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“Genevieve Nnaji Is Proud, She Has Insulted Nollywood” Movie Director Mac Collins Chidebe

July 3rd, 2014 – “Genevieve Nnaji Is Proud, She Has Insulted Nollywood, We Made Her A Star” Movie Director Mac Collins Chidebe

This past weekend, Nollywood actress Genevieve Nnaji granted her first 2014 interview with PunchNG where she talked at length on why she hasn’t featured in any movie in recent times.

In the media chat, hear what the single mother of one said;

I guess I haven’t found the right script yet. Creativity and depth are the qualities that I look out for in a script. In the beginning, the movie industry emphasized quantity but things are changing and there is an improvement in trend. I am among the people who advocate for the improvement of the industry. So said, I am constantly watching out for the kind of stories I take part in. I am in support of movies that show a great deal of professionalism and creativity. Having practised my art in international and professionally produced stories like ‘Ije’; ‘Mirror boy;’ and ‘Tango with me’, I don’t think I can return to the blandness and mediocrity that characterised Nollywood in the past”

Genevieve Nnaji seems to have upset Nollywood movie director Mac Collins Chidebe who claimed the actress has insulted the movie industry that brought her fame.

“Genevieve has just insulted the industry that made her who she is today and what effort has she made to help improve Nollywood? Those days in Enugu when Genevieve was growing in Nollywood, our movies were not rubbish; she has grown now, made money, fame, popularity e.t.c, how much has she invested in this Industry that made her?

All the while she was busy waiting for Titanic scripts, Nollywood was trying their best to keep the flag flying waiting for her to come back and take the industry to the next level.

Artistes should stop biting the fingers that fed them. We are watching and waiting for them to bring down heaven. We made them stars; we are waiting for them to come back and take the industry to the next level. Instead of blasting Nollywood, come and improve Nollywood.” Chidebe said in press statement he sent out to the media.



  1. wiseone

    July 3, 2014 at 4:17 AM

    True. I kinda agree. Genny instead of bad-mouthing, what are you doing or have you done to improve Nollywood?

  2. Bodunwa Idris

    July 3, 2014 at 4:54 AM

    Wealthy politicians are servicing her now she is too wealthy for Nollywood

  3. mekuzpasalati

    July 3, 2014 at 7:18 AM

    Looking down on what made u great. #Smh c’mon Genny, all of us drink garri+g.nut oo.. That, u should neva 4get.. #more grease 2 ya elbows babe

  4. Tamara

    July 3, 2014 at 8:12 AM

    she thinks she has grown wings, after watching her in the past films directed by same directors and makes her rich and now starting vomiting rubbish no wonder nowadays people do flock to the movie done by mj.Chidebe dont mind her, mj acts better than her infact she is the no.1 actress i cherish

  5. Emeka McDonald

    July 3, 2014 at 8:29 AM

    Truly Genny is very proud.Read her comment,it is full of conceit and self ego.What an insult to Nigerian Nollywood industry and the indegeneous companies that supported her dream by way of offering her contract that runs into millions of naira and also her fans who stand by her in the face of challenges and controversial life style that posed a great danger to her career.The fame the Nigerian movie industry brought to her is enormous! So Geneveve should apologize and retract her ego- maniac statement for her own good and career!Condemned mother fucking ass-hole!

  6. sharton

    July 3, 2014 at 9:59 AM

    i heard she sleeping around with top politicians, she now has money so why won’t she be insulting her seniors well all i know is that the world is not in her pocket so what goes around comes around her junior ones is also coming to insult her oneday.

  7. jbo

    July 3, 2014 at 11:29 AM


  8. bezo

    July 3, 2014 at 12:06 PM

    Hahahah, FG should ban this so-called nollywood, nobody is even buying their movies, so why wasting our money for the production and improvement, I heard the other day the president gave them #3b, if you like break the central bank, no one will ever watch nollywood movies except the villagers like miss red

    • $irMartino

      July 4, 2014 at 1:07 PM

      Bezo why should FG ban nollywood? Though am not used to watching nollywood movies bcos they waste time a lot on a little scene that makes no sence but still I have respect for what they have accomplished. And if u don’t know there is none like nollywood in Africa una too dey disgrace dis our country it has to stop

  9. Alicej

    July 3, 2014 at 12:40 PM

    Luv u genny!!

  10. mekuzpasalati

    July 3, 2014 at 1:47 PM

    Thought “missRed” was ur sister? @bezo .. LmaO

  11. peepee

    July 4, 2014 at 1:54 PM

    that very rude of u ms Nnaji u knw if we follow igbo tradition u are a no body becos u gave birth in ur fathers house but nollywood change dat for u and today u are recorgnised and nt condem and instead of u to forever be grateful ur sounding insulting is very wrong.

  12. Blaze boy

    July 4, 2014 at 2:12 PM

    Hahaha the thing pain the man but I still concur with him genny I luv u but pls dnt bite the hands that fed u

  13. who cares

    July 4, 2014 at 4:26 PM

    all of u who criticized her are *****,what is wrong with what she said? she just said that the industry needs to improve,she has not used harsh words or u ppl are just jealous.mac.collins is looking for cheap attention.nollyshitwood!!!!

  14. Duru James

    August 21, 2014 at 9:42 PM

    She is proud of course

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