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Should Nollywood Ban Actress Tonto Dike?

tonto dike in soft porn movieTonto Dike in soft porn movie

Oct 19, 2011 – Should Nollywood Ban Actress Tonto Dike?

African movie industry is becoming controversial especially Nollywood, with movies that show explicit sexual content like “Dirty Secret“.

The other notable industry in Africa is Nollywood which follows closely behind Bollywood. I remember when families could sit down to watch movies together, but now it’s a little uncomfortable watching a sex scene with your parents who came to spend Christmas with you.  You kind of turn your face a way or run to the kitchen to get something you really don’t need.

Talking about “soft porn”, Tonto Dikeh who I actually think is really talented is the center of controversy. Some are calling for her to be banned for acting in some risqué scenes. Some of these movies contain explicit kissing, spitting into each other’s mouth, going nude, exposing boobs etc

On the other hand, she is an actress and perhaps just “doing her job”. But some may ask where do you draw the line?

Tell Us: Should such movies be banned? Should Tonto be banned from Nollywood?



  1. chioma anorue

    October 28, 2011 at 10:05 AM

    looking at it one did not need to till that such movie should be ban. I am totally in support that such a movie should be ban in nigeria

  2. Alabi Umegbewe Jnr

    October 28, 2011 at 1:47 PM

    such movie should be banned ryt, bt we an watch the ones 4rm hollywood.chey… 9ja wen we go grow up

  3. Alero

    October 29, 2011 at 11:12 AM

    Yes such movie shld be ban bt the actress does not have a fault ђε̲̣̣rε̲̣̣ cos she is only doing her job…τ̲̅ȍ put food on her dinning

  4. Natasha johnson

    October 29, 2011 at 11:14 AM

    If d movies ah real nd nt fictious then wat ah they waithn 4?she should b kicked out d movie industry together with her porn movies,i never knew she could b dis promiscousl

  5. rockzeeno

    October 29, 2011 at 2:09 PM


  6. loveth

    October 29, 2011 at 6:35 PM

    such movie should not only be banned, the director as wel as the producers of such movies should face the law becaus such films dont only corrupt our society bt also tarminate the image of our coutry.

  7. emmanuel ayo

    October 31, 2011 at 2:09 PM

    tonto s afine actrees, acting should be seperated from moralty, shes an adult and she knows what shes doing.d press should let her be,porn.smoking. lesbianism all are pat of d entertainment world, if u dont like it dont read it. did u see any of d old actress in any , geney, omo t, rita, only new actresses lookin for public attetion and cheap popularity. liv tonto alone.

  8. obest

    December 19, 2011 at 6:34 PM

    why should you ban TOTO dikeh may be She done something secrete to you not about kind of movie she is acting, why i say such is because she is not the one that wrote the movie, she s just playing the role they instruct her to do. Remain blessed and merry x mass in advanced.

  9. miraflash

    June 10, 2013 at 8:11 PM

    Omo. Y shuld such movies be band iz she de 1 givin de roles 2 her self. If such movies should be baned den wat wul we say abt pornographic moviez. De only tin 2 do iz 2 stop lil kidz frm watchin them period!

  10. alvin

    March 10, 2016 at 10:00 PM

    she’s just doin’ her job…if u don’t lyk wat she’s doin then jst simply dont watch the movie.I’m sure there r a thousand n one pple who love wat she’s 4 me..nope tonto shld not be banned

  11. Izychizzy

    January 21, 2017 at 11:29 AM

    You people should leave Tonto Dike alone because hollywoo is the worst. Tonto Dike is just playing her role if you don’t like her then stop watching her movies. how would you feel if they band you in your company trying to put food in your table, she is far more better than those steeling from us. Let her do her duty please

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