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Traveling Abroad Doesn’t Guarantee Success In Life

travel abroad

March 17, 2012 – Traveling Abroad Doesn’t Guarantee Success In Life

In response to an article we wrote on Top 5 Ways To Travel Abroad Fast, we have seen influx of messages from people seeking help one way or the other to travel abroad.

We understand your plight, Nigeria is not as comfortable as it use to be.

One thing we can tell you is this “Traveling abroad is never a guarantee for success in life

Note: This is not a bid to put down or undermine the success of Nigerians living abroad (we love you).

The fact: Traveling abroad opens doors of unlimited opportunities.

Kini Big Deal: What is so special about developed countries

  • Freedom of speech, human right privileges
  • Uninterrupted power supply (no NEPA trouble)
  • Technological advancement like cable,high speed internet,etc
  • Improved medical care system
  • Social security and benefits for unemployed and new immigrants
  • Child support payment and disability benefits

I can go on and on and on.

3 Classes Of People Living Abroad

  • High earners: These are people who are doing really well mostly on six-figures income (30%)
  • Middle earners: These are people who are doing ok mostly 40,000 and above yearly salary (50%)
  • Low earners/unemployed: Without doubt, these are people still struggling to establish themselves(20%)

As you can see above, the middle earners top 50%.

So if your brother or sister abroad isn’t sending you money, be patient with them because life abroad is not as easy as we imagined it to be (You go see for yourself when you get there).

There are thousands of Nigerians abroad today doing fantastically well (as illustrated above) while others are struggling one way or the other.

Infact, their colleagues back home are doing better than them.

To further relate this story, I traveled out of Nigeria 5 years back

On returning home in 2010, I was shocked to see my younger brother driving a car I couldn’t even afford to drive talk less of paying the killer insurance rate we have in Toronto, Ontario. (If I were to buy this car, Insurance go kill me).

I also saw colleagues and friends who own houses, cars and solid businesses.

So if you’re among those thinking when you travel abroad, all your problems will be solved, you’re just kidding yourself.

Below are few points to keep in mind

  • Abroad system is not as flexible as Nigeria’s (It’s rigid)

Whether you want to buy or build a house or start a business, you have to follow some rigid by-laws which if not properly followed can get one into legal trouble.

  • Finding a Job or making easy money is not what people thought it to be

Well a lot of you think once you get abroad, you will be picking money on the street…….(lol)

In Canada for instance a lot of people come either to claim refugee, go to school or reside as permanent residence.

Refugee claiming use to be sooo easy back in the 90’s but not as much.

Another thing to consider when coming to study is that the educational system here is not as relaxed as back home. You’ve got to work harder to succeed and tuition fee is very expensive.

If you’re considering relocating permanently , do not give up your business or job in Nigeria.

As a seasoned counselor, I have seen families leave the country within 2 months of arrival.

  • The weather is not as comfortable as back home

I heard a sad story of a Nigerian man who died the same day he got to Nunavut while waiting at a bus-stop.

Apparently, the guy freezed to death within minutes of exposure to -34 degree Celsius temperature (OMG).

Winter is a dominant season abroad.

  • Loneliness and Depression is common

I heard of cases of Nigerians committing suicide abroad.

These are people who are used to lively lifestyle back home who suddenly find themselves in boring environments.

Haven’t said all of the above, keep in mind that you can succeed anywhere you find yourself as long as you have ;

  1. God on your side
  2. Inspiration
  3. Desire and determination to succeed

Whether you choose to travel abroad or stay back home, the choice is yours. Keep in mind that traveling abroad is never a guarantee for success in life.

You can make it anywhere you find yourself with God on your side.

God bless you



  1. Akomolafe Ajayi

    March 17, 2012 at 5:16 AM

    Brilliant piece! I can relate to your story
    2 times deportee thriving in Nigeria

  2. Mr brightson

    March 17, 2012 at 5:20 AM

    Coming back to Naija has been the best decision of my life after wasting 20 solid years in frustration in the US.

  3. Oga tunde

    March 17, 2012 at 5:34 AM

    For NEPA Wahala I dey prefer abroad oooooooooo but 4 the fun, I go stay abeg

  4. Oga tunde

    March 17, 2012 at 5:36 AM

    Carry your abroad go jo. who told you Naija never pass them if not 4 d foolish politicians eating our money.
    Naija better pass any other country of the world
    Na me talk am

  5. Naija Fan

    March 17, 2012 at 5:54 AM editor are you located in Toronto? Which side are you
    Will love to meet you. (waz the name)
    I need some counseling 4 real. I came here last year quit my high paying GTBank job(one of the worst mistake I made in life)
    I’m here struggling to get a $15 job can u imagine.
    There are too many Indians here. Infact, I tire oo please hit me back at [email protected]

    • naija

      March 17, 2012 at 6:07 AM

      @yemisis look into establishing a business in Nigeria.

    • mike favour

      March 17, 2012 at 8:14 AM

      [email protected]
      your email id is wrong i try replying u but i got failure delivery msg in my box……………. [email protected] drop ur number or correct email id cheers +919873205007

      mike f

      • Naijan Fan

        March 17, 2012 at 8:45 AM

        thanks brother

  6. Bisi Hassan

    March 17, 2012 at 5:59 AM

    This site is heavy never a dull moment.
    Da bomb

  7. chybaby

    March 17, 2012 at 7:05 AM

    i love this site so much,,,,,i strongly agree with you,,,,,,Abroad no be the ultimaate

  8. Uchenna

    March 17, 2012 at 7:39 AM

    Absolutely love it

  9. Koko boy

    March 17, 2012 at 7:50 AM

    Correct piece. Make all Nigerians scattered abroad come home to make this country a better place.
    Make u na come home I beg. I love my motherland

  10. uche

    March 17, 2012 at 4:50 PM

    my ppl, na true talk una don yan; no place is better dan home, no
    matter wat naija still remain d best.

  11. African Shop

    March 17, 2012 at 9:11 PM

    so true. i totally agree that going abroad has it’s benefits but it is definitely not a guarantee for success. some people are destined to make it abroad while others are destined to make it at home.

  12. Gilbert Gladys

    March 18, 2012 at 10:01 AM

    Nice talk, I love ur sincerity. Pls tell them

  13. cole

    April 9, 2012 at 11:09 PM

    Nice piece bro,I have visited uk and had d opportunity to work as a cleaner in supermarket.Because of d crave to go back to uk,I wasted 7yrs of my life,instead of getting a degree.But I have since gone back to school to complete my degree,rather than wasting my time doing odd job, I believe by d time I obtain my degree,I can be far better off than those abroad.

  14. Olayiwola Tokunbo

    August 15, 2012 at 9:54 AM

    it is those simple things,such as social security,stable power supply that gives room 4 price stability,mostly in feeding aspect,that tells alot on human attitude,towards your dear nation.If ppl can eat good food,they will be healthy and do u know that if citizens in a nation are healthy,such nation is also reach/healthy 10 fold,bcos good diet helps alot in our reasoning,to contribute meanifully to ur nation.until nigeria does some amendement,abroad is better off,as at this moment.those that are suffering in abroad dd not arranged themselves well,b4 leaving nigeria.

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