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Actor Joseph Benjamin Set To Divorce: I Married My Wife Out Of Pity Because She Got Pregnant

actor joseph benjamin divorce

Nov 25, 2012 – Actor Joseph Benjamin Set To Divorce: I Married My Wife Out Of Pity Because She Got Pregnant

Nigerian actor Joseph Benjamin who on Tuesday opens up on his marriage crisis in this recent interview with Adeola Adeyemi revealed how he married his wife out of pity because she got pregnant while they were dating.

Joseph Benjamin who is formally separated from his wife of 8 years said he married her when he discovered she got pregnant because he doesn’t want to father children out of wedlock.

From the interview, the actor apparently didn’t love his wife.

He allegedly married her out of pity.

Interview excerpt below.

What Really Happened in his Marriage?

“I was married for 8 years. It was a rather odd situation at that time. She got pregnant and I didn’t want to have a child out of wedlock and so I married her so we could build a home together for the unborn child. Things weren’t rosy then, but I believed it was the right thing to do for the sake of the child.

I overlooked my own personal desires, I just wanted to do right. Our second child came and I stood by my family like I always have; but no one is perfect, we had our issues – the crisis persisted but we stayed because of the kids. But you never make that kind of decision because if the parents are not happy together then the children suffer.”

Is Your Wife Older Than You?

She is not older than me, and she wasn’t taking care of my financial needs as people have insinuated. We were both starting off in life on the same grounds – no one was exploited.”

“I’ve been separated for a year now but we still keep a good relationship, and our separation was a mutual agreement. She is a good woman but I could not go on with the union anymore seeing the foundation it was built on was untrue. I have two wonderful children – a ten year old daughter and a seven year old son. They are an integral part of my life; their mum and I have a very good arrangement on how to balance their lives and make sure that psychologically they are stable and unaffected by our separation.”

How can you marry a woman out of pity? This is not funny.



  1. carine jones

    December 7, 2012 at 6:55 PM

    At first i really liked this guy, but he’s soo full of himself these days, braging about his looks and now this. It’s a pity he still has to learn to carry himslef as a celebrity to be, be humble Mr Joseph and let others praise you. I saw his radio interview accompanied by genevieve ans it was obvious genevieve didn’t like his guts, she was all soo distracting and enjoying the music when ever joseph was talking. You better learn fro people like ramsey and demond, have you ever heard them say how goodlooking they are, even to accept openly, they rarely do and that’s is how a real man should behave. As for this your new story i pity the poor girl, coming out to say you married her out of pity, somethings are never said.

  2. ohizeimoje

    December 7, 2012 at 8:43 PM

    You are obviously very full of yourself, who do you think you are?….How can you even begin to say something so very nasty about your wife and mother of your children ? When you slept with her to get her pregnant, was it out of pity ? If you didn’t “offer yourself” by sleeping with her, she would never have found anyone one else to marry ? It is people like you that portray us men in very bad light. Be a man and own up to the real reasons you want to divorce your wife, and stop feeding us with your trailer load of rubbish…Real men admit their shortcomings, boys look for who to blame…

  3. Akinnaija

    December 7, 2012 at 11:30 PM

    she got pregnant.. Benjamin – you did something to her and she became pregnant…you asked for it and she agreed. If you can stick it in, you should be able to stick with it.
    Now that you are famous , you done see plenty ikebe…my brother …all skin naa skin..very soon the new ride will become old model, if you do not fix your issue as an individual…changing the woman never solves the problem… this is man to man talk… i pray you read it… by the way i never marry and i do old ooo…like 36 i be…but i rather be sure before i tell this kind story…i beg let the woman go make we no go hear murder

  4. Helen philips

    December 15, 2012 at 9:19 AM

    Abeg dat s nt an excuse o jare.

  5. mary AMA

    December 17, 2012 at 4:13 PM

    please go bk to her its not worth it

  6. obj

    December 23, 2012 at 4:45 PM

    I can see that you are unserious element.When you are having sex with her you are not blind may be because you are know a star and you have met some beatiful ladies you know realise that you ex wife is a mistake.If people are begging dont answer them jare.If angel are begging dont mind them,Iam begging God on your behalf NOT to forgive you, useless animal.

  7. Ada obi

    December 25, 2012 at 12:21 PM

    Hmmmm!!MR Ben!u fal my hand sum hw ooh.hw culd u impregant a woman b4 marriage,dats not biblical,n marrying her out of pity,heeey!dat awful!

  8. fave

    December 30, 2012 at 10:13 PM

    mr ben…. you married you wife wen you had no money….roosting…now you hv made money you eye is now on bigger chicks thats why you r donig this…check yourself wht do you really want in life?

  9. Eze Ukaoha

    January 15, 2013 at 6:00 PM

    Stupid Man like u. U made love 2 her with pity, she got pregnant with pity, born 1 n 2 with pity. Pity her if u thnk she is nw tastelx. Adulterer like u, that gf will pity u when she finish u. Amn.

  10. porhl GAMEon

    January 16, 2013 at 7:42 AM

    everyone going crazy about anoda man’s issue, and dis u only knw just Becos he is a star. lats of men do dis stuffs everiday. even ur fada may be involved and u may just turn out to be the ignorant victim. wats the symptoms of marraige out of pity, disorganized homes, unfaithfulness, everiday fighting and nagging mention them. and the holy book says “if its ur right eye dat is goin to hinder u from going to heaven pluck it out. guyz check ur selfs and homes b4 u judge others.

  11. Yemi

    January 22, 2013 at 2:50 PM

    My respect for the idiot just waxed cold. A fool at 32, when is he going to get it?
    Coming on the air with such sickening disclosure about your wife- the mother of your childrenis utterly shameful. I bet he can’t find love in his new found love. What so you sowed, you’ll reap boy!

  12. Pius pius

    January 26, 2013 at 9:40 PM

    Bigbros,frankly speaking if u need a happies family go back 2 her for settlement or otherwise, u won’t see peac in ur family o! Fear God pls.

  13. chinjes

    January 29, 2013 at 6:00 PM

    U r such a useless man, to come out publicly on media like dis to vomit dis rrubbish. Who died and made u a king? Idiot. Its people lik u who don’t knw wat celebrity is all abt, u think messin up here and der will make u a popular celeb, idiot. Don’t go back to ur wife before heavenly thunder strikes u and dat ur ego. U r worthless of a man. Emulate stars lik desmond elliot and ramsey noah. Animal!!!

  14. Abi

    January 29, 2013 at 7:19 PM

    this guy is very stupid he need some experience pple to advice him about marriage, he is one of my favorate actor but I hate him now!!! He think he is there but he still have a mountain to climb!!! So you have been f…. That beautiful woman with pity for 8years. Men you have some problem. I just pity that new girl in your life if all women are smart and want a real man (not a boy like you Joseph) in their life they need to run away from you. So because you are not a little star in Nollywood hmmmm you don’t want that woman that was with you when you were a bus conductor any more.

  15. Majekodunmi

    February 10, 2013 at 1:48 PM

    You are talking nonsense ,How can you married her out of pity,You betray her.

  16. Joy

    February 12, 2013 at 1:42 PM

    U touch d drum it sounded nw u ar sayin dat it’s out of pity.u ar nothin bt an ingrate.may God use thunder nd strike u 2 death.shameless idiot.

  17. sweetie

    March 2, 2013 at 3:28 PM

    look at useless conductor that says he married someone out of pity,i just pray GOD will put you in the postion you were before as a bus conductor , let me see how many women will wants you expect ur lovely wife.well i don,t even see nigerian celebrities as a star,they are not matured that,s my own point of view for all of them.

  18. Rev. Joseph White

    March 13, 2013 at 8:06 AM

    It was the same pity for you that Jesus died on the cross. Ben, what are you talking about? you will be very stupid, foolosh and carlous divourcing a wife with two kids. Where has your pity suddently gone to? Do you think no matter the agreement you have with her, the children will grow up to love that? Think my friend. dont let another woman entice you. TAKE MY ADVICE AND GET BACK WITH YOUR WIFE.

  19. agnes

    March 14, 2013 at 9:18 AM

    u are dame too stupid osaka


    March 25, 2013 at 12:09 PM


  21. Lily

    April 10, 2013 at 10:33 PM

    Bros. i tink u need 2 get ur head properly examined 2 stop talking balderdash. Since u dated her out pity,got her pregnant out of pity and married her out of pity. So wat prevents u 4rm being wit her in d pity? Plz go back 2 ur wife b4 u find urself in a Pit.

  22. chinedum

    April 19, 2013 at 6:10 PM

    D truth is dat now u think ur status has changed. When u were selling shoes, and jumping d whole of lagos as a BUS CONDUCTOR she was good 4 u, but now u are a star u want to push her out and u think dat God wil be happy with u.God can take u back to square one. Repent.

  23. evans

    June 6, 2013 at 11:00 PM

    this ben is so foolish,why did yu go ahead and sleep with her wen u do not ve d intention of marrying her? You re a big fool,idiot,u thnk all is about bn handsome?..dis is jst so crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  24. kenn

    October 26, 2016 at 3:15 PM

    i stumbled this story in my archives…i think the story is relevant in recent times.Just to add my view. When u wear the shoes of unhappy marriage you will agree that its better for couple to live apart in peace than to live togerther in pieces. Couple should be loyal to each other and try new ways to make love stronger but when intimacy becomes flat then its wise to flee. Save your lives, reduce matrimonial unhappiness or sometimes unwanted death which may arise in extreme cases of domestic abuse

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