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Herbalist Buried Custom Officer & Daughter Alive Inside A Well In His House

custom officer buried alive in well

June 24, 2014 – Native Doctor Buried Custom Officer & Daughter Alive Inside A Well / Pit In His House In Ogun State

Another twist has surfaced to the story we have been following since last week.

This involves a retired custom officer and her daughter murdered by a suspected fraudster, ritualist in Ogun state.

The alleged ritualist whom police initially accused of burying the woman and her daughter in his mansion’s living room has confessed.

In his confessional statement yesterday, the man identified as Azeez said he buried them alive after setting a trap for them on a sink hole.

The suspect accused the woman of threatening to kill him before carrying out the murder out of fear.

Read his confession below:

“I have been a traditional medical doctor for about 30 years, but I knew Angela over five years ago. She initially came to me for protection from family attacks. One of her friends called Lizzy introduced her to me. The relationship began to grow, and she kept patronising me for one thing or the other.

“Then, about three years ago, she mentioned her barreness problem, adding that the daughter that was with her was adopted. I was shocked. But when she told me her age, I told her it was impossible to make her pregnant. But she insisted that prophets in the churches she went had assured her she would get pregnant.”

“I did the normal concoction for her, but it didn’t work because of her age. But I collected the money because I knew if I did not, she would go to where they would collect it. After some months without result, she came to my place to complain. She then demanded a refund, but I told her that I could not repay it. She then began to threaten me. Within a month, I tried to repay N2.5m. On that fateful week, she came back for the remaining N6.5m.

“It was Saturday, May 17. She came with her daughter and insisted that she wanted her balance. She said as a retired customs officer, she could kill me if I didn’t pay back the money. Then I thought, I must kill this woman before she killed me. The hole at the back of my house was not built for killing. It was dug for drainage during rainfallss.”

“After we talked, we moved with her daughter to the place. I said she should kneel down on the mat with her daughter. She did so and fell into the pit with her daughter. The operation was successful because no member of my family was around in the house.

I then began to cover the pit up with sand. I poured in roughly 50 buckets of sand. The following day, I got two bricklayers to cement the portion. But I had first taken out the belongings she brought.”

The retired custom officer and her adopted daughter were reported missing on the 10 of May 2014 by the family. They filed a missing persons reported at the Oko Oba Police station.

The suspect was arrested through a tracking device installed on the victim’s Toyota Camry.

Azeez, an herbalist, had hypnotized the woman for a long time. He reportedly took over 200 million naira from her both in cash and property.

Police claimed he constructed a well in his house, lured the woman and her daughter into the room and buried them alive.

Here is a brief statement from the police;

“We were able to recover the decomposed bodies of the victims from the well. We also picked their property which was buried along with them. We have finished our investigations, and he will be charged to court for murder. We will leave the rest to be decided by the court.”

This man is very heartless how can he bury a woman and her daughter alive… chei chei chei… diaris God oooooo.. My people be very careful who you relate with in this country o.

May Angela Kerry and Obiagulum souls rest in perfect peace (amen)



  1. Gigi

    June 24, 2014 at 2:48 AM

    What about her husband? Is she making a sole decision when she is married.
    Warning to all women thinking they are bigger than their hubby.

  2. T

    June 24, 2014 at 3:15 AM

    This is a big lesson to all women looking for a child nobody can give children except God, imagine all the money he took from her and still the woman still can’t get pregnant, she should have put all her trust in The Lord . I pray this man will not go unponish .

  3. T

    June 24, 2014 at 3:20 AM

    In addition we can’t even pity all this so call custom officers because all their money are not clean, some took bribe from people some of them died mysteriously, people cursed them everyday at the AirPort, border etc.

  4. mulikat

    June 24, 2014 at 5:38 AM

    No matter bad Customs officers are,in Airport and Border.we are talking of buried somebody alife with a innocent gal,by heartless Man. she is foolish to go to heberlist for child and pay him all most 10m,why not try hospital with IVF many ways to help women and men, i read last time here 60yr woman gave birth to baby gal,in Lagos Nigeria not even oversea.afterall she adopted a beautifull gal who call her mummy, why still going to killer to ask for child, is not God,maybe she is not educated,just uniform.

  5. Toto

    June 24, 2014 at 5:49 AM

    Money, kwudi, iwayi,ego ,nawooo I thank God that this man is not an **** man this time

  6. CHris famous

    June 24, 2014 at 8:19 AM

    This man is very heartless, the evil one will never go unpurnished

  7. sonia

    June 24, 2014 at 11:22 AM

    it’s well ooo, even in the well, that man is wicked, but why would the woman insist on getting pregnant at dis odd age? she would av adopted another child na, any is a lesson to women.

  8. mugabe

    June 24, 2014 at 12:24 PM

    Touching Story. May her gently Soul Rest with the Lord. Anyhow, we are just paying the price for abandoning our continent to predators and looters, while seeking refuge in other people’s land. They worked hard to develop their lands. we loot ours, milk the cash out and starch in in their land to develop them, then we come in to ask for slave Jobs.
    That is Africa. Isn’t far better living as second class citizen in China where you can at least find food to eat, than living as 3rd class citizen in Cameroon, where your so call BIR will hunt you down with impunity?. Is Cameroon any better than China, where talking about CPDM in an off-license or Calling Biya bad in a Cap will land in New Bell within seconds.
    Africans hate Africans, or Black hate themselves more than any race hate them in the World. We are the true enermies of our colour and our Heritage.
    when the Europeans came to Africa to hunt for slaves many 100years, it was the Kings, fons, Chieves and Lamidos, who were offered mirors, bottles of whiskies, Tobacco in order to supply their own citizens into slavery. It was the Africans themselves our organized raids to aid the white man capture their own citizens. This Africa. While Asia as well was under European occupation during the colonial era, they stood together as one unit, refused to be assimilated into the European languages and never sold their citizens like Africa. look at Vietnam, under colonial rule for over 50,yrs. but the Vietnamese do not know even a single word in French. Koreans where occupied by Japan and later US Under UN, but they just spending US$5 billion annually now to study English.
    but In Africa, we quickly abandoned our languages and embraced English and French and we will discriminate our fellow brothers today on the basis of those languages..
    Africans are stateless citizens, they are just wondering in the wilderness looking for survival. Up the coast of North African, Over 10,000 have died since the yr 2000, trying to escape poverty by desperately reaching Europe. But Ironically, while the EU has been engaged in finding a solution with this immigration palava, The African Union has never put this in its annual summit agenda. To the African leaders, this is no event and they never even mention it in any AU head of states summit. What a continent. Years back, Cameroonian who where deported from overseas, on arrival at Douala Port, where ferried to New Bell to begin a long prison sojourn without knowing what crimes they have committed in their father land.
    The fact is that, the Asians have lived with us. They have realized that, Africa doesn’t value its citizens. African leadership hates its citizens and are only concern in plundering the wealth.
    take of example in Cameroon, in the New port of Kribi, 90% of workers there are Chinese. To be employed as a truck driver you must speak Chinese. that Can only happen in Africa and cameroon. Look at Vietel telephone, company, bringing more than 50% of its employees from Vietnam of Cameroon. It is only an insane government that can tolerate or even sign such an agreement. In Asia, any government official who will sign such as agreement with a foreign company, will be charge for high treason and will face the death penalty. But In Africa, know, better the money goes to the foreigner, who will not compete with me than raise this small boy who will make noise tomorrow when I am also making noise.
    Africans remain the greatest Enemy and until we stand up against our leadership and start building responsible leadership with citizen centered, then we will remain as dogs and be slaughtered as cattle in foreign lands. until we stop being the laughing stock of people who take beer and a plate of food and cast a vote for dictators to continue with their destruction, then we will never get recognition and respect in any foreign country.
    You can only be respected if you stop being a a beggar. Asians are being respected today, because they are competing with the west economically. who will respect a president who cannot build a single quality hospital in his country but rushes to his friends country for simple Malaria. We should not condemn china, we should instead blame ourselves to travelling to their land where as we have plenty more than them, which we have abandoned to predators.

  9. Uchenna O

    June 24, 2014 at 2:48 PM

    what a sad story, why should people patronize satan and his agents? the bible said in John 10:10 that the thief cometh not, but for to steal, to kill and to destroy but Jesus Christ came that we might have life and have it more abundantly, this evil men has nothing good for mankind, even some of them have opened church just to lure people into their trap, please let us look upon God and serve him, he can never disappoint us, let us learn from this story, may their soul rest in peace.

  10. Abibu Akeem

    June 24, 2014 at 7:50 PM

    He shld be buried alive also

  11. kelly

    June 24, 2014 at 7:53 PM

    may their soul rest in peace,sad story

  12. mercy

    June 25, 2014 at 6:06 AM

    how come God love my sister that much?against all old she got pregnant n deliver safely. she was looking 4 a child. she base in sweden. she went for general exam to know d cause of her barrines n d doctor said her tubes were block, her hormones high n she hav fibroid dat there is no way she can get pregnat even if she operate d fibroid . in as much as her tube were block she cant get pregnant. she was thinking of suicide n i told her how she wil feel staying in hellfire for enternity should she kill herself.just 4 months after going 4 control , she got pregnant n deliver through operation. now hav operate d fibroid n she is pregnant again wit twins. my sister was a sinner . but God lov her sooooo much. she is now born again.

  13. mercy

    June 25, 2014 at 6:19 AM

    she call me every day thinking me 4 advising her against suicide, wen she told our Brother, he told her to kill herself dat living wit out achild of her own is like living without a life, infact he make her a laughing stock caling her a man

  14. Princess BB

    June 25, 2014 at 6:46 AM

    Children are the heritage of God, no man can give anybody child, she should have use that money and invest in the house of God.

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