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Governor Amaechi Urges Nigerians To Stone Corrupt Politicians

rotimi amaechi corrupt politicians

December 14, 2013 – Governor Amaechi Tells Nigerians To Stone Corrupt Politicians

The governor of Rivers State Nigeria, Rotimi Amaechi said Nigerians are too passive in handling the issue of corruption among Nigerian politicians.

Governor Amaechi said politicians are still stealing because citizens are yet to carry out jungle justice on them.

Hear Amaechi in his own words below:

“If you see a thief and you allow him to thief, what do you do?…You have stoned nobody that’s why we are stealing.” “If you don’t take your destiny into your hands, we will go and other leaders will come and they will continue to steal”.

This was disclosed by the controversial governor while paying tribute to Nelson Mandela at an event in Lagos.

Please watch the video below:


Now that Amaechi has urged citizens to take their destiny into their hands and fight for their right, may be it’s time to gather stones as much as we can and let the action begins #wink

Jokes aside, revolution is coming to Nigeria very soon.



  1. Tessy Umeh

    December 15, 2013 at 1:27 AM

    Well said gov Amaechi we go start from you
    Nigerians make una get ready for action oooo

  2. Ayida Joseph

    December 15, 2013 at 1:39 AM

    Hahhahhh this is funny see potty calling stove black
    amaechi we go start the stoning from rivers

  3. iron bar

    December 15, 2013 at 2:47 AM

    amechi..we shall stone u first..for robbong the state blind to purchase ur million dollar jet which ada George and melford okilo never had and yet governened the old rivers state well..politicians with their deceptive tendencies

  4. Gentle

    December 15, 2013 at 9:57 AM

    Governor Amaechi, The spirit of God, He is angry with u, pls check urself.

  5. Rayz smart

    December 15, 2013 at 10:02 AM

    They say charity begins @ home in other words, we ar goin 2 start 4rm u mr Governor

  6. mary

    December 15, 2013 at 1:27 PM

    Gov. Amaechi is the only governor who has ever admitted that Rivers State has sufficient money; and here is he admitting on the corruption of politicians including himself….My question is how many other governors or presidents has ever admitted that they are corrupt? Carry on Governor Amaechi, i love sincere people like you.

  7. oliver

    December 15, 2013 at 2:03 PM

    Tribalizm is the main problem why we cant fight corruption!
    As goodluck comes frm south-south,southerners cant join us to fight him as a corrupt leader. Thats our problm!
    Its high time we stood up and say no to looting of public wealth by our leaders.
    We should shun tribalistic and favouritizm in our quest to fight these useless,greedy,heartless,ritualistic and corrupt politicians!
    Every leader comes and go and as well,loots and go.
    IBB has looted and gone,OBJ has looted and gone,yar’dua,d same now it is goodluck looting and using quiteness and fake pretence to decieve us!
    God will punish them all!
    E-mail me: [email protected]

  8. Awiilo

    December 15, 2013 at 4:10 PM

    @ Oliver This this era for south south to loot Nigerian wealth. So we are fervently hoping for southeast to get their turn. So it cant stop till Igbo get their turn

  9. Linda Evans

    December 15, 2013 at 6:22 PM

    Look at this POT calling KETTLE black, OLE ONYIOSHI bastard, after you have stolen thewholeNigeria money finish and when you know that you have no chance again so you want to claim that you are innocent LIAR .
    You will be the number one that will be first stoned , fu**ing LOOSER

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