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He is Anti-Christ And Fake – Ex-Church Member Exposes Pastor Lazarus Muoka -Says,
Pastor Lazarus Muoka
Oct 31st, 2011 – Former Church Member Exposes Pastor Lazarus Muoka -Says, He is Anti-Christ And Fake
Nollywood actress, Judith Ezeonye Idu has called the Pastor and Founder of The Lord`s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministry, Pastor Lazarus Muoka an anti-Christ for hypnotizing his members and deceiving them into parting with their hard earned resources in the name of receiving miracles.
The actress who recounted her ordeal with Pastor Muoka said she lost everything she had ever worked for to the pastor while she was a member of the church.
She however denied stories which she alleged were being sponsored by the church to discredit her following her revelations about the workings of the Pastor. A publication allegedly sponsored by the church, Society Watch magazine, in its September issue wrote that Judith Idu was a prostitute who also bought a baby boy at the a price of N50,000 in a bid to please her husband who wanted a child from their union. Speaking at her Ijesha Expressway shop recently, Judith said: “The whole story is coming out of The Lord`s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministry, the church owned by Pastor Lazarus Muoka. That is a man who called himself a servant of God and who I once worked with for more than five years. I was very close to him and his wife. So how can a man of God do what he is doing, telling the whole world that I was once a prostitute and that I bought a child, a boy, for N50,000?”
Narrating how she became a member of the church, Judith told our reporter that she joined the more than two decades ago and started the idea of overall apron which the members wear to advertise the church and its programmes: “I came to the church in 1990 and started that Apron the members wear. I was in the church until I found out all the atrocities [committed by Muoka]; telling us one thing and doing another thing. And when I left, Muoka started to threaten my life. He has sued me and is claiming one billion naira libel from me. Festus Keyamo is my lawyer.”
She continued: “I met my husband in 1985, married him in 1992 and gave birth to our first child in 1993 but lost her to death. And another came in 1995 and also died. But I have two girls now. We had our last child in 2011. I was a footballer and a woman leader at Berger where they sell tokunbo cars aroundWharf Road. Let Nigerians investigate if I have ever been a prostitute before or if I ever lived in a hotel. I lost everything when I went toChosen. I tell you, Muoka is a deceiver. Since I left the church I am now lively. For Muoka to put me in his paper that I bought a child and that I was once a prostitute, I do not know if this was when I was in his church serving him, or before I met my husband who, like I said before, I met in 1985. For four years and eight months I lived with Muoka. I don’t have a baby boy. My children are two girls. If he knew where to buy such at that price, I would like to buy because I need a boy. Can Pastors Kumuyi and Adeboye do what he is doing, saying these things against me and taking me to court? Let CAN and government look into this matter.
“I was rich before I went toChosenbut now I am begging. Imagine people are in his church from morning till night doing nothing. He is obtaining them, carrying our money toLondonandAmerica, building houses. All his children are inLondonand people are here dying of hunger. Since I left his church my life has changed. How can a man of God charge me to court for kidnapping and murder just to frustrate me out of life, just to go back to him? I prefer to beg with a plate than go back toChosen, for Chosen is a slave camp. I am the founder of that Apron; the cost price is N150 but they sell it N5,600 to members. I used to make money for him; I know his secrets and God will surely expose him. Muoka is an anti-Christ; he is not a man of God. How can a man of God be going to court and police? Even if I were a prostitute, is it good he puts it in his paper and be selling it?”
“Imagine someone who calls himself a man of God suing me for N1 billion at the High Court, Igbosere. He sued me and my husband on different charges. I am crying to Christians all over the world and to Nigerians: is it a crime to leave him after serving him for seven years? Am I the only woman inNigeria? Let him look for another person? I am married. Muoka is fake. Most of what he does is magic. He puts me in his paper that I was mad for five years and that he cured me. He is a deceiver. Chosen is like another prison,” she thundered.
But in a swift reaction, the Public Relations Officer of the ,who gave his name as Pastor Chidi, denied that the church has a hand in Juliet`s woes with the Society Watch magazine. He told us the church’s position on the matter: “That paper did not come from us. The matter is even in court and I am not supposed to comment on it otherwise I would be going against the order of the court.
“The court bars us from such comments; that was why I asked which paper you write for. That was why I said let me see you, and let me know you.”
Rhetorically, the church’s spokesman asked our reporter, “Did you read it? Do you have a copy? It didn’t originate from us. Is this the lady? But this one does not resemble her but this other one does (pointing to a copy of the magazine before him). She should sue them na. It is not from us. It has nothing to do with our church o. Yes, we have three or four cases against her. The case that should come up the day before didn’t hold (referring to one of the court cases).
I do not know anything about the baby issue. If any publication is going out of this church I must know about it. It is not a publication of this church. There is nothing like Society Watch among our publications. If we want to talk about her or anybody we have means to do that. We have even the major newspapers; there is no editor you can talk of, ask of me they will tell you. So if I want to take her public I know how to do that. I have friends everywhere.
Even if she wants to write, she cannot go to the major newspapers because the editors will call me. If I want anything about her published I know where to go to, and we also have our internal publications, three or four of them. There is nothing like Society Watch in our publications. Maybe some of our people who are just overzealous publish it and people buy it. I am not saying that some of our members could have done it. They can go to a paper with such stories but it is not authorized by our church. Where is the paper? I am interested in it,” Pastor Chidi concluded.
Signs of end time

eddy murphy ateghie
October 31, 2011 at 10:27 PM
end time is fast approaching…. Pastor!!!
Kumban Nanjul
November 1, 2011 at 3:19 AM
If true this pastor take some one to court looking for 1billion that is his transport to hell
jim wole
November 1, 2011 at 11:57 AM
Hmmmmmmm, who is fooling who. When to going was good. Nobody here anything. May God show us the way. Who are we to trust this day.
November 1, 2011 at 4:25 PM
Everybody, be careful of what you say, Judgement belongs to Almighty God because He has the Truth of every matter. Judge no one, but rather Love everybody and pray for all. Surely, some people will go to Heaven, while some other people will go to Hell Fire. The main thing is “be sure your own soul is saved and will reign with Jesus Christ at the day of Judgement”.
November 1, 2011 at 4:31 PM
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our Faith. Heb 12:1.If you look to man, man will fail you because man has a fallen nature and he will always fail, but God will never fail you. So I adjure you all to work out your salvation with fear and trembling for every1shall account for he/her self. God bless you all. Amen.
November 1, 2011 at 5:25 PM
if this is true then he should be heading straight for hell fire
November 1, 2011 at 5:46 PM
it‘s left for God 2 decide. my kind advice is be wise and prayerful.
November 1, 2011 at 8:08 PM
Christ is coming soon! A pastor sueing for 1billion? Where she go get that kind money to pay? Na wa o. Peeps beware of wia u go for worship
November 2, 2011 at 11:36 AM
people should beware of what they say especially when it involves a man of GOD they are accountable to GOD and not man if they are doing well or not GOD who called them will surely pay them at the end of time judgement belongs to GOD
November 2, 2011 at 6:16 PM
i wonder wt she did for the pastor to sue her for 1billion naira…nigerians beware
November 4, 2011 at 10:40 PM
Na wa o! All ds years she was in d church, ddnt she knw he was fake or an anti-christ? I gbadu ha liver 2 stay wt an antichrist. Now smtns gone wrng n seems lyk she isnt enjoyn hasef she goes out 2 say nasty tns abt d pastor. Who is she a 2 judge…hw dd she knw he hypnotizes his member n is she tryn 2 say she 2 was charmed? She says shes an actress…hw popula was or is she dat shes poor? Shes confusin hasef…..i wnt condem anyone…i lv all 2 d righteous jugde 2 pass his sentence. Lwkmd!!! An actress, a traider, haba…..God is d ultimate judge.
April 7, 2013 at 3:16 AM
May 2, 2013 at 10:38 AM
Only God can help us
May 2, 2013 at 4:44 PM
i was thinking d church started 2007 … or something . why is it written 2 decade ago . hillarious.
June 24, 2013 at 7:28 PM
I don’t say what I don’t know but one thing I know is that pastor mouka is leading people to christ God forbid if I should condemn him,and one thing we must all know is that satan is not happy that this man is overtaking him and leading people to lips are sealed
July 14, 2013 at 10:14 PM
I am a chosen mopole!!
debbie opara
July 22, 2013 at 9:52 PM
dont speak evil against a man of matter what.the oil upon his head needs respect.pls guad ur tongue b4 u incure d wrath of God
September 5, 2013 at 9:49 AM
beware d devil want to use all these to distract sinners from the truth of GOD. The bible says watch n pray for u kno not the hour the son of man will come. the devil don’t anyone to be save, that’s why he’s doing everything humanly possible that no one make heaven @ d end, that’s why he has devised another means of rubbishing true men of God who speak the truth of GOD as it’s in the Bible. This man is a true man of Man of GOD. a fake pastor can neva preach against unrighteousness,sin ,evil. so beware and as a christian i rather wish u pray n ask GOD to reveal to u the truth. this entime anyone can jst come from the pit of hell to say any thing. may God help u to know the truth
January 2, 2016 at 1:14 PM
The church started 24th december 2003 so if this woman says 1990 then we have someone who is obviously not telling the truth
March 15, 2016 at 11:26 PM
be careful of criticisms,I don’t believe anyway because she is not a member of the church.If she really know she really know how this man was called I think she won’t do is better to be careful of what you say to the ”men of God”.