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Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect Killed; Manhunt For The Second Suspect Begins

boston marathon bombing suspects pictures

April 19, 2013 – Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect Killed; Manhunt Begins For Second Suspect

One of the suspected criminal who set up the bombs that killed 3 people and injured 175 others in Boston earlier this week has been killed.

On Thurday FBI released still pictures of the two suspects who carried out the two major bombings.

Before the attack, the two suspected bombers were spotted carrying backpacks while parading the marathon ground. One had a white cap while the other wore a black cap.

The one in the black cap has been killed while the other one is still at large.

The whole city of Watertown in Massachusetts has been shut down to facilitate the second suspect’s capture.

Watch Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect Video below


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  1. Olaoluwaseun

    April 19, 2013 at 3:35 PM

    Our Lord God ‘ll continue 2 reveals theis 1 by 1. It remains d Boko Haram.

  2. peppy

    April 19, 2013 at 10:46 PM

    Nigerians should learn how to go about with their evil men, no time kill them as soon as you get them, not to ever think of giving some stupid amnesty to people that should not be in the surface of heart, GOODLUCK rethink and watch Americans, it is still an African-American is ruling their, they know he importance of human life, no negotiations for people who have killed thousands and useless millions, Boston’s was just 3 persons that dies but life is so precious in the state that no compromise is given to such people than to kill them instantly………GOOD JOB!!!!!!!!!!

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