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Alleged Wife Beater, Dino Melaye Celebrates Divorce After 10 Years Of Marriage

dino melaye wife beater

December 18, 2013 – Alleged Wife Beater, Dino Melaye Celebrates Divorce After 10 Years Of Marriage

Pictured above is former law maker, Honourable Dino Melaye, the founder of anti-corruption network in Abuja and his badly beaten wife Tokunbo Melaye who filed a divorce petition few days ago over constant beating and domestic violence allegations.

Tokunbo Melaye’s parents have also filed a case against the anti-corruption guru who has turned his wife of many years and the mother of his three children into a punching bag.

He took to Twitter few hours ago to celebrate his marriage crash:

Check out his tweet:

Is this not the same woman who vowed to stand by Dino Melaye when he impregnated Nollywood actress Bisi Ibidapo Obe?

Heya! madam sorry o.

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  1. Chacha

    December 18, 2013 at 10:25 PM

    Is Tokunbo tired of beating now. Thank God you left before he kills you.
    Congrats bcos I was once in your shoes

  2. Heritage

    December 18, 2013 at 10:26 PM

    This man is heartless how can you beat a woman like this when she is not an animal

  3. Detective

    December 18, 2013 at 10:27 PM

    Something is behind all these beatings she is not telling us
    A right minded man will not beat a woman like this

    • iron bar

      December 19, 2013 at 2:27 AM

      mr detective…even if there is something lurking around..that would not warrant inflicting injury to her..he who deceives the public in the name of activism should first fix his home before he fixes Nigeria evn as he failed woefully in the house of representatives..

    • Jane

      December 20, 2013 at 3:01 PM

      @Dectative, is lik u wil do lik dat man, dnt u kw dat som men r beast.

  4. Linda Evans

    December 18, 2013 at 11:42 PM

    Na wah o this man Should go to jail for disrespecting women

  5. Metu Nyetu

    December 18, 2013 at 11:59 PM

    Wat is behind it? Who is a right-minded man? I’m appalld each tym som ppl, in their attmpt 2 sound knwldgabl, multiply empty words. No offense intended; ’tis just dat I fail2c Y u promptly swung ur bulk in support of d man. R u 100% certain he’s absolvd frm blame? Or r u a wife beater as wel?
    Just last nite I got a call by some minutes past 12 mid9t. It wz frm a frnd who’d just beat up his lactating wife & consequently needed me 2 drive dem 2a hospital by dat tym of d 9t. Wat went wrong? D wife had seen a txt msg he’d sent 2 anoda woman describing many dirty things he would do with her (i.e, d oda woman). Wen his wife raised her voice, she wz met by blows&kicks. 2 make matters even worse, his wife had had her baby via C. S. only 2months ago.
    Nw, Detectiv, tel me wat is behind dis particular beating!

  6. clement j

    December 19, 2013 at 2:48 AM

    Na wa ooh! Men call 4 dis kind of celebration!!

  7. Asiwaju Olu' Mayungbe

    December 19, 2013 at 4:11 AM

    In as much as i liked this Dishonorable by the name of Malaye before as a civil right activist, i hate him now. The idiot is a lazy punk that should be put behind bar for a long time for human abuse not just as a wife abuser. What is he happy about when he is supposed to be crying in prison? What is the hopeless government doing about this gross abuse of a wife, somebody’s daughter? What is honorable about this barbaric fool? Why is he still being glorified as a civil right guru? He should be called; Civil right abuser. He is a disgrace to mankind.

  8. red

    December 19, 2013 at 5:01 AM

    Here is the face of a mad dog,coward and permanent classified animal.join the army and fight real problem like real men.I wonder if you are talking about God or the gods,every two leg walking body calls out the name of God and quote the holy bible even when devil is their godfather beast.

  9. hmm

    December 19, 2013 at 5:50 AM

    By their fruit we shal knw them,u can fool pple somtimes in d name of civil rigth,bt u can fool all pple all d time.

  10. OMOH T

    December 19, 2013 at 7:29 AM


  11. jenni

    December 19, 2013 at 8:32 AM

    Something is behind this,ahhhhhh This MaN is a hegoat..

  12. chichi

    December 19, 2013 at 9:47 AM

    Mr. detective, I don’t think there is something behind it unless you are talking about spiritual if not I have seen men who maltreat their wife more than this. And the most annoying thing in such men is that they make their self a peace make outside when in their house they turn to devil in the house. Most of the time women that experience this kind of problem would like to leave their home but when they remember their children what will become of them if they left, she will stay back that is the only issue. The way men are maltreating their wives these days is very bad as if marriage is a curse instead of blessing. God will help us women.

  13. Blaze_boy

    December 19, 2013 at 10:57 AM

    OMG he can’t be an anti corruption activist if he still beat up his wife he shud stfu and go to Rehab fool

  14. Abubakar Garba Sabo

    December 19, 2013 at 10:59 AM

    Haba! Haba!! Haba!!! Is this the Dino Melaye that has been raising voice in his anti-corruption and human rights campaign? I’m ashamed to be associated with him.

  15. Anoni

    December 19, 2013 at 11:53 AM

    All of you talking when you are married you will all know whats up..What am i saying? not even marriage just a serious relationship then you will see craze of women.

  16. T boy

    December 19, 2013 at 1:09 PM



    December 19, 2013 at 1:48 PM

    Dino is dancing to some people who are beating drums for him underneath.

  18. Roy

    December 19, 2013 at 2:13 PM

    Anoni, there is nothing like “craze of women”. I have been married for 10 years now and never had any reason to raise my hands on my wife. Abi my wife nor be woman again?

    Just for the information, we are also blessed with 3 lovely kids.

    Its only weak men that beat their wives. For no reason at all should a man raise his hand on his wife.

  19. queen

    December 19, 2013 at 2:27 PM

    @anoni i dont no If u are man or à woman bt let me tel u If à dog did nt see anything he wil nt jst be barkin meaning 99%of woman has Sharp mouth especaily wh dere husband is goin astray so as a man If u are nt patience enough ur anger towards her at dat moment may let u become à murderer so u ave to be extra patience or u better cal 4 divorce dan u beaten her cos beaten ur wife is à generational curse it wil never leave dat family.

  20. KANKIA

    December 19, 2013 at 3:32 PM

    Though it is very wrong to beat a Wife but a times you would not know the time you raise your hand on them out of provocation. Married Men can attest to this. As for Dino’s case it is not fair to reach conclusion until you hear from either side ie Dino and his Wife. This is how it is even in court of Law.

  21. Miriam Anukem

    December 19, 2013 at 4:09 PM

    This is what separates the real MEN from ANIMALS!
    A real man is provoked BUT will never resort to hitting a woman.
    Domestic abuse of a woman who is the weaker one is a form of mental illness.
    He needs therapy whomever this animal is. The sad thing about it is that you will see another woman foolishly go stand beside this man in the name of LOVE
    For the love of money another will go having dealing with him and expect the outcome to be any differently.
    This is why divorce is high and on the rise amongst our Nigerian society of today.

  22. Gideon

    December 19, 2013 at 6:06 PM

    Dis is more reason gay marriages should be approve by Nigeria Law makers, so dat those who cannot stay with women can go ahead marry de person he/she feel is comfortable with he/she, Dan killing themselves in de name of marriage. Let embrace reality. No abuse pls, maturity is product dat many cannot afford to have and those who have are seen as unwise.

  23. sexyboy

    December 19, 2013 at 6:16 PM

    I said it long ago dat Dino is not a human being,but we Nigerian easily carried away by sombody attitude,Dino dat wine and Dine with Hon.Bankole but later call for his removal as a speaker,is notin but a bunch of

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