Staying A Virgin Until Marriage Makes You Phenomenal!
Keeping Your Virginity Till After Marriage Makes You A Superwoman!
Dear Madam, First, I’d like to thank you for enlightening the female folk about the importance of chastity and being strong in the Lord. I just turned 26 and I’m still a virgin. I was labelled a lesbian when I was in school because I didn’t have a boyfriend and believe me, this affected me mentally, emotionally and even academically! This evil rumour spread like wild fire and even got to the ears of my lecturers. I lost my friends as I was really stigmatised such that I almost committed suicide. What destabilises me the most is that I still hear those evil accusations even now that I’m done with school. This has greatly affected my relationship with people and as a result of this, I don’t socialise! I’m even afraid of marriage. Please help me! Thanks ma!
My super-duper darling anonymous,
You can’t imagine how glad I am for the state of your life and I really just can imagine how pleased God is with you and the wonderful goodies He’s reserved for you! What an awesome, adorable lady you are! The only challenge I feel you have is low self-esteem, lack of self-awareness and unassertiveness which allowed your mockers get at you! However, for you to have been able to experience all that stigma and the emotional trauma that would have come with it and yet you refuse to shift your stand on remaining pure – I RESPECT YOU AND DOFF MY HAT FOR YOU! You clearly know what you want in a depraved world. In fact, I see you as an Amazon who can make the very best out of life and command it to her satisfaction!
What concerns you with what anyone thinks about you? YOU CAN’T IMAGINE THE ENORMOUS HEAD-ACHE YOU’VE SAVED YOUR DESTINY AND FUTURE BY BEING A VIRGIN TILL DATE! I tell everyone who cares to listen that if you can successfully subdue your flesh in the first 20 years of your life when the devil knows it’s the most effective time to divert the course of one’s destiny, YOU HAVE WON 80% LIFE’S BATTLES! Yes because you must have spared yourself a lot of unnecessary heart-ache and not lost concentration pursuing your academics to the point of acquiring fantastic grades needed to earn you an admission to study the choicest course that could promote your potential and more often than not what God has deposited in you to make you shine in life! You have not bombarded your spirit with multiple strange spirits and demons from different sexual partners and contaminated your destiny with satanic baggage that could slow you down or entirely divert the course of your destiny and a lot more reasons! Someone should please meditate on this!
I congratulate you my darling and only hope you know what you have and how to use it to activate the power of God and navigate your way through a most beautiful life! I can imagine the extra-ordinary grace of God upon your life! I certainly won’t be able to count the numerous open doors before you because you have not opened up the gates of your life to be polluted or contaminated by strange spirits! I can imagine the enormous power of God that has welled up in you and which would empower you to remain chaste till your wedding night! The world is certainly your oyster.
You must ignore what anyone thinks and open up your heart to God and allow your imagination to be vivid enough to magnetise to you the best things in life which your mockers can never boast of! And I see your wonderful dreams manifesting with great speed! I see you turning out a roaring success! Please focus on your destiny and hug God with all your strength because I can tell you the devil is not happy with you and would do all it can to ensure you eventually feel you wasted your time remaining chaste. Yes! It knows how to throw people into the depths of despair and make them lose their blessings if they are not strong enough spiritually!
God knows all you need right away! The world would be shocked at the type of man you would end up with in marriage! Believe me, all you need do is incubate your imagination in the Holy Spirit and even you will be amazed at the wonderful wonder that you are! Just exhale all the negative emotions weighing down your soul and inhale the power of God and you will come out shining brightly like the sun out of the azure deep blue sky! Please keep in touch as I’d love to share your lorry-load of testimonies soonest. May your glory appear like a rainbow in Jesus name!
I invite you to follow me on Facebook – TEMILOLU OKEOWO Instagram – @ Okeowo Temilolu.
Are you still engaging in pre-marital sex? Each act devalues you! Your wonders are waiting to start. God is waiting for you to become a Secondary virgin! You are most welcome on board the chastity campaign train and Girls Club is open for all girls and ladies. Please text your name, age, school or occupation and State of domicile to 07086620576

Sashy Sade
December 1, 2019 at 7:36 AM
Are you saying am not phemonenal because I had sex before marriage.
I’m taking this personal Temilolu Okeowo stop playing holier than though
What about u, did u stayed a virgin before marriage
Metu Nyetu
December 1, 2019 at 11:56 AM
THIS IS it again! Some people fall short of some virtue, and become unnecessarily incensed when others are praised for their attainments! Maybe you could tell us what is phenomenal about falling cheap to advances from guys who don’t even truly love you. Learn to celebrate what is good!
Jibowu Idris
December 1, 2019 at 8:01 AM
No need to take this personal . the writer is only expressing her opinions
Metu Nyetu
December 1, 2019 at 12:54 PM
CHRISTIANS SHOULD ask themselves why, of all sins, the sin of sexual relations outside marriage is regarded as sinning against your own self(1 Cor 6:18). Sex is a coin that has two sides—the spiritual and the physical sides. But our primal concentration is sadly on the physical aspects: we play down its meaning, and the desire for sensual pleasures has sadly eclipsed all spiritual ramifications of sexual relations.
BUT MAY I TELL us here that every singular act of sexual intercourse is much more than just moaning into some earth-shattering orgasm: It is a spiritual communion; it is a covenant; it is raising an altar of devotion, duly witnessed by God.
IN EVERY COMMUNION, CERTAIN THINGS ARE exchanged between the partakers. It follows that in every act of sexual relation, certain things are exchanged physically as well as spiritually: There is a transfer of spirits. Now imagine when you have sex with a lady, you give her and she gives you, only for you to go to another lady and share what the former lady had given you, and also collect from her the spirits that a thousand other men had given her. Is it still a wonder why God intends sex strictly for married couples, who would stick together forever, only to themselves, that the transfer of spirits might remain just between them?
NOW I ADMIT with my whole heart that chastity is about the most difficult thing on earth. I, who speaks like this, may not necessarily be a virgin by now. But it is altogether a whole nother thing to get angry at, or mock the idea of commending others who are still virgins, or to try to discourage genuine attempts at sexual purity from other individuals just because I had failed. It should not be so. For a 26-year-old lady(or man for that matter) to still have their virginity intact in this present world of outlandish perversions and lewd suggestiveness, that is phenomenal!