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Apostle Anselm Madubuko To Remarry 2 Months After The Death Of His Wife

Apostle Anselm Madubuko marriage

Oct 1st, 2012 – Apostle Anselm Madubuko To Remarry 2 Months After The Death Of His Wife

Apostle Anselm Madubuko of Revival Assembly is set to remarry just two months after the death of his wife, Pastor Uzoamaka Connie Madubuko.

In this latest interview with Azuh Arinze of Yes Magazine, the man of God revealed he will be marrying soon. He also claims he is single but not available meaning he is already in a relationship.

Interview excerpts below

Yes Magazine:

‘How have you been coping since your wife’s demise?

Apostle Anselm:

‘It’s not easy, but I’m coping well. I’m surprised at myself, I didn’t know I could survive it really. When I heard about her death, I was thinking what next? How can I face life? Where do I start? But God answered those questions. I see a great life ahead. Mourning is over. Life goes on by his Grace.

Yes Magazine:

‘Are you going to re-marry?

Apostle Anselm:

Very soon. I will re-marry very soon

Yes Magazine:

‘Really? You will marry very soon?

Apostle Anselm:

‘Yes! I’m single but not available (laughs)

Yes Magazine 

‘Do you have someone already?’

Apostle Anselm:

‘Well, watch this space (laughs)

Hmmmmm so quick.


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