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Funke Akindele’s Marriage Crash: Jenifa Separates From Husband, Changes Name On BBM

funke akindele marriage crashed

July 15, 2013 – Funke Akindele‘s Marriage Has Crashed: Jenifa Separates From Husband, Changes Oloyede Name On BBM

Few hours ago, we reported the sad separation news between Nollywood actress Funke Akindele and her husband Kehinde Oloyede.

The whole thing surfaced when the man allegedly took to Facebook to announce their separation due to irreconcilable differences.

The message reads;

“It is with heavy heart that I am announcing the separation of me and my wife, Mrs. Olufunke Akindele. We have both agreed to go our separate ways because of irreconcilable differences. We are still best of friends and we would forever remain good friends. Am doing just fine,gettn along without u,don’t need u anymore in ma life.u d greatest mistake av made in recent time..Kehinde Oloyede.”

It has been confirmed that the Facebook profile that revealed Funke Akindele’s separation from husband belongs to him, so this makes the story valid.

Though Jenifa and her camp are keeping mum on the case, the actress has changed her BBM name from Mrs Funke Akindele Oloyede to Everybody loves Jenifa.

Concerned friends and family members have come in to resolve the issue facing the marriage of close to a year but we learnt the actress is heartbroken concerning an ongoing development in their relationship.

An unconfirmed source revealed that the actress who is currently working on a movie set with actor Aki & Pawpaw secretly called it quit with her husband 2 months ago.

“Funke is not proud to expose the crack in her marriage. So many things have gone wrong from day one” said the source

So sad after spending over 10 million on a wedding, it didn’t even last up to a year.

Funke Akindele and her publicist are not picking calls as we speak.

Inside amebos claim that the actress didn’t expose her marriage crash because she plans to carry out a silent divorce but her estranged hubby revealed the whole mess in the early hours of today.

The star actress has left Enugu for Warri for another movie set.

Jenifa must be going through some pretty tough time.

It seems she is regretting her controversial marriage hence her silence.

“Funke’s hubby wants to embarrass her” said a source

Stay in touch for more update on this developing story.



  1. ola

    July 16, 2013 at 1:50 PM

    So sowie funky tinz will b perfect dat man is nt meant 4 u,yea I pray u find gods favour!useless richie of a man

  2. joyce

    July 16, 2013 at 3:07 PM

    Dear Funke, I am one of your fans and my dear nobody has the right to blame you for whatever reasons. People should not blame you because you are famous and therefore cannot stay under the roof of a man. It is very glarring that you come from a very decent family. I have always liked your performance right from the days of I need to Know, a UNFPA sponsored programme and I can rightly say that you are decent and very responsible. Having said that, it is a shame you decided to marry a man who is not worth standing before a pepper seller how much more getting married to a lady of your calibre. Never worry, one never makes the same mistake twice. My dear, I know the man thinks his important to you, never, he was just a side attraction and he feels disgracing you in such a manner will make people dislike you. Am very sure he is outwardly jealous of you. You step out with him, his not recognised and you are recongnized by the old, young, poor and rich. My dear just forget you ever stood naked in front of that man how much more allowed him to touch your beautiful body. Just pray to God to wipe away this stupid memory out of your life and for God to provide a man who will love you for whom you are and what you are. Remain blessed my dear and please forget that childish and money miss road man. My dear ‘HE WAS ONLY A MISTAKE’

  3. Sophie

    July 16, 2013 at 3:11 PM

    Real wow!!
    Am quite speechless reading all these comments on people insulting Funke and calling her all sorts of names….husband snatcher,etc.
    I just need u all to search ur hearts and ask if u are free of sin before you start casting stones.
    For wateva reason she went for this guy, pls u dont have to be bitter on ur advices to her. She sure has learnt her lessons likewise others, notwithstanding, u need not judge her.
    @ Funke, trust me, just pray to God to send your own man and open your eyes to see him. Dont listen to pressures from anyone as regards your age. You are smart and intelligent, so take some more time to find genuine love.
    I wish you all the best!
    @ Kehinde Oloyede,am surprised that at ur age(lets even forget ur educational background is low)u lack the intellect to handle your private affairs within the confinement of your home. You are worse than being immature!

  4. follybabe

    July 16, 2013 at 7:09 PM

    It’s a pity after spending a lot of money on dat marriage then crash,i pray dat God will intervein 2 d issue.
    dear funke cheer up don’t allow such things 2 baffle u. shalom

  5. Hadassah

    July 16, 2013 at 8:19 PM

    Whateva u compromise 2 get, u wil loose. . . .just a matter of time. Funke, l believe it’s 4 d best. Be of gud courage.

  6. Sunday oyekanmi

    July 16, 2013 at 9:05 PM

    Funky God will give u ur heart desire am very sorry for wat happen

  7. Akpan Eunice

    July 16, 2013 at 9:15 PM

    Its serves her right husband snacther

  8. Bekee jessy

    July 16, 2013 at 9:23 PM

    Can two walk togeda except they agree? Dont be equally york wit unbeliever so d gud book says. Wat has lite got to do wit darkness? Aw on earth can funke a renowed christian marry a muslim n expect d marriage to work?

    • Tobico

      July 20, 2013 at 5:09 AM

      Funke a ‘reknowned christian’? **coughs**, then I must be the pope… abegiii

  9. Oladiti

    July 16, 2013 at 9:48 PM

    My consolation is dat U were scandal-free before U went into the marriage with your ex hubby. Now that he has shown the type of person he is and on time too, U should thank your stars! God in his mercies will see U through this trying period and provide U with a kind hearted husband!

  10. Bukola

    July 16, 2013 at 10:09 PM

    Ms Funke,dis has happened 4 u 2 learn ur lesson.D best is yet 2 cum ur way;be prayerful&focus.

  11. adebukola

    July 16, 2013 at 10:19 PM

    am soo sorry to hear dis ma role model dont wori ur hubby fink he is very smart and interligent he just push u out so dat u can get ur own husband dat wil luv u deep down his heart.pls dont think much abt it pls ma lady cooz i wish to be lk u.

  12. Chuks

    July 17, 2013 at 12:59 AM

    What did she expect my dear fellow, God was not foolish wen he ask d children neva to marry an egyptian man or woman.just really hopin she move on oooooo

  13. Christy

    July 17, 2013 at 1:29 AM

    Its really unfortunate for my beloveth Funke, After dancing and jubilating for a husband and the whole thing crashed under one year. Please take heart maybe he is not your God created husband, God will surely give you yours, just hold on to the promises of God. If you are not a born again child of God, please this is the right time to go to God who gives to all men freely without asking for anything. I fell in love with you when you acted and answered Jenifer. All the best Funke.

  14. Chante

    July 17, 2013 at 2:46 AM

    I jx wonder at pple,s comments blaming this nt africa? Y wnt we look at d issue critically,do u tink someone of her calibre n status n right senses would stoop so low 2 marry such idiot,if nt dat d man charmed her.have u studied d history of d man with women?it is so disgustin 2 know dat funke of all pple was once in dat fool’s life. Thank God her eyes are opened,no regret whatsover,its even better she didnt ve an offspring thru im to constantly remind her of d past.d marriage was jx a MISTAKE! Cheer up gal,all tings work 2geda 4gud.

  15. jenny

    July 17, 2013 at 7:15 AM

    No one is perfect,bt at d same time u should nt ave settled 4 a married man wit kids to d extent of changing ur name all cos of hs religion,thou it s hard 4 a STAR like u to find TRUE LOVE bt I stil believe strongly dt a young single man will be better,God will send u help from above.

  16. Justy Nazo

    July 17, 2013 at 9:32 AM

    Nawa o! People should be careful when it comes to marriage. Its a pity dear aunty Funke. The reason you married a man with several wives, mistresses and children was best known to you. To me, you are so famous that you can get yourself an unmarried young man for a husband. But all the same, take heart. Live your life and God will give your own man at his own time. God bless you.

  17. Mrs Iyere

    July 17, 2013 at 10:06 AM

    let’s always seek the faces of God, most especially in marriage, this is somebody will spend your life with. my dear take heart and ask God for his mercies to carry on. such is life.

  18. I.B Albert

    July 17, 2013 at 11:56 AM

    Wel its quite rada unfortunate fo d incapibated incident. Judge not, only God knws wat hapend n whoz @ fault. Funke nids to learn ha leasons n dis shld serve as a decorum to oda celebrities. As for me, i blame them both (couple). Ova 10million spent in a marrg whc lasted only bt 10mnths. We al nid to recap.

  19. Funmi

    July 17, 2013 at 12:37 PM

    Funke only wanted money dat was y she got married 2 a married man funke u nid jesus in ur life b4 u perish

  20. princess

    July 17, 2013 at 2:20 PM

    Marriage is not what you manage , if it doesn’t work just get out alive and move on bcos we don’t know tomorrow, we must make mistakes , I don’t like polygamy a bit so there are so many unknown forces that must have destroyed the marriage lets wait and watch this is not funny, I am glad for her to move out in time. may God give her a true love.

  21. abiodun

    July 17, 2013 at 2:50 PM

    Omashe ooo,when i knw dat god is always dear 6tr leav d rest 4 god.

  22. ogechi

    July 17, 2013 at 3:24 PM

    Take Heart dear Funke, the did has been done
    ,just take ur time and i pray dat God will provied for u a beta Husband.

  23. christy

    July 17, 2013 at 3:30 PM

    well thank God it happens this way. I never espected my best actress funke akindele to have married someone like oloyede in the first place, who is he, a common agbero of oshodi land. Who knows him, an opportunise. Funke can’t you pray, are you not a christian, do you think God have given out the bone of your bone? now that, that stupid aafa is out of your life go back to the living God of Isreal and pray and seek His face you will see His wonders before this time next year. I will alway remember you in prays. Be focus and don’t let anything distract you from the living God.

  24. adex's

    July 17, 2013 at 4:31 PM

    @funke akindele thank God dat u are out of darkness coming back to light. As u said last year after ur wedding u said u are still in christ come back home, ur life is just like d prodigal son accept jesus christ into ur life 2day. U are mistake in d life of almoroof am happy u are out in dat darkness life. Pls take@ love u and ur films.

    • aguduta

      July 17, 2013 at 5:18 PM

      which darkness, dont u know d rot
      in nollywd. she went in 4 d mans
      money or somethg else. how many
      men can withstand what they do.
      do they hav regard 4 their husband.
      check all of them & tell me d no. dat
      are keepg decent home.

  25. Aguduta

    July 17, 2013 at 4:42 PM

    The problem with our naija girls is greed. u feel he has money so u must grab him, regardless d polygamous situation on ground. bc u are a star u think u could take him all 4 urself. go & ask d 1st & 2nd wife 2 educate u. u need Christ. wit christ there is no age limit 4 marriage. girlsssss zip up. zip uppppp.


    July 17, 2013 at 7:58 PM

    Funke, do not feel bad about this situation if it is true. it’s never too late for God to make right our wrong steps. take heart and move on. love u.

  27. yusuf lbro

    July 18, 2013 at 4:11 AM

    lam sorry after spending #10million d marriage crashed sorry oooo.l think l should apply as well in other to get d next one million naira Akindele lam interested.

  28. Ẹni ọ̀tọ̀

    July 18, 2013 at 12:09 PM

    Àntí fúnkẹ́, óti a sé báun. Só kójú ápò ni, àbó mọ̀ pé óti níyàwó mèjí kọ̀ to fẹ.

  29. Paulina Assam

    July 18, 2013 at 1:47 PM

    It’s wel wit u. God wil give u d best. My best sharikoko.

  30. jacky

    July 25, 2013 at 10:22 PM

    well, as for me, its a shame this happened, i never would have prayed anyone separated from the love of their life but……………………. i rememberd i had this argument with one of ur friends afta the wedding, and they were all bragging that all other wives are illegitimate and their kids tooo i was too shocked but i know for one and no matter how u claimed you love them it will be a matter of time before you ll show ur colour to them…………..and trust me …………. they were never happy cos you took what belong to them………….. cos what their husband wouldnt do for them in years you got him to do that cos of ur celebrity status.which i do not blame you for………… i hope you find a man………………… not father of many nations…………. as for other people talking abt illiteracy in ur man? its absolutely immaterial cos being a good husband has nothing to do wif education…. good luck

  31. mm

    August 6, 2013 at 1:40 PM

    Hey ppl! Stop judging them! For crying out loud u guys don’t knw d reason 4 d breakup! Stop running ur mouths anyhow, most of u could b worse.

  32. hardeyboye yetunde

    March 8, 2014 at 7:33 PM

    i know u married him bcos u loved him but you shouldn’t av done that,with the love of God i pray you find Ur beta half soon,this incident is very sad,cheer up sis funke,don’t let all dis people running their mouth weigh you down kk d lord is bur strength pray to him and i\he will answer you,i love u sis,remember always laugh or smile that will make ur enemies cry cos wen u cry dey will laugh @ u, and leave dat so called kehinde for God to handle,much lov from Ur little sis

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