Crime News
12 Nigerians, Drug Dealers On Death Row As Indonesia Executes Solomon Chibuike Okafor & Daniel Enemuo
Jan 20, 2015 – 12 Nigerians, Drug Dealers Awaiting Execution As Indonesia Executes Solomon Chibuike Okafor & Daniel Enemuo
The Indonesian government on Saturday executed two Nigerians, Daniel Enemuo and Solomon Chibuike Okafor, along with five others for drug trafficking. Others executed were from Brazil, Indonesia, Malawi, the Netherlands and Vietnam.
This is coming at a time when the Federal Government has summoned the Indonesian ambassador to Nigeria to register its protest as well as ask for the review of laws relating to drug offences. Also, it comes at a time when 12 other Nigerians are on death row in Indonesia, having been convicted of drug trafficking.
Speaking earlier, yesterday, on the execution of the two Nigerians, the Federal Government said although it respects the decision of the Indonesian government, the Asian country should review its laws guiding drug-related offences.
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Aminu Wali, who spoke exclusively with Daily Sun in Abuja, urged the media to educate the citizenry on the consequences of engaging in illegal activities
He added that the public should know that inasmuch as the government feels bad about what happened to its nationals in Indonesia, Nigerians should see the implications of breaching laws in other countries.
He stated: “Countries have got their laws and Indonesians are being executed for that kind of crime. No matter how much we love our nationals, they also love their nationals; but they still go on and kill them for the same offence.
“We in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, have done everything. We appealed to the government; we appealed to the president; we appealed to everybody in Indonesia to commute their death sentence to life imprisonment and this did not happen.
“We are very sad and we are very unhappy that they were executed and we certainly feel bad about our nationals who were executed. But at the same time, diplomacy is a game that keeps going on, with ups and downs.”
Wali said in order to prevent future occurrence, the Federal Government would continue to plead with Indonesia to review its position on the type of punishment for drug offences.
A statement later issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and signed by the spokesperson, Ogbole Amedu Ode, in Abuja said:
“The Federal Government has received with huge disappointment, the tragic news of the execution by firing squad of two Nigerians, Messers Solomon Chibuike Okafor (alias Namaona Denils) and Daniels Enemuo, (alias Diarrassoube Mamadou) by the government of Indonesia. The Nigerians were executed for drug offences at the Island of Nusakambangu in Cilacap, Central Java Province. Also executed with them were two women, one each from Indonesia and Vietnam, two Brazilians, and one Dutch national (The Netherlands).
“The executions were carried out despite persistent pleas for clemency made by the Federal Government, including the National Assembly. The executions had taken place against the grain of the excellent relations that subsist between Nigeria and Indonesia.
“The Federal Government seizes this opportunity to express its sympathy and condolences to the families of the deceased. It reiterates its appeal to all Nigerians to desist from drug trafficking, which attracts the capital punishment in Indonesia and in many other countries around the world.
“The government will continue to engage the Indonesian authorities to negotiate and conclude a Prisoner Transfer Agreement that may enable other convicted Nigerians to return home to serve their prison terms. Thus, the F oreign M inister has summoned the Indonesian Ambassador to register Nigeria’s protest.
“Meantime, it strongly appeals, once again, to the Indonesian authorities to exercise clemency for other 12 Nigerians on the death row in the country.”
[Reported By Aidochie Paulinus Daily Sun]

January 20, 2015 at 1:01 AM
First off, whether one knows punishment for drug trafficking or not in a certain country, it is a crime worldwide to traffic drugs. Each country has their own laws that prevents such criminal act. Therefore, Malaysia has capital punishment and so be it.
They have the right to cleanse their country of such nasty crime. Drugs have messed up many people worldwide. Nigerian govt has no right, not even iota to condemn this punishment. It’s their country.
Nigeria should also enforce anti-drug bill. Don’t go to Malaysia and traffic drugs or other crimes. If you do, pay the price. Simple as that. I don’t support drug dealers, users, abusers.
In the West they either jail them substantially or recommend rehabilitation. Both don’t solve anything. I commend Malaysia govt for this as long as they properly investigate suspects and found them guilty.
Lord of Money
January 20, 2015 at 3:36 PM
We know it a sin to traffic drugs
but why condemn them when you know it was serious poverty that cause it..
Drug trafficking does not required such evil punishment.
Your a woman yet you have such a wicked mind…
What if the was your husband or brother who mistakenly fall victim will you be saying all this shit… one thing I know is you will still die
January 20, 2015 at 9:20 PM
Life imprisonment without parole is better than firing squad. I feel for the parents as a mum to hear they went through firing squad.
January 20, 2015 at 2:14 AM
@Amanda, though you are right about the Malaysian laws (I had studied there in the past), this article was talking about Indonesia and not Malaysia!
January 20, 2015 at 5:13 AM
Thanks. I’d thought Naijagists made mistakes becus I read it on other website and it mentioned Malaysia.
D truth
January 20, 2015 at 3:12 AM
@ Amanda or anaconda or what have u? If death sentece is to be paid or drug trafficking, what if it’s a set up by some enemy. Or how are u sure dat those people dat had being executed were 100% guilt?
January 20, 2015 at 3:29 AM
then stay away from countries like Saudi,singapore and malaysia
D truth
January 20, 2015 at 7:09 AM
@ Don u don’t have *****, we are looking for d way out, u are saying ****, what about those dat are already living in d country? They should continue killing them on a jailable crime?
January 20, 2015 at 7:15 AM
January 20, 2015 at 9:00 AM
please life is very very important more than drug you can see the drug again but when you kill life you cannot seeing it again. so government should look into this and change this world authority. please do something is not good at all.
January 20, 2015 at 4:32 PM
Sad their were shot. May heir soul rest in peace. Federal Govt please start by educating all young children, parents and single mums to be about good and bad behavior of growing up children.
Parents and Federal govt do not live this for pastors to educate children is not their responsibilities though is also very good for children to grow up in christ. If someone is not a proper christian or do not go to church they can never understand these good morals. Thank God for churches and pastors preaching these morals. If not churches Nigeria would have been a total lust nation.
When I was growing up my parents made it cleared to me the good and bad of life and it sticks to me as an adult and i am passing these also to my children. These good morals must be a subject from primary 1 or nursery school onward and even a university or polytechnic courses. This is because 85% of our Nigerian lack these morals.
Another issue is begging, asking and harassing.A Nigerian wil never know they have these problems until they visit another country. this issue is driving foreigners away. I had a friend from another country who visited Nigeria and complaint bitterly about these and swore never to return that the culture system is discouraging foreigners.
Parents friends families stop pushing your children families to come build big mansions. The quest for fast money led these guys into drug trafficking. govt employ all youths and youths be contented with what money the govt pay you and do not have quest for wealth. Wait for the right time and start from small.
Note Nigeria will be the best country in Africa if these bad issues are wiped out from our citizens.
January 20, 2015 at 7:34 PM
R I P Guys…Warning to others in that Field…
Na wa woo
January 23, 2015 at 5:42 PM
Why is it always Nigerians involved in this?
March 2, 2015 at 5:08 PM
I am happy with most of the comments about the execution of these two Nigerians in Idonesia. I wish our men and women that do not want to work hard to becoming millionaires but are aspiring to becoming millionaires through drug pushing will learn a wise leason from the fate of these men. As long as the Indonesian law is in place before they tried to get rich quick through drug, I do not have problem with their execution because they received the just judgement for their crimes and I think Indonesia is praiseworthy of following their law. Any Nigerian that is saying that ”we are registering our grievances over this execution”, should be ashamed of his/her hypocrisy because the same Buhari that executed Benard Ogedemgbe,B Owoh and Lawal for offences that did not carry death sentence at the time of commission is now being rallied round as a presidential candidate come March 28 2015. What a shame. I wish we can learn how to follow the laws of the land from Idonesia.I mean any drug pusher and kidnaper wheher at home or abroad should be excuted if that is what the law stipulates for such offences, please
March 11, 2015 at 2:24 AM
I do no think the reason for drug trafficking is poverty. No. If you steal bread, meat, Garri, or N1000, you can argue poverty. If people go on a million dollar deal, its not poverty, its called greed. Another point which I expected the government to own up to is home security. Why are they always caught in China, Indonesia and Malaysia airports? why not in our own airports. Who allowed them out of the country. If government really cares, they should flush out corrupt immigration and NDLEA officials first. I do not support death sentence for such a crime. And this to the Ibos, train your people in godly way and de-emphasize money. Stop building your society around who is rich, its a low tribal life. You are too associated with all vices relating to fast money. Stop giving us bad names in this country. Build your children with values of godliness and contentment. No tribe in Nigeria respect Ibos becos of their wealth because we know 80% of them are ill-gotten. We respect your entrepreneurship and industriousness and sport lifestyle, stick to that and stop causing us sadness everyday
olayiwola basit
March 13, 2015 at 8:27 PM
The only solution to the problem of killing people based on drug dealing is just to appeal to authority law of Asian continent for amendment of the law, when there is no power to cancel the drug transaction throughout the universe, i think its going to be an extenuating circumstance and even asian people also engaged in business to other continent and if they catch they wont be kill, just go to prison for some years and be released.
March 23, 2015 at 8:21 PM
I dont think that Drug Dealers feels any pain for their deaths…Because they are aware of Death Penalty by Firing Squad in such Countries before travelling there with DRUG to bring back millions of Naira to flatter poor people that they are Nobles.
March 23, 2015 at 8:22 PM
I dont think that Drug Dealers feels any pain for their deaths…Because they are aware of Death Penalty by Firing Squad in such Countries before travelling there with DRUG to bring back millions of Naira to flatter poor people that they are Nobles.
April 5, 2015 at 3:08 PM
I wonder why out of poverty as “claimed” one would struggle, go through rigorous tests at the Embassy ,wake up as early as 4am,Go through 3rd mainland Bridge Traffic ,Queue at the Embassy to get of Naija to spoil his name,his family’s name,Nigeria’s name and the other country’s name. I don’t think I’ve any pity for such a person whether male or female,Brother or Sister ,Father or mother,Friend or Enemy please work hard or harder wherever you’re God will crown your efforts.Other countries can’t be like lawless Nigeria where everything goes.
Please To whom it may Concern
April 26, 2015 at 8:05 AM
the trouble is you do not know if the police plant the drugs on you in any of these failure brown countries—the police in msot of these countries are slime the politicians are gutless and keep this crap out of north america frank
May 15, 2016 at 7:00 PM
the. capital.punishment. is. in. order. am. willing. nigeria. government. adopting.the. law. to. any. level. of. criminality
May 24, 2016 at 3:18 PM
99% are **** greedy people.
kill them all