May 24, 2011
How his son, Obafemi allegedly killed him
UPDATES: Read Details and Surprising Finding about His Burial Here
We shared a news with you few weeks about the sudden death of Prophet Akinade Elijah. Read The Story Here
When the story that the founder and General Overseer of the CAC Lion of Judah, Prophet Olufemi Elijah Akinade has gone to the land beyond first broke out, many found it hard to believe. But we can tell you authoritatively that the Man of God had been ill for more than two months before he finally died. The 57-year-old Ibadan-born prophet gave up the ghost at an undisclosed location away from all members of his family except his first child, Obafemi.
The journey to the land of no return started on April 10, during the church’s Mega Service, when the man of God slumped few minutes after the first ministration of his son Obafemi, or Oba for short, who the prophet had in the past informed his family would only be allowed to mount the pulpit when he clocks the age of 25 years. What is unknown is whether the young man who was privileged to conduct his first ministration in his father’s church had attained the age his father stipulated. But one thing that we are sure of is that he performed his first ministration that day and it was after Oba’s programme that his father took over and shortly after he took over, he slumped right there in the middle of the service. He was only revived after hours of serious prayers.
The issue left members of the church apprehensive, and his decision to travel to Abuja to seek medical attention with his doctor was welcomed by his immediate family who felt if he decided to visit his Lagos doctor, the influx of church members to visit him may disturb him from having proper rest. So his journey to Abuja was concluded and he was accompanied to the airport by his younger brother Akinlolu who is in his early 40s, Obafemi his son and one other woman in her mid 40s. And that is the last any member of his family, apart from his son, saw of him before his death.
To make matters worse, nobody knew of his whereabouts except Oba, who made sure nobody saw him until he died, just like the scenario that played itself in the time of the deceased president of Nigeria, Umar Musa Yar’Adua, with his wife being the lead actor in a situation where the man was in coma yet they fed Nigerians with stories that he wa up and doing, to the extent they said he just finished taking tea.
Oba, on his part, was said to have informed whoever asked about the father that he wa hale and hearty, thereby stopping those that were supposed to have helped the father from reaching him.
Many who were close to the man are now alleging that Obafemi must have had a sinister motive which made him kill his father as he made sure nobody, including the mother and all his siblings, had access to the father. And in the process he prevented those who could help from rendering it and that the last they heard from Oba about the father was some weeks back when he came to minister in one of his father’s churches in Oregun, Lagos .
On their part, the church members were said to be very angry with Obafemi on the way he treated whole church of God with disdain on issues relating to his father. The young man, who according to a source is known for his arrogance, behaved nonchalantly on the issue of his father’s death and is forcing the members to think he’s had something to do with the death. Another source who craves anonymity alleged that Oba’s action may be because he’s been told that he’ll inherit the church after his father. Or why would he hide the situation of his father even from his mother popularly called Iya Shiloh? This has further raised the doubt of people as to if the father was actually in Abuja , as Oba’s action negatest it. Investigation also revealed that the man that had been down for some time had so much lost weight during the period he was sick.
In death it seems, Prophet Elijah Akinade is generating as much controversy as when he was alive. It would be recalled that the man was at various times accused of doing things contrary to what is in the doctrine as preached by Jesus Christ. Among some of the controversies that the prophet generated in his time are the periods he was said to have told his congregation to go as far as borrowing just to pay for a certain special prayer that is being rendered in a normal church service or miss out on the right to enjoy the acceptance of their prayer by God.
Another time the Man of God was said to have called a church programme where he told the congregation that to get a seat in the church will attract a certain amount, and that only those who made the payment would sit on the chairs arranged in the church for the programme. Which was what eventually happened as those who attended the special programme without booking for seats earlier remained outside as there was no space inside except for those who had paid for seats. And to make matters worse, as the programme was going on, rain started falling and those who could not book for seats were left outside in the rain.
Another of such attitude by the Ibadan-groomed pastor was forcing members of his church to make compulsory donations in between services. It got so bad that he was alleged to back such demands with curses that he swore would be the portion of anybody that ignored his demand. He was sometimes said to be keen on asking the congregation for a certain amount of money which he would mandate them to pay, telling those who did not have to borrow from the person sitting next to them. Or that they could deposit their handsets and other valuables with those they were borrowing the money from and agree on how they were going to pay the lender.
Though it was said that the man relocated from Ibadan to Lagos because of a scandal involving him and a lady who died in his hotel room while they were committing what the Bible calls adultery, the matter was said to have turned into a police case in Ibadan but he was miraculously freed in an act referred to as that of God, who they believed wanted to teach him a lesson so that he would go straight and turn from his evil ways. But rather, he was said to have continued frolicking with women, to the extent that an incident happened during one of his frequent trips to London which nearly ruined his ministry, but miraculously he came through that again. These and many more that had to do with money and women were some of the atrocities the man was said to have committed in his life. As nobody can judge, so let no man judge the deceased man of God. But one thing is certain, God will judge all according the works of their works. Credit: Global Ng
oluwafemi omotosho
June 8, 2012 at 7:51 PM
as far as i’m concerned , this man was annointed man of God and so i see no reason why anybody should judge or condemn him. Remember, “judge not for you not to be judged!” Let his works judge him.
April 24, 2013 at 10:06 AM
i think you all should go to ecellent hotel situated in ogba and ask the managements or receptionist about the details of this pastor’s escapedes man of God my foot!!!!i know he is facing serios torment and judgment now.i want to use this medium to warn you all to becareful of so called churches u attend!!!! i know so many that are fraudsters and do all sort but i dnt want to mention names!
April 24, 2013 at 9:21 PM
my sister cover not sins, so as heavens may not hold you responsible. EXPOSE EVIL to save the LIVES of the blind sheeps many are blind/ignorance of whom they are following. CALL (phone:-07030393231)
February 3, 2014 at 10:34 AM
do you know how your end will be like
September 15, 2013 at 6:29 PM
Why Why and Why many are fond of saying Judge not so that one is not Judge ,, They make the bible to say what they want to hear , they support many evil so called men of god evil acts with such statements , yet many sheep are been misled and suffers , so you mean people should keep quiet over such evil acts of the so called men of god , sleeping with other peoples wife , involving in Occultism , brainwashing members to collect there Hard earned Money ,Living like mini god , doing all manners of things wrong and bad , what is bad is bad , what is evil is evil , let us not deceive ourselves , they say they are men of god , were you there when Almighty God Called them , men of god my foot, anybody can come and say he his this or that , did God confirmed them as his men? by there Fruit you shall know them , what fruits ?Galatians Chapter 5 Verse 19-21.
If you are one of the people that still say Judge not for we shall be Judge , Touch not my Anointed, stop that Bullshit , face the reality , i think such people are brainwashed Disciples of those so called evil men of god .You ought to check the definition of Judgement , a Judgements amount to Punishments , a sexually molested innocent girl that comes out to expose a so called man of god is said to be judging right , i say all these are bullshit .Expose them , Prophet Ajanaku an Ogboni member , Can you Imagine that , how can a pastor take another woman who is not his wife to an Hotel to do what for counseling abi.Oya supporters of evil so called men of god pour out your venom on my post .
July 16, 2015 at 5:30 PM
November 23, 2015 at 6:43 PM