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Pope Francis Officiates Wedding Ceremony Of Flight Attendants Couple On Airplane. Photos

pope francis officiates wedding flight attendants

January 19, 2018 – Photos: Pope Francis Performs Wedding Ceremony Of Couple, Flight Attendants On Flight Operated By LATAM Airlines

Check out the proud moment 39-year-old Paul Podest Ruiz and 41-year-old Carlos Ciuffardi Elorriga were joined together in Holy Matrimony by Roman Catholic Pope Francis II.

The pair who work as flight attendants on board of a flight operated by LATAM Airlines were full of joy as the Pope voluntarily officiated their unplanned wedding ceremony yesterday Thursday the 18th of January 2018.

The pair who married legally back in 2000 were planning to get married in a Catholic church near Santiago but the church was later destroyed by a magnitude 8.8 earthquake.

The couple made the first move when they asked the pope to bless their union, prompting him to ask: ‘Are you married?’. When they answered Yes and explained their situation, the pope then asked if they wanted to have the Holy wedding right in the plane.

According to NCR, the pair said yes and with a smile the Pope performed the service as they stood in front of the plane.

The wedding was witnessed by the President of the airline, Ignacio Cueto.

See photos of the lucky couples below

Natural disaster disrupted their wedding years ago but God showed up at the appointed time.

Every disappointment is indeed a blessing.



  1. J. B. Hunter

    January 19, 2018 at 4:36 AM

    EXACTLY THE Type of wedding I have been planning for my would be sweet heart come 2020.

    This is because I don‘t want any boko haram or fulani herdsmen attack to distrup my wedding, so, I feel -WEDDING IN THE AIR- is more ideal where even the Angels would be in attendance**wink**
    My people What Do You Think?

    I take a stroll…

    • Joyful Amaka

      January 19, 2018 at 4:39 AM

      Sweetheart is waiting here if you need one

  2. J. B. Hunter

    January 19, 2018 at 5:43 AM

    Hahahahaha @ Joy Amaka, what a beautiful name you‘ve got there…

    Your name suggest you are from the Easthern part of the country. I hope you‘re not from either Imo or Anambra State? Cos girls from those two states are the most expensive when it comes to marriage.

    Apart from their Bride price which is head-turning, there‘s something they called “LIST“ the amount that can meet the required items on some of the lists alone can make any man want to remain single for life.

    I take a stroll…

  3. Mon

    January 19, 2018 at 6:20 AM

    Good one, however, it does not guarantee anything but only in the name of making history or entering Guinness World book of record. Congratulations to both of you…

  4. Princess Lanre

    January 19, 2018 at 9:14 AM

    @ J. B. Hunter, you always making us laugh, don’t worry go ahead with Joyful Amaka, we are your supporters, we will help you with the list and make sure you get Bench as your Best Man, then, the rest will be an history, so go Hunter… go Hunter… go Hunter….

    God bless Nigeria..

    I take my stroll now……

    • Joyful Amaka

      January 19, 2018 at 5:16 PM

      Lol God bless you Princess Lanre.
      Waiting for naijagist to connect me with hunter

  5. iron bar

    January 19, 2018 at 12:33 PM

    Lucky couple.sealed love on high altitude.congratulobia as per zebrudaya alias 430

  6. J. B. Hunter

    January 19, 2018 at 8:33 PM

    LOL! Getting an Igbo lady for a wife now may be so dicey as I‘m not ready to sell my house just yet.
    I will cut my coat according to my cloth. In other words, I will always hang my suit where my hand will reach.

    Most Igbo girls are very beautiful and dutiful BUT (na your pocket go hear am na).
    To cut the long story short, I am not yet searching.

    I take a stroll…

  7. fifelomo

    January 20, 2018 at 1:08 PM

    @Hunter thanks for cracking me up.

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