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An Open Love Letter To My Secret Admirer: Lover Boy Writes British Lady

open letter secret admirer

Sept 20, 2014 – An Open Love Letter To My Secret Admirer: Nigerian Lover Boy Writes British Lady

The very first day I saw you I thought you were the most beautiful lady I have seen. You looked angelic, wearing an all white or a milk colour dress. You were walking towards the building I was standing, then we saw each other , exchanged glances, and suddenly you turned back. You made a lasting impression on me because it was after we had looked at each other you swiftly turned around. My instinct was to follow you, but decided against doing that because it was my first day in that school and I needed to be on my best behaviour, being a foreign student. I spent the next four weeks of my elective looking for you, but I never saw you again. I returned to Nigeria disappointed.

But still something happened in South Africa which made me realize something was going on- I was at a bookshop when I suddenly saw a popular American artiste I used to see in music videos of the 90s and early 2000s; we glanced, didn’t greet nor ask for an autograph,but just walked away. And I had narrowly missed meeting him six years earlier in Lagos-when my friend had told me he saw him at an education fair I attended at a hotel.That chanced meeting in South Africa was indelible. That was 2006.

Then two years later I received a love letter in my e-mail, of a girl from Europe coming to pay me a visit. I thought it was some yahoo yahoo boy trying to make money off me. I was replying but didn’t it seriously, was non cooperative and almost saying nonsense. But to my chagrin you, that I had seen and admired two years earlier, came near my residence and stood by a car, ostensibly waiting for me.

I was shocked to the marrow, fear gripped me-how would a girl whom you have only exchanged glances with in another country know your residence. you wore the same dress you had worn when I met you then-perhaps to remind me of yourself. I actually thought I was in trouble because I was having issues in both my place of work and personal life then.And I did the impossible-looked and walked away . As I walked away you chose to abuse me that day, I had no response and was dumb founded. Thereafter, the e-mails stopped.

I went to do some researches about you and found out you had a year earlier become a huge star and celebrity in your home country. That explains why you didn’t want to be met at the airport, talked on phone and the surreptitious movement. I went to listen to all your works and realized you are such a loving person.

In retrospect had I known you were such a young lady, I would have made a move on you in ’06. In 2008, I don’t know why I was afraid; I should have welcomed you with open arms, having come such a long distance-what a despicable me! Tell that your emissary guy is one of the greatest guy on earth-I don’t why I didn’t talk to him when he paid me an impromptu visit. I don’t know why I was always speechless.

Finally I wanna see you again, we have a lot of catch up to do and a lot to talk about, I am tired of always thinking about you. Just ask your informants who always gist you about me, they will tell you where I am.

Signing out with love.

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  1. Dauda

    September 20, 2014 at 7:18 AM

    Lover boy why not mention her name i hope she get to read dis

  2. Pretty Joyce

    September 20, 2014 at 7:23 AM

    Nice one, hope you are still single
    If you are, am single and looking let’s talk

    • Tm

      September 20, 2014 at 9:40 AM

      Pls lets be friend,add me on fb or whatsapp with +24105828555

  3. Bench

    September 20, 2014 at 9:31 AM

    This is a nawa thing. This is no be sense at all. Is a diream.

  4. Tm

    September 20, 2014 at 9:38 AM

    @pretty joyce am also like you,if posible add me at whatssap with +24105828555 or fb lets gist ,i cherish making friends

  5. qwerty

    September 20, 2014 at 1:36 PM

    @pretty Joice, somebody was trying to reconnect with a supposed love of his life; you re trying to tag along. you probably don’t know what love means.

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