Evil Men In President Jonathan’s Administration Need 4 More Years To Destroy Nigeria
July 9, 2014 – Evil Men In President Jonathan’s Administration Need 4 More Years To Destroy Nigeria
An open letter from an 84+ year-old Nigerian woman to President Goodluck Jonathan.
Permit the liberty I take in addressing this open letter to Mr. President. I am a bona fide Nigerian and a senior citizen. I am by the grace of God past eighty-four years walking this earth.
I remain perpetually grateful to the Lord God for the gift of salvation and the unprecedented privilege of being a joint heir with Jesus Christ, Our Saviour. I am one among His ambassadors, and a Minister of the Gospel and an Elder. This is not boasting: it is a testimony; “I will bless the Lord at all times: His praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul shall make her boast in the LORD: the humble shall hear thereof and be glad” (Psalm 34:1 and 2): If this is erroneously deemed boasting, we are permitted to boast in the Lord.
I have been active in politics since I was sixteen years old from the secondary school. I was a very active member of the disciplined Zikist Movement. I was a local president of the NCNC/NEPU alliance in Bukuru on the Plateau in the 1950s. I was a very effective and successful Trade Union leader as a young adult on the Plateau. I have made great contributions in both participating in sport and in the development of youth through sport.
Forgive my talking a bit of myself. I do so only to justify the liberty I take to address this letter to my President because I am going to base this letter to Mr President on my Christian faith and understanding of politics and governance.Mr. President; my understanding and only accepted definition of politics is that: “Politics is the proper management of the affairs of men – preferably by the righteous”. Because I am told that you are a Christian, our Lord Jesus made a statement in John 10:10 which to my understanding reflect politics. It is from it that I drew my accepted definition. The Lord did say “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly”.
Nigeria for decades has been indulging in politics and governance that uphold the first part of our Lord’s statement: the politics of steal, kill and destroy Nigeria’s economy and in consequence; the Nigerian people. I had hoped that you might incline your pattern of politics and governance to part ‘b’ of our Lord’s statement: providing life and life more abundantly for our economy and people. Your Excellency’s government and politics to my understanding, inadvertently mingles and battles to sustain the policy and practice of hurting Nigeria. I, therefore, deem it a bounding duty and responsibility to draw your Excellency’s attention to my personal views on events and developments since you became president. Corruption is not just the dynamic manifestations of the sordid acts of scoundrels and kleptomaniacs: it is the calculated ruining of that which is good by any individual, group of people, or government.
In Nigeria polity, Corruption has developed to a very dynamic and powerful major national religion. It is an admixture of religions in Nigeria championed and piloted by Christians and Muslims. Corruption as number one religion of Nigeria, craftily eschews tribe, gender and religion as qualification for membership. The only qualification for membership is that one can steal, kill and destroy the economy of Nigeria and in consequence what sustains Nigeria’s greatness. Governments and some leaders in Nigeria are ‘unconsciously’ obligated to make a b-line for membership of the religion of corruption because of the attendant benefits of filthy lucre. Christianity is not a religion, and, therefore, genuine regenerate disciples of Christ should not be vehicles of corruption. Mr. President: the goings on in Nigerian polity under your leadership is progressively taking on new, worrisome and dangerous dimensions. It is beginning to appear that Mr. President Goodluck Jonathan is either re-elected in 2015 to rule us for another four-year term or there will be no Nigeria. May it not be so please, Mr. President! The prevailing pattern of politics and governance in Nigeria is awkward, very irresponsible, heartless and treacherous. It sustains a season of falsehood, deceit and confusion. These add up to one word: – Terrorism. You met us as one Nigeria – even though currently a very sick country. You can facilitate our healing and improve our lot by applying the “Balm of Gilead”. If you cannot heal and improve our lot, please apply a soothing balm: The “balm of Gilead”. The ongoing politics is perilous and portends nothing but intent towards the destruction of a nation. Mr. President: I persuade you not to run for election in 2015. You are already Mr. President and as ex-President, your privileges will be immense and kept alive for as long as you live. You will also have the privilege of being a positive reference point for politicians because of your noble act in contributing to the preservation of your country, Nigeria.
The most unfortunate thing that has happened to Nigeria during your regime is the unfettered advantage and privilege given to hypocrites, evil doers, godless and dangerous folks who found their way into your choice team of senior advisers. They are vehicles of destruction. They are hell-bent on amassing wealth and destroying Nigeria. They desperately need another four years to accomplish their devilment.
Like the First Lady once rightly exclaimed, “There is God O!” Let the mischief makers realize that there is a God Almighty – the final arbiter Who can kill both body and soul in hell. Only a fool says in his heart that there is no God. We know that there is a God – the creator of the whole universe and the one greater than that which He created. He will judge the quick and the dead.Mr President, think about the points I have raised.Do not contest the elections in 2015. GOD bless you Mr. President! Save Nigeria and you will have a worthy name.
Jesus the Christ left his majesty on high and came down here on earth for us as sinners and not for the righteous. He suffered and laid down his life atonement for our sins. He returned to heaven and today he has a Name that is above every name in heaven, on earth and beneath the earth. He set an example for us as Christians to emulate in our leadership style.
Mr. President! You can emulate Jesus! It is possible to emulate Jesus! Mr. President: Salutations and respect!
Iloh is the President, Eclectic Network

prince of ijesha
July 9, 2014 at 3:07 AM
I completely agree with the writer Badluck Jonathan is too desperate for power. His really want to try another 4 years of continuous bloodshed.
July 9, 2014 at 8:10 AM
Is a lie, all the writer wrote is rubbish, what a hypocrite
July 9, 2014 at 9:29 AM
Mama God bless you, you have spoken my mind. Let him not contest for peace and live of the citizen of this country and he will be richly bless by God Almighty.
July 9, 2014 at 2:14 PM
I absolutely agreed with the writer.
My thought was that if not because of Boko Haram that he mighty have done so very good, until this so called president shows his desperation by appointed
Bode George’s wife as DG NDLEA, court stops Diezani’s investigation, opposition party members’ movement restriction and lots more. The real GEJ is unveiling! Expect more Nigerians as 2015 draws closer.
Prophet Gbenga Gbenga"KINI IWO NFE"
July 9, 2014 at 3:07 PM
Nigeria is not directed by mr president himself but by some backbone Elder’s in Nigeria.
Please Nigerians, Let us be praying for our elected Leader’s.
July 9, 2014 at 4:13 PM
For the sake of the many that genuinely continue to pray for Nigeria, may all those that keep pulling the country down suffer instant wrath of God.
Edenkw osmall
July 9, 2014 at 6:05 PM
hahahahaha no matter how much lies they say. GEJ will still emerge victorious if he chooses to contest. God is with Mr President.
goodty goodtime
July 10, 2014 at 5:56 AM
Pls mr presido we nigerians dnt want u againoooo. So pack off.