look critically inward and recaliberate their orientations of getting rich at any cost. That is exactly what pushes the Igbos breaking all rules and laws wherever they reside and subsequent clampdown targeted at them. You do not constitute a nuisance to the society and turn round to acuse everyone of hating you. Igbos must change their behaviour. PERIOD.
June 6, 2015 at 12:31 PM
Is unfortuniate that nigerian citizens are toiling around the glob in search of greener pasture and risking their lives on it, our Govt should weak up from slummber and take a drastic move to stop all this, make our nation better and pple will be comfortable.
June 6, 2015 at 3:46 PM
Tell our people to stop that bad behavior every where they go
jekwu bethel
June 6, 2015 at 5:32 PM
My name is JEKWU am a real IGBO boy, i came to Ghana in 5th january 2012 ever since then i have not set my foot in Nigeria. The poster might or might not be saying the truth but apart from the fact that he said there is no money in Ghana i have not see,witness or experience all this tins that he is saying. As for Ghanians they do talk but they dont act. The side where i live some of dem are even afraid of me. The issue is that some Nigerians at home use to think dat Ghana is like America (obodo oyibo). Like he said Ghana is a POOR COUNTRY. Dont bring money to Ghana and say u are coming for hustling u will be disappointed u can call me for more detail ***** i came to ghana with noting not even kobo das why am still Ghana hustling to send sometins home
June 7, 2015 at 10:06 AM
“If other Nigerian tribes hate Igbos, how does that extend to the Ghanaian society” was intended in the typographic error in the write-up.
August 11, 2015 at 12:40 AM
To Amega am always dupe by Ghanaians and note Ghanaians are number 1 criminals in Africa silent but wizards ,73% of stealing cars in America last 3 years found in Ghana
UK had deported more than 200 Ghanaians last years those that are living there for past 20years for criminal activities stop making noise what is disturbing Ghanaians is poverty where almost 80% of people cant afford their daily bread everyday .
As for NANA clean your dirty mouth very soon Ghana will be grass land exile where only animals can occupied ,and for my fellow Nigerians who says Ghana must go is still in Ghanaians mind,ask and do your research very well,They first deported Yorubas time of AKUFO ADO’s father in Ghana before Yorubas pursued them back from Lagos
I pitty them for their illiteracy and selfish attitude ,They were coursed by their first president Kwami Nkruma ,upon all he did to them thet chase him out and he later died in either Romania or Norway before the man died he lay course on them,thats why strangers are surviving in their country but they are crying and always complaining
January 11, 2016 at 4:34 PM
I love NIGERIA love . Bt for Ghana stop that ooooo ,, dont spoiled the relationship that will lead you guys to success…..
tunde adeola
March 9, 2016 at 9:36 PM
this is bullshit we are in the millions in ghana people dont even know that millions of ghanians are not even real ghanians alot of them are second and third or even forth generation Naija,Burkinabe,Malians,Togolese and Ivorians but as for them alot belong to same native ethnic groups like the ghanians so they mix easly with out notice same goes for togolese and burkinabe.
But stop misleading most poeple here dont even care about Nigeria in context of they are not aware what goes on there and daily dynamics we suffer in our country that is not even one. Ghanians at least are one with the same goal and mission. I was even so suprised that my uncle childeren who where born here dont even consider themself nigerian only just by descent. BUT AGAIN GOME TO GHANA AND BE SUPRISED MILIONS ARE NIGERIANS HERE IN GHANA WHY YOU THINK ABROAD WE ARE ALWAY CLOSE WITH THEM WE THIN THEY RIVALS OR BROTHAS WE DEY ONE OOOOO IN GHANA.
Wolof Fufudemnigerianwomenlooklikeman
June 27, 2016 at 7:02 PM
Even in Kenya we are sick of them. Ugly, big nosed big eyed, big buttocked Negroes coming to a proud country with the best airlines in Africa, the smartest people in computer technology, the highest number of gold medals and and an American president to boot. Nigerians sleep with ugly Kenyan women to get citizenship then commit crimes that make our passports undergo double scrutiny in Britain. They drink and make noise yet their export oil only to import it back at double the prices. Nigeria is an embarrassment to Africa and they know it. Kenya, Ethiopia, Ghana, South Africa, Zambia, Mauritius and Rwanda are the pride of Africa.
Wolof Fufudemnigerianwomenlooklikeman
June 27, 2016 at 7:03 PM
I am a Nigerian and that is sadly true
June 27, 2016 at 8:07 PM
Too bad. So they still nurse the issue of Ghana must go?
August 11, 2016 at 1:41 PM
thats is why many of u will die..if u like dont listen its ur fucken buisiness.. me i lived in ghana for 4 years and i know that they hate nigerian to their black bone as for those who say they have lived there and not see anything well ur a moron and as for u ghanians that have killed our people secretely and openly ur days are numbered we shall wipe u out of this planet and out of the history books and all ur properties shall be thrown in the red sea..only one state in nigeria will finish ur whole country.keep mesin wit nigerians u think we are sleepin
August 11, 2016 at 1:49 PM
excuse my typographical errors in fact i dont bloody care the clock is tickin…i will spread every info to the rest of us and u know how bad our temper can be.just imagine how it will be when the rest of us get to find out the truth..MASSACRE! afterall it is the end of time and u are fulfiling the prohecies of the scriptures . just remember u started it so we shall finish it
November 10, 2016 at 7:26 PM
I know there’s a silent rivalry going on in d minds of most Ghanians against Nigerians, cox I’ve been privileged 2 live among some Ghanians here in Nigeria & thru their discussion u’ll clearly understand how. They see or take Nigerians.
The young mans’s sayin some truth if not all,he who has an ear let him hear,,,,!
the wise one
May 28, 2017 at 6:51 AM
I am presently in Ghana. There is iota if truth in his assertions. Just be careful if you are in Ghana…
February 26, 2018 at 5:02 AM
If Ghanaians detest Nigerians, there might be a good reason. I went to nursery and primary school in Ghana.
Ghanaians are very cultured and kind and patient but you don’t mess with them for long.
The problem with my country is that Nigerians are so so wicked, very manipulative, abusive and criminally dishonest. I am sure if they go to South Africa or many a place, it will be similar story. May God help we Nigerians
March 7, 2018 at 8:50 AM
The truth is that most Nigerians in Ghana did not respect themselves, I live in Ghana and i have seen it all were Nigerians makes noise and do cultism inn Ghana, I am a full born Nigerian and always advice our people whenever i see them, Ghanaian are not wicked people, The love and easy to mingle along with, The only problem they have is (generalization of humans) That is when one Nigeria commit crime then its means every Nigeria in Ghana are all criminals, I am married to Ghanaian where all families and friends love me so much and i wish all Nigeria can as well respect Ghanaians,
March 16, 2018 at 2:40 PM
I can only laugh as a ghanian u want be king in your land and still be a king in another my land you guy should take it easy life is very smooth if only u understand it you make love with Ghana woman and kill them take thier part for your selfish interest and here you are saying this noinses ?bounder