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Dear President Buhari, This Is Our Shopping List – The Association Of Curious Nigerians

buhari plan for nigeria

April 3rd, 2015 – Dear President Buhari, This Is Our Shopping List – Association Of Curious Nigerians

Dear General,

Since we are lagging decades behind and must start planing like yesterday, here is our shopping list for you to consider as you plan your government.

We want regionalism;

We want state police;

We want capital punishment for stealing and/or with/without, of not of corruption;

We want a nation founding conference;

We want strong pro-African posture;

We want organic farming and prohibition of dangerous and experimental GMO agriculture (Adesiyan’s dangerous legacy);

We want Primary and preventive health over expensive western machines and systems;

We want water;

We want the promotion of ecologically friendly research via centers and contests and support among all youth;

We want the aggressive support of farming;

We want the combating of deforestation and desertification;

We want decentralization of government;

We want restoration of the Parliamentary system;

We want shorter terms for elected officials;

We want electronic voting if we will still have voting;

We want direct democracy (refer to Gadaffi’s Green Book) with market women, professors as Jega used, and all other social groups being part of a local and central government via information technology conferencing;

We want an end to colonialist style democracy and return to African methods of selecting Philosophical kings as leaders and not ‘dirty’ politicians;

We want an absolute cut on campaign spending with jail as repudiation;

We want all campaigns to be completely equally sponsored by the government and only sponsored a fixed amount by the government;

We want equal media slots for all contestants;

No more impunity for politicians unless there is impunity for common thieves and armed robbers;

We want collective and public participatory governance and regular thrash-all conferences, easy thanks to modern IT tools;

Regular constituency re-evaluation of representatives with possibility of abrupt mid-term tenure truncation;

We want Nigeria to be involved in not only national matters but to play a lead role in regional and global issues. To be involved say, in sending troops and aid to combat ISIS, or rescue hurricane victims, etc;

We want investment in eco-friendly natural energy, like the natural pyramids were built to provide by our African brothers in ancient Egypt;

Vernacular spoken in school must no longer be an offence as this is our natural tongue;

We want investment in research into all ancient African natural medicine remedies. I do not limited like MRI and CT scan stuff that cost millions and will only be used by a handful, I prefer naturopathic holistic medicine that can quickly help all. We can be world pioneers;

Manufacturing does not have to be priority; especially if we do so by crippling the masses and patronizing the cabal as with the current car import ban crap, we must look at what pays us most as a nation, our natural endowment. It may be tourism, it may be so many things. Not all nations must manufacture, we must see what is economically and competitively advantageous for us;

We want advantage and consideration for small businesses over the cabal;

We want to continue… should we?

God bless you

God bless Nigeria

By Dr Perry Brimah



  1. Osorobia

    April 3, 2015 at 1:31 AM

    Hope he has good plans for nigeria

  2. phillips Manase

    April 3, 2015 at 3:33 AM

    This article is funny in a way


    April 3, 2015 at 4:11 AM

    This man just raised a point here, he said ** we want electronic voting if we will still have voting** pls can someone educate me on this ?

  4. bams

    April 3, 2015 at 6:23 AM

    Educate u? Go f****k ursef cos from ur tone u re one of dose dat shows hate to buhari@Jamoon

  5. I

    April 7, 2015 at 3:30 AM

    NEPA and security against armed robbers and boko haram nko? Shouldn’t those be top of the list?

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