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I Want To Die In The Lagoon Tshirts Now On Sale: Oba Akinolu Gives Alaba Boys Business Ideas

i want to die in the lagoon

April 9, 2015 – I Want To Die In The Lagoon Tshirts Now On Sale: Oba Akinolu Gives Alaba Boys Business Ideas..LOL

Just like Oga on top and Only U Waka come, another viral slogan is set to break the internet in Nigeria.

A man was spotted rocking  the above tshirt with the message ‘I wan to die in the lagoon’.

This is a response to Lagos monarch Rilwan Akiolu’s threat against the Igbos living in Lagos.

Business ideas don land… trust smart Alaba boys to make good use of it. #Igbo kwenu

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  1. Irabor Joseph

    April 9, 2015 at 3:01 PM

    my brothers watch out what u wished for. Many of u will like drown on that day. Word has powers. I will never put on this evil shirt

  2. Roland

    April 9, 2015 at 3:15 PM

    Truth be said . Most Ibo people are stubborn and clearly lack reasoning . The Oba spoke with anger and was partially wrong for cursing but any smart person would respond responsibly .

  3. Chika Agwu

    April 9, 2015 at 3:18 PM

    becareful what you wish for my brother

  4. AYO

    April 9, 2015 at 3:59 PM

    Igbos in Lagos must be careful of ante-Igbo sentiment in Lagos, there are not other Nigerian tribes doing business in Igboland as to attract retaliatory actions and so Igbos must act responsibly and behave like responsible guests in Lagos. Igbos were forced into homeward exodus in Nigerian history in the past and should not be deluded it may never happen again. If you are a guest in someone else’s home; you don’t dictate how he runs his affairs. Igbos must watch their utterances and behave responsibly. Question is, will Igbos allow political infiltrations by immigrant tribes in their South Eastern States backyard.???

    • Lagosian

      April 9, 2015 at 5:53 PM

      @Ayo,I share ur sentiments and absolutely agree with U-that these ingrates ;from the East,are insulting and biting the fingers that feeds them.
      The question is how many Yorubas or non Igbo indigenes can actually hold a political post from where they come from?
      Igbos seem to have forgotten that their forefathers migrated to Lagos via their very inherent normadic tendencies.Thus all of U ought to be very grateful to your host states,and if anyone amongst U are not happy ,U should peacefully return to ur states.Its NOT by force that U have to live in Lagos state.Ingrates!!!!!!

    • omo jesu

      April 9, 2015 at 6:36 PM

      Ayo u are a big ****…..****,**** human being like u!

    • Cg

      April 9, 2015 at 10:02 PM

      Ayo, All you need is quality education.

  5. spot 1

    April 9, 2015 at 4:03 PM

    He have the right to express his feelings. the so called Oba should know that people are not intimidate by him.

  6. susan

    April 9, 2015 at 5:53 PM

    The old man is foolish nothing will happen 2 them in JESUS name who does he think he is? Is it only ibos that are vistors in other state are yurobas not vistors in most of the northern state in nigeria who force them 2 vote by force? U guys should be honest wat that old man said was wrong and the ibos have every right 2 say their mind there is nothhing like vistors we are all nigerians

  7. Bankole Jones

    April 9, 2015 at 6:13 PM

    Igbos are few people in Lagos, If at all the Igbos in Lagos voted for Agbaje, He can’t win, He can’t defeat Akinwunmi Ambode/APC. Never. So the igbos should know what they are doing, bcos, if they really fail to vote for ruling party and their preferred candidate called Agbaje/PDP failed to win like Jonathan failed t win in Lagos and in Nigeria at large, Then, They would eventually for the price. That is all.

  8. Bitter Pills

    April 9, 2015 at 6:41 PM

    AYO ,as named called,bear in mind that Lagos belongs to all Nigrians and so there should be no treat to any group or individual,The ibo guys are doing fine in their business and making Lagos commerciable.We know our Obas as royal fathers but now to have turned themselves to a politician is unbelievable.allow people to vote according to their conscience.My advice to the Ibos is that Lagos Loves just go peacefully with your business.God Bless Nigeria.

  9. chavo

    April 9, 2015 at 8:08 PM

    Mr. Ayo I can’t believe that at your age you can’t think straight forward,GOSH your post irritate me because its *****,baseless and *****…grow up boy.

  10. Pengulata

    April 9, 2015 at 9:47 PM

    I think we are taking this issue too far. Lagos is own by this tribe and not that. We forgot so soon that Lagos was the capital of Nigeria until the resent past. When it was the capital then it belonged to all of us and I believe that it forever the cosmopolitan city of our great country, Nigeria. The Government of Nigeria spent all that she had to keep all us as one then, all that was ment for Nigerins was established in Lagos for all Nigerians. Therefor, for any group wanting to claim Lagos as their own will have a lot to refund other tribes who have co- owned it for decades before the capital shifted to Abuja. Who knows May be in time to come the Hausas will say the FCT, Abuja belongs to them.
    Finally, the two contestants for APC/PDP are both Yorubas, why bringing The Ibo into the matter or is a case of giving the dog a bad name in other to hang it? I think Ambon was leading before this time until the Oba try to mess it up.

    • AYO

      April 9, 2015 at 11:59 PM

      Pengulata pls. make no mistake Lagos belong to all Nigerians because resources of the state was spent to build Lagos. The territory called Lagos today had its indeginous inhabitants just like other parts of Nigeria that include the Igboland, long before the amalgamations of the pre-colonial Slave Coast and now Nigeria. The Igboland equally had its fair share of Federal Infrastructural developments, as well as the northern corridors of the country. If the Igbos choose to abandon their home states for greener pastures in Lagos, Kano, Kaduna, Ibadan etc; its for them to do a self assessment on how they came to be normards in their own country and should stop contesting the Yorubas for tgeir land. Abuja remains the only statutory territory unquestionably belonging to every Nigerians and where the Igbos can lay claim to equal ownership if they choose and, certainly not Lagos because nobody can contest who owns Onitsha, Owerri, Enugu etc. as not belonging to the Igbos. The City of London is a cosmopolitan Capital of the UK, inhabited by millions of Asians, Africans, Carribeans, Indians doing all manner of businesses for centuries; does the city of London siezes to belong to the English people.? Igbos must learn to own-up to their failures as a tribe and try to restructure their orientation by limiting the high rate of migrations of their youth to everywhere else rather than staying home to develop Igblamd.

  11. OmoKehinde

    April 9, 2015 at 10:58 PM

    I think what Oba Akinolu said to Igbo people at his palace was wrong, undemocratic, highly offensive, and very insensitive. As a reputable king and fmr commissioner of police, his main responsibility is to promote peaceful relationship among all the residents of Lagos State regardless of their tribes, faith, language, and culture. The Ndigbo living in Lagos state have every right to be angry at the king comment, but it will be ungodly to direct their anger at the APC governorship candidate in Lagos state. The king statement should be condemned by all Yorubas because it is very divisive, racist comment, and intimidating in nature. All other tribes come to Yoruba land of Lagos, Ibadan, Akure,etc because of our religious tolerance, respect for other people, hospitality, and security. Oba Akinolu comment does not promote any of those Yoruba principles. However, I also think that it will be peak of injustice for the Ndigbo living in Lagos state to punish candidate Ambode of APC for the sin or wrong doing of the king. The Igbo should look at the governing records of Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu and governor Fashola toward their course, busineses, and their general advancement in Lagos for the past 16 years. Gov. Fashola of APC is the first governor in the entire nation that appointed Igbo man from another tribe as the commissioner of finance for almost 8 years in office. In addition to that, I know many Ndigbo working in various Lagos state ministries under Fashola and Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu administrations. I think that it will not be wise for Ndigbo to punish an innocent man at the voting booths on Saturday and reverse the progress, achievements, and development we’ve been enjoying and benefiting from APC administration in the last 16 years. Personally, I think Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, candidate Ambode, and great Ndigbo leaders in Lagos should do some damage control campaign to reassure the Ndigbo living in Lagos that their safety, busineses, and liberty will be protected regardless of their voting pattern. Igbo kuanu! It will be wise for you people,the Yorubas, Hause, and hundreds of other ethnic groups currently living in Lagos to vote right on Saturday based on the Candidate’s Competence, Characters, Visions, and ideas to move Lagos state forward. As for me and my household, we will cast our precious votes for candidate Ambode Akinwumi of APC for continuality. To Igbo brothers and sisters, please don’t allow PDP candidate to take advantage of the Oba’s insensitive comment to cajole you in voting for people that don’t care about your welfare in Lagos Or Else Where In The Nation. Sai Nigeria, Sai Buhari, Sai Lagos, Sai Ambode, Sai Ndigbo.


    April 10, 2015 at 4:07 AM

    @Omokehinde now i know that u are not tribalistic, thanks for calling a spade a spade, i save my coment for now.

  13. Lagosian

    April 10, 2015 at 5:30 AM

    May the wishes of all those wearing this T-shirt and the inscription on it be their portion, Amin.
    As for the Ndigbos wanting to vote for their candidate; try U will. But U will all fail eventually. That was how 90% of Igbos voted for Jonathan, but “Baba-God” said no to U people.
    So two things played out here during the election ;
    (1)U people voted Jonathan because U all wanted the corrupt government of Jonathan to continue so that you will continue in ur corrupt ways.
    (2)Second reason; u all voted PDP and Jonathan ,was because U didn’t want a Hausa man and a Yoruba man has the deputy to rule over U:so tell me is that NOT tribalistic ?

    I’m very much aware now U want to vote a fellow Ibo -man power in Lagos state so has to protect your interest and corrupt ways; well that is a dream that will never come to pass.When U wake up on the 12th of April,u will all know it was all a dream after all…that is if some of U have not jumped into the Lagoon.
    Question for the Igbos;can any of U guys vote for a Yoruba man in any South Eastern states of Nigeria?
    Please be honest with urselves;your answers will determine if we are one Nigeria or NOT.Ewu!! people like U!

  14. Call a spade a spade

    April 10, 2015 at 1:21 PM

    Dear All, It is a pity that someone who called himself a father could talk like that Oba and people are out there trying to justify the rubbish he said. Ayo, forget senHtiment and be honest with yourself, do you honestly think what that Oba said is right? Do you think Lagos would have been what it is today if not for the collective effort of all Nigerians? Don’t be stupid and naive, imagine if all the yoruba in UK was asked to vote for a particular person or they will be sent into the ocean, how ill you feel? Beside there is one Nigerian elected as a counselor recently, what are you saying? I think before anyone comment here, he or she should go listen to that statement of that Oba before making any comment so that we all as Nigerians should start calling a spade a spae for our groth and development. Enough is Enough and is time we Nigerians stop letting this so called leaders that doesn’t merit even a follower to ditate for us.

  15. sharton

    April 10, 2015 at 4:58 PM

    Nawaoo 4 na naija people.

  16. sharton

    April 10, 2015 at 5:02 PM

    I mean nawaoo 4 naija people.

  17. Wani25

    April 10, 2015 at 8:32 PM

    This One Is Just D Beggining Another Tshirt Is Coming Soon Which Bears D Oba Must Die In Lagoon.

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