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Who Is After Apostle Johnson Suleman’s Life? See His Police Escorts & Bodyguards..Photos

apostle suleman police escorts body guard

Feb 1st, 2018 – Who Is After Apostle Johnson Suleiman’s Life? See His Police Escorts And Bodyguards [PHOTOS]

Controversial Auchi church founder, Apostle Johnson Suleman has been moving around recently with police escorts and hefty body guards.

The Auchi miracle-man who is trying to prove to Nigerians that someone somewhere is after his life was spotted in the midst of police escorts in his last church programme .

As the “Miracle man” arrived his church on Sunday, police escorts were seen opening the door of his vehicle while several others surrounded him as he walked into the church premises.

Nigerians on the social media were quick to criticize him for moving around with security escorts while selling holy oil and stickers to his church members for protection.

who is after apostle suleman life

Here are some reactions his new move generated online;

It seems Suleman is indirectly telling Nigerians that someone is after his life to further make Stephanie Otobo’s fake confession look real.

Drama never ends with the Auchi “miracle-man”.



  1. fifelomo

    February 1, 2018 at 5:46 PM

    Ebuka rocked this agbada and internet was on ???????????????????????????? Sule are you wearing agbada or the agbada is wearing you?

    • Santana

      February 1, 2018 at 5:52 PM

      Lol good observation at fifelomo

    • Rock

      February 2, 2018 at 7:52 AM

      make una mind una own business
      leave God’s servant alone.
      face ur life to fulfill it

  2. iron bar

    February 1, 2018 at 6:37 PM

    Fear of the unkniwn.either he is chasing something or something chasing him.lost hope and confidence in god of men ever since i saw battalion of security personell in chris okoties pulpit.they have lost it

  3. Chuks

    February 1, 2018 at 10:43 PM

    The tension he is currently getting from that his confused lady by name Otolo abi na Otobo is enough for him to wear agbada upside down

    • kunle Ilahor

      February 1, 2018 at 11:00 PM

      Lol @chuks funny comment

  4. Mon

    February 2, 2018 at 2:41 AM

    He is afraid of the same thing every black person (fear of the unknown) and also Nigeria politicians are afraid of…..



    February 2, 2018 at 11:52 AM


  6. amjoice

    February 2, 2018 at 2:33 PM

    where is your olive oil and sticker nah
    I don’t know who is deceiving who

  7. Jilo

    February 2, 2018 at 6:12 PM

    If this is not enough to convince his Mumu followers that this man is nothing but CAPITAL FAKE then you can continue to be exploit by this con man. Somebody was comparing Jesus disciples as his body guard, that is not true. The twelve disciples were following Jesus because they believed in him. They accepted his doctrine and teaching about God. This guy hired Armed Security Agents, paying them from Church’s money in order to protect and secure his life. He will then turn around lying to his people that Jesus is his life and savior.

    Right there, only first class Mugun will continue to attend his Church. Where is his faith?. Many of Jesus disciples after his death were also persecuted by the authorities. Some were killed in the course spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This guy should be ashamed for calling himself a Pastor. Some real Pastors will be ready to face any religion persecution and lay down their lives for what they believe in. He only wants to enjoy good part of evangelism which is monetary aspect but not ready to face the difficult aspect.

    Nobody is after this guy. May be he had realized it is time for his punishment. This Pastor willl continue to take advantage of vulnerable followers because they have little knowledge about Religion.

  8. kedi

    February 3, 2018 at 8:18 AM

    if he was living in other countries he doesnt need escorts, but as long as he is in this okoro country called nigeria he has to walk with so much security men because this country is yeye country were killers,robbers will attack you and no one will help not until they suceed and they start snapping the scene for posting bad news ‘this securities are not enough he needs 10 times of this,(when he is out of the country deos he carry them along? NO

  9. Bamigboye Joseph Kola

    February 5, 2018 at 5:05 AM

    He need the security guard because our nation now is not save enough for everyone, so he need it to save his life because he also a flesh person.

  10. Gina

    February 6, 2018 at 10:11 AM

    everybody has their different believed,this man has been the 3rd pastor I respect so far in Nigeria, selling of oil or not he does removed or add anything to him,cos he’s using it to help the unbelieved people that does Kwn the power God has given to them,me as a Christian, if I found my body start reacting nagetive I used pure water to pray for myself,so what will u call that,if u talk about money hard work this man is their. he has school,he sings,he write Christian novel,he has factory, pls forget those lies that the political are saying,Sir pls use more security. even though Jesus were the direct son of God,they were millions of people after him,than we that accept him through Jesus,what do u except, we all Kwn when all this things started, so we should stop deceiving ourselves and let pray for God strength upon his life,because more trials will be coming his way,People we all Kwn when all this things started from,becomes he spoke against some people in the country and support Christian ever since them ,they av been doing different things to bring him down,it will never work,as far is God that call him not the evil people of Nigeria

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