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Kaduna Bomber’s Mum Cries Out “My Son Is Possessed By Evil Spirit, He Dresses Like A Woman”

buhari convoy bomber innocent

July 31, 2014 – Kaduna Bomber’s Mother Cries Out “My Son Is Possessed By Evil Spirit, He Dresses Like A Woman”

The mother of the man accused by the military of masterminding last week’s suicide car blast in Kawo, Kaduna says her son is innocent.

Mansir Yusuf, male who was dressed in a woman dress was arrested shortly after the blast on Wednesday. The blast targeted the convoy of former Head of State, General Muhammadu Buhari. The military issued a statement accusing Yusuf of being behind the attack.

The suspect’s mother, Zubeida Yusuf who lives in Mando, Kaduna said the military mistook her son for terror because he was found wearing female clothes. She said her son was under demonic attack which made him to act strangely and became fond of women’s dress.

Yusuf was wearing long robe and head cover and carrying a hand bag when he was arrested. He was severely beaten and stabbed with knife by a mob before he was picked up by soldiers.

“My son is not a terrorist. What is wrong with him is an evil spiritual attack which is making him to prefer women’s clothing and to act as one who is mentally retarded. Everyone in Mando knows that he only has a spiritual condition that is making him to act strangely.
“He often dresses normal from home, but whenever he gets to an uncompleted building, he would go in and change to the female clothes. He usually carries his bag. He has been taken to the Village Head several times and has been flogged in the hope to cast away the spirits, but the spirits have remained and have continued to torment him,” Zubeida told Daily Trust.

According to her, they were at home on Wednesday when they heard of the bomb blast in Kawo and people were running there. “My son said he was going there too and I told him to stay at home. But he sneaked out, and as usual he carried his bag with woman clothes and mobile phones.”

She said she later heard that her son had been killed and later that he was arrested by the military.

Zubeida challeged the government and everyone to come to Aminu Kano Street in Mando and ask of Mansir Yusuf, saying “they all know him and know his spiritual challenges for years.”

An elderly man in Mando said the suspect was actually under spiritual attack.

“We have even suggested several treatment options to the family which I am sure they have commenced. But his case is purely a spiritual attack,” he said.

The suspect’s elder brother Ibrahim Yusuf said “the spirits making my brother to misbehave strangely have hindered him from doing any work to earn a living except the desire for wearing female clothes.”

A resident of Kawo, Sirajo Suleiman said Yusuf was not found with any explosives apart from some mobile phones and clothes.

Hassan Mai Shayi who stays in Kawo and knew the suspect said, “I heard that the mastermind of the blast has been caught but before I could go and see him another person told me that the suspect is a mentally retarded boy from Mando and that nothing was found on him.”

Double wahala for dead body!!!!

[Reported By Daily Trust]



  1. bezo

    July 31, 2014 at 7:26 PM

    Let the devil that lead him guide him, case close

  2. hate islam

    July 31, 2014 at 8:50 PM

    y can,t u just admit d truth dat ur son is gay, or er u scared of ur son spending 14yrs in prison? better say d truth b4 is too late cus dey already mistook him 4 suicide bomber like his fellow muslim

  3. iron bar

    August 1, 2014 at 12:34 AM

    possess wetin?spare us those rubbish…we don’t want someone to blow up the community…keep him behind bars //abeg


      August 1, 2014 at 1:54 AM

      can keeping him behind bars as mad boy solve the problem? remember the real BH are jailed or killed but the situation deterioting pray to almighty god with single clean mind & see wonders forget govertment & politician. IRON BARS

  4. sharton

    August 1, 2014 at 12:50 AM

    if he dresses like a girl very time which means he’s a gay.


    August 1, 2014 at 1:44 AM

    HATE ISLAM means hate peace & every religion dat folow holy books like peace except pple like BH & some dat c anytin gud in deir activities & insulting somone religion is cal 4 chaos every peace lova know this doing dis wil not attract pple to ur religion


    August 1, 2014 at 2:02 AM

    some insinuation says its the general that plan the attack on his self dispite the fact that the general fight for unity of your country. while the accuser was ex-militant leader that his history shows how he betrayed his country for forairgners too much.

  7. D Hunter

    August 1, 2014 at 1:15 PM

    Danzaki or Danbera, point of correction, 1st. Thr is notin lk almighty god but Almighty God wt capital letter “G“ & dats d Christian‘s God.
    Any oda deity apart 4rm dat is a “god or gods“ n among dese dis is no Almighty or compare 2 d only 1 2ru God which is JEHOVAH EL-SHADDAI, d creator of Heaven & Earth, d Christian‘s GOD.
    2ndly, one of d most falacious statement eva told in d history of Man of which u‘re a strong crusader is…“islam is d religion of peace“ yes, religion of peace indeed by slashing innocent pple‘s throats, killn dem in dia sleep, throw IEDs @ dia houses n rendern dem homeless in dia own fada‘s land, kidnappn dia children @ sch esp gilrs n turning dem 2 sex slaves in a secluded place n later suicide bombers under duress, attackn dem @ dia places of worship n shootn sporadically @ any who trys 2 escape, telln all n sundry dat they r 4 peace wt 2 sharp swords crossed as dia symbol etc…
    I c d peace ur religion represent, i rily do. Mtwwwwww RUBBISH!!!


      August 1, 2014 at 5:25 PM

      D Hunter or Danbera the issue of grammar and punctuation is dosing matter in social network beside some responses or comments where done on the go, unlike reporter or editor of the original story. so you mean all this you mention are the Islam religion and you think this people a representing Islam or Muslim. let put it to you Islam did not accept killing of innocent people, elderly armless, women, children killing fellow Muslim. on two sharp sword crossed symbol is not a Islam Symbol just as cross is not Christian symbol remember Qur’an did not have illustration, art or picture the bible did not say christian should use cross as their symbol. The holy Qur’an preach peace Islam means peace and i challenge you did this terrorist not attack and kill Muslims or did you hear anywhere that the Muslims people killed non Muslim even if he/she come alone to their territory or did see or had killing and bombing of innocent people, elderly armless, women, children killing fellow Muslim in their holy book. both Muslims and christian suffer in the hand of this terrorist of your country besides if mean that what the antibaleka a doing in Central Africa is Christianity or the Bombing and killing of innocent elderly armless, women and children by Israel and American planes in Palestine, Afghanistan persecution of Muslims in Burma Myanmar and other places in the world and attempted murder of sheik Dahiru Bauchi, late Emir of Kano Ado Bayero and killing of Emir of Gwoza is Christianity. D Hunter think with passion and wise mind don’t be inhuman. and did the religion practicing accept or permit insulting other religion?

  8. k

    August 1, 2014 at 9:00 PM

    islam kind of peace is bombing n killing innocent civilians.marrying off dia daughters as young as 7yrs to a man as old as 50yrs

  9. D Hunter

    August 2, 2014 at 6:25 AM

    Danzaki/Danbera, 4rm d 1st paragaph of ur reply 2 my comment, i‘ve known whr u rtly belong. A “RELIGIOUS FANATIC“ dats who u re, n as such, I hv no business wastn my precious tym arguing with u bcz u hv bin completely brainwashed 2 blv in falsehood n jeopadized ur soul 4 eternity, wat a pity dat even tho u‘re alive physically bt dead spiritually as u allowed urslf 2 wallow in ignorance n blindness dat u cant differncia8 btwn a cult & Religion.
    Naijagists shld as a matter of fact screen out all these boko Rams & Goats on dis site disguisn themselves as contributors preachn falacy. Whom afta killn ur mom or dad, sis or bro, renda many orphans, widows or widowers, still wnt 2 4ce it down on u 2 accept dat they represent peace. Baldderdash!

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