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Lagos Houseboy Caught With Olugbohun, Alupayida Charms Forced To Use It On Himself

lagos houseboy caught charms

Feb 19, 2018 – Photos: House Help Who Took Charms To New Employers Home In Lagos Exposed

Lagos House Boy Caught With Olugbohun, Alupayida Charms Forced To Use It On Himself

A young man who was sent to resume work at the home of top businesswoman HRM Abimbola Abiola Abolanle in Lagos last week has been caught in possession of numerous charms less than a week after he resumed work.

The unidentified young man was publicly humiliated as his boss forced him to use the charms on himself.

See photos of the disgraced juju servant below

houseboy caught alupayida charmhouseboy caught olugbohun charm



  1. Nifemi Brooklyn

    February 20, 2018 at 3:42 AM

    Why do u people need a house boy. dt is why you are dying before ur time.
    Don;t u know house chores keeps ur blood moving.

  2. Bukky

    February 20, 2018 at 7:00 AM

    The security in our compound did the same thing last year. After doing his incantations in his room, he would pounce on you to ask for more money and force you to suddenly increase his salary.He called his own “do as I say”.

  3. fifelomo

    February 20, 2018 at 8:22 AM

    Werey boy….show him the way out of your home instantly.

  4. Stylish prince

    February 20, 2018 at 9:52 AM

    I nor fit laf o..d guy want bcom oga by force

  5. J. B. Hunter

    February 20, 2018 at 12:58 PM

    MAYBE THE Master is an occultic man. So the guy thought he should take those stuff for self protection against any move to use him for any sort of ritual.

    I take a stroll…

  6. Anointed

    February 21, 2018 at 9:13 AM

    where is freedom of religion?

  7. Gods own

    May 1, 2018 at 11:58 AM

    Ahhhhhh! what goes around comes around! brother! why na? have u forgotten that Jesus power na super power, oya go to him quickly for purification.

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