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Boko Haram Sponsors In Military: Why US & Britain Not Helping Nigeria Fight Terrorism

boko haram sponsors nigerian army

Feb 24, 2015 – Boko Haram Sponsors Inside Nigerian Army, Military: Why US & Britain Not Helping Nigeria Fight Terrorism

Tackling The Security Problems In Nigeria Volume 2

In the Vol. 1, I did x-rayed the effect of illicit drugs on crime and other forms of violent acts, however, in this Vol., I want to look at the role of government on this matter.

Judging by the trends of actions within the Nigerian Politico-Economic cum Socio-Religious sphere within the last few years that have grossly affected the populace, you will agree with me, that the government, to an extent is the brain behind this inhuman acts of terrorism. The fact remains that, as Karl Maxx puts it,”A certain degree of conflict is needed in stabilizing, as well as effecting social change, within any system or society”.

From the above, it is obvious, that the government through its secret agents, started this whole game – Insurgency. Like a rogue agent, these Men, haven been part of the government, knows; who, where, when, why and the how of the entire system, hence, they employ all possible means to stay afloat. Most of these Men, have gone on special course abroad, they have established links with colleagues of other Nationals and still have colleagues in active service back home.

If I may ask, why is it that severally, intelligence have revealed that they do bring supplies to Boko Haram with Helicopter, that some high ranking military personnel are insiders and that some prominent Nigerians are also sponsors of this dreaded sect, yet the government have not made any frantic effort to bring these Men to book?

The truth is, in everything, there are secrets, which if revealed, may lead to more bloodshed. In the Bible, there are secrets, the Koran, also has its share of secret, so also the government. This secret is known by a selected few, in other to keep them in POWER. Economic Power, begat Political Power and vice versa.

The major problem between Nigeria and United States is that, the US has zero tolerance for terrorism, they could have assisted Nigeria in battling the cankerworm called Boko Haram, but they chose not, why? When the Chibok girls were abducted, the US also came in to assist, at that point, the Nigerian Intelligence Community, were lamenting that the US are not sharing intelligence with Nigerian Forces. Yes, the reason was simply because, the US knew that even if this intelligence is released to the Nigerian Intelligence Community, nothing will come out of it, rather, the spies within will use it in developing training modules for the terrorist group. Based on their findings, the US knew that Nigeria is so wealthy and that the bulk of the wealth are used in TERRORISM FINANCING, the US decided to stop the importation of Crude Oil from Nigeria, so as to tame her a little. On this regard, BRITAIN is silent. The Great B is just watching, as event upon events unfolds each day.

Nigeria, been one of the non-align Nations during the major wars that engulfed the world, could at this daring time turn to the Eastern Bloc for Support. However, as part of WORLD POLITICS, the watcher know that this will definitely be the next option, hence, they infused into the Bloc, so degree of conflict also. Nevertheless, some of the Nations are joining forces with Nigeria.

To this end, if the government truely wishes to protect lives and properties, a major need of Man and a driving force in fast tracking all round National development, the government must step up its game in battling the internal forces behind the Boko Haram, while waging war in partnership with the Militias.
The government must be bold to bring to book, the sponsors and ensure that the entire intelligence community is sanitise, while boasting the moral of Law Enforcement Officers through; Financial incentives, provision of Accommodation, etcetra.



  1. A big nwa aka phyno

    February 24, 2015 at 8:19 AM

    My only problem with boko haram is dat dey ar too local… How wil u were camoflg nd kito sandals….. SMH

  2. pain

    July 10, 2015 at 6:04 AM

    problem with boko haram is dat dey ar too local…

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